Wednesday, March 25, 2015

18 Week Pregnancy Blog

Written on Monday August 11, 2014

Wow, I can't believe I am almost half way done with this pregnancy! It went by slowly at first, but now it is flying by. I'm SO excited to meet our sweet baby. I can't even put it into words, but I long for the day when we meet face-to-face :) I've honestly felt great so far and consider myself very lucky. If all my pregnancies are like this, then I may have 4 kids after all. ;) I'm definitely nervous thinking about all that is to come and how my life is going to change so drastically, but I know it will be so fulfilling and rewarding.

How far along? 18 weeks 4 days

Baby:  Head to rump, the baby is about 5.5 inches long and weighs almost 7 ounces (the size of a bell pepper or sweet potato). Peanut is busy flexing its arms and legs— movements that I'll start noticing more and more in the weeks ahead. If I'm having a girl, her uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place. If I'm having a boy, his genitals are noticeable now.                  
Total Weight Gain: This week I am fluctuating between a 6-8 lb. weight gain . I'm kind of all over the board and it all depends on what I eat from day to day and how late I eat as to what my weight is the next morning. I'm still eating healthy for the most part, but I have my splurge days. I'm definitely not going crazy with the eating though and am trying to eat proportionally even if it's not as healthy.

Maternity Clothes: My bump is growing and the maternity clothes are becoming more common in my wardrobe. I can't wear everything I used to and have to take the time to find outfits that fit my correctly. My bump is still small, but is growing!

Stretch Marks: I have been doing well at using my stretch mark creams and oils in the mornings and at night. I feel very moisturized, so I hope this is helping with prevention! I have developed quite a collection of creams, lotions, and oils that will hopefully last me a long time!
Sleep: Last week was rough. I wasn't getting enough sleep and was somewhat miserable. I am tired much more often and really have to make sure I'm getting enough sleep. I caught up on some sleep this weekend and am hoping to get to bed on time all week, so that I will be a happier pregnant lady! I tend to get emotional and cranky when I'm exhausted.

Miss Anything? I'm still enjoying pregnancy a lot, but I do miss having energy. I'm always so sleepy!

Best Moment of the Week: Making more progress on the baby furniture and enjoying time together before Josh started school. Josh and I also had the opportunity to watch a friend's 1 year old son this week and I really enjoyed it. I was tired by the end because he was constantly on the move, but it was so fun for me to see Josh and I spending the evening together with a baby. Kind of like a preview of what is to come :) Plus Josh is awesome with kids and really helped out while the baby was over which made me excited to see him as a daddy!

Movement: I'm still dying to feel movement and don't think it's happened yet for me. I know it can take some women longer than others to feel it especially being a first-time mom. I am very excited for the day when I can feel the baby!

Food Cravings: Still nothing specific. I am LOVING sweets again, but I have always had a sweet tooth so this isn't too out of the ordinary. I do find myself craving sweets though. I am still liking savory food too and found myself loving a hamburger I had for dinner last night. For some reason, I found it to be delicious! I think I just like food in general :) Still no food aversions.

Anything making you queasy or sick? No.

Gender: I am very up in the air. The first trimester, I felt like it was definitely a boy. But now, I'm torn. It could definitely go either way!

Symptoms: This week my symptoms were mild but included acne, tiredness, and a growing belly! I'm still moody and emotional. Boobs have been slightly hurting again and I had some mild round ligament pain this week. The only other new symptom is that I've actually started feeling pregnant recently. My tummy is growing and I can feel more and more pressure down there. It's a little harder to move around, get up, and bend over. Obviously it's nothing as of yet, but I am noticing the belly more and more as I go about my day.

Happy or moody: Moody but also having happy moments!

Looking forward to: The anatomy scan in 1 week! Can't wait to see how the baby has grown and if its on track with its due date. Also, picking out the nursery room color soon!

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