Monday, January 30, 2017

Grayson's 2 Year Update!

It doesn't even seem possible that my baby boy is 2 years old! These 2 years have seriously flown by and I've loved every minute of it. I haven't done an update on Grayson since he was 18 months old and thought this 2 year milestone was a great time to write another update on everything going on in his world. We love him so much and can't wait to see what this year will bring!

Height and Weight: At Grayson's 2 year check up, he was 27 lbs. 14 oz. and 33.7 inches tall. He was right at the 50th percentile for both categories which was exciting. Grayson hasn't been weighed or measured since his 18 month check, so I had no idea what to expect. He's always been on the small side and he isn't the best eater, so it's encouraging to know that he's growing like he should be and he isn't too shrimpy! (Sorry Gray, you've got small parents! Haha.) Grayson has gained 4 lbs. and grown 1.7 inches since July. He has always been a size behind on pants, but he currently fits in the correct size (24 months and 2T), so I had a feeling he had caught up! He did much better than I expected at the doctor's office. Grayson had to get a finger prick to start off, then height and weight, then checked by the doctor and lastly shots. He wasn't happy during each of those parts, but was as happy as could be in between. He can be quite dramatic, but recovered really quickly after each "traumatizing" event. He kept telling me, "I brave!" and he was! After Grayson's shots, he asked mommy to kiss his leg and then asked for a hug and for mommy to carry him. Poor little dude!

Eating: Grayson's eating habits are still all over the board! Anyone who has followed his updates will know that he's never been a wonderful eater. It really just depends on the day! Eating is definitely more of a necessity to him than an enjoyable activity. (I'm not quite sure how he's my kid!) Right before he turned 2, his eating wasn't going so well, but recently, he is back to eating much more. I honestly think he is so active and engaged in his surroundings that eating is a pain to him. He doesn't want to take a break from the fun! That being said, he is also so active that he is starting to really get hungry and require more food to keep his energy up. I have never said he was picky but moody and that still holds true. Some meals he eats like a champ and other times, he is just uninterested. One day he will love grapes and the next day, he can't stand them. I don't buy anything in bulk for that reason! Ha! I've heard that with toddlers, you have to almost take it week by week instead of day by day. If you look at what they eat in a week, it will typically balance out - some days they eat more and some days they hardly eat at all. But overall, each week they balance out and I believe that's true at least for Grayson. He does love typical kid food -- chicken nuggets (with ketchup!), hot dogs, gold fish, french fries, pizza, and puffs, but he also loves grapes, strawberries, apples, beans, sandwiches, hamburgers, green smoothies, cereal, yogurt, and spaghetti. Chips and salsa (he insists on dipping them in there), popsicles, and fruit snacks as his "guilty pleasures". Yes, I believe in balance, even for children. Bread and milk is still his jam. The boy loves carbs (a plain piece of bread is exciting to him) and a glass of milk. Chick-Fil-A chicken nuggets are a real treat for him and he demolishes them every time! He isn't always willing to try new foods, but when he does, he usually likes them. He is definitely a texture person which is something I'm learning to be patient about. I will eat pretty much anything, so it's hard for me to relate, but if it has a mushy or weird texture, Grayson will automatically spit it out. Overall, he is eating more and more and becoming more open to trying new things. We've been trying to make a bigger effort to sit down and eat together as a family at the dinner table and that also helps a lot. Grayson is automatically drawn to whatever mommy and daddy are eating! He also says a blessing before the meal which I love.

Sleeping: Although Grayson didn't sleep through the night until he was a year old, he has slept like a champ since! He rarely wakes up during the night and if he does, he goes right back to sleep after drinking some milk. He has done well with all the changes he's endured including moving and adding a baby sister to the mix. It took about a week for him to start sleeping normally again after we moved and he also went through a time of waking more often during the night after Emerson was born. Thankfully, that didn't last long. He takes 1 nap a day right now typically for about 2 hours in the afternoon. He definitely isn't to the point of cutting that nap any time soon, but he is much less dependent on it and can do much longer into the day before he needs a nap. There have been a few times where he will take a cat nap in the car and that's all he needs for the day. He is embracing sleep a lot more now and will tell us if he's tired and ready to go to bed. Can't argue with that! ;) He knows the routine at this point, so that really helps. For a while, he was going through a phase where he wouldn't immediately fall asleep and then he would call out for mommy over and over again. Thankfully, that passed! He doesn't immediately go to sleep every night, but he knows it's bedtime and just lays in his crib instead of fighting it. Grayson is still in a crib as of now. He sleeps really well in a crib and we aren't ready to rock the boat yet, especially since Emerson is still up during the night. Grayson is also learning about fear and his imagination is beginning to really be active, so he has experienced "bad dreams" in the past few months where he wakes up screaming and afraid. It was really sad at first, but now we've talked about it more with him and he's more calm about it. He tells me, "I have bad dream, mommy!", but then he says, "I'm not scared, I'm brave!". It really helps that we can start explaining things to him and he understands a lot of it! Grayson goes to bed around 9pm and wakes up between 7a-8:30a.

Clothes: Like I said, Grayson is in 24 months and 2T clothing right now. He is still wearing a size 5 diaper. He also wears a size 6-7 in toddler shoes. 

Mood: Oh golly, I could say so much about this! Haha. Since birth, Grayson has been very emotion driven and moody. He can be thrilled one second and on the floor crying the next. He has always been extreme in this department and that has only continued into toddlerhood. It's a combination of Grayson's personality, going through the "terrible two's", and being jealous of his sister/wanting more of our attention, that have made his mood quite unpredictable. He still has the best laugh ever and will laugh hysterically at anything and everything. He literally cracks himself up which I love. He can be so happy and interested in something, but if something doesn't go his way, then a meltdown typically occurs. Although he is getting better at understanding things which helps a lot and he is starting to catch on to the rules. He is very smart and extremely verbal which is wonderful, but he also knows what's going on and understands a lot. You can't get anything past him these days. He has a very specific picture in his head of how he wants things to be -- the blue truck needs to be here, my blocks need to be here, and Emerson needs to be in this corner -- and if things aren't the exact way he wants them, he gets upset. He has never been a go-with-the-flow kid and still isn't. He is still so fun though. He is energetic and all boy! Grayson is so adventurous these days and always into something. 

Grayson is so much fun and so smart these days! He talks like a champ and is so silly!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Emerson's 5 Month Update!

I'm back for another baby update! I'm not going to lie, this month I've struggled to actually sit down and write this thing! (I'm also working on Grayson's 2 year old update. I really wanted to get that written down for my own keepsakes and memories. It should be published soon!) Life is so busy with two active little ones and my spare time is quite limited. But it's so important to me that I document this time of Emerson's life because let's be honest, between the sleep deprivation, quick paced days, and the fact that my mommy brain is taking over, am I going to remember all these details years from now?! Haha. For some reason, Emerson turning 5 months old was tough for me! The first few months seemed long in a way just because she still seemed so tiny and I was adjusting to life with two kids. But this month, Emerson has truly blossomed into a little girl with opinions, new milestones, and a lot more awareness. She's a little person now and it's taken me by surprise. Next month, she will be half a year old and that just seems shocking! I feel like I'm still pregnant with her in some ways and here she is, growing up on me! This month has been so much fun as Emerson is growing and learning new things every day. She is such a joy and such a presence in our family now. I love it! Here's a little bit about our 5 month old:

Height and Weight: I'm not sure about her height, but she is around 13 lbs. now. I weighed her on our scale recently and she's definitely in the 13-13.5 lb. range. She's getting chunkier and has more rolls than ever now. I absolutely love it! She's still on the small side for her age, but she's very healthy and growing beautifully. Being that Emerson was born at 5 lbs. 8 oz. and that she was so tiny for so long, I feel so proud that she's a healthy, growing girl now. I was so worried about her weight during my pregnancy and for those first few months, that I feel such a sense of relief when I see our little chunk nowadays! She's feeling heavier too -- still getting my workout in!

Sooo happy!

Sleep: I'll fully admit that a part of me thinks I stink at training kids to sleep! My first born didn't sleep through the night until he was a year old and Emerson is following in his footsteps. Emerson wakes up twice a night pretty consistently. Once in a while, she will wake up once a night, but usually she's up every 3-4 hours. She sleeps like a newborn, so that's really tough for me. The sleep deprivation just keeps building and there are days where it's a major struggle. I'm just plain exhausted. Grayson has been struggling to go to bed at night and sometimes he wakes up during the night. He wakes up about an hour before Emerson each morning and only about 2 hours after Emerson's last feeding. I'm basically up 2-3 times in an 8 hour period each night, so again, I have had my cranky moments this month as the lack of sleep is wearing on me. Emerson takes 3 naps a day (a short morning nap, a long afternoon nap, and a short early evening nap) and we are really trying to limit those. She has been napping during Grayson's afternoon nap, so that's awesome! I love my kids, but there's no feeling like them both being asleep at the same time! Such an accomplishment! Haha. Emerson is still sleeping in her crib and is still swaddled. She sleeps in her swing for most naps and she also sleeps during most car rides. I've been trying to let her self-soothe a little more at night, but unfortunately she just cries louder and wakes up more. I'm still feeding her when she wakes up just because it puts her right back to sleep and I'm desperate for that. I've been pretty lax about sleep training her, but that may change soon. Anyways, not trying to complain, but this department has some definite room for improvement next month! :D 

Eating: The big news with eating this month is that Emerson is now eating solids! I debated waiting until 6 months to introduce solids because my doctor said that's what is recommended these days. But ironically, I started her on solids slightly earlier than I did with Grayson. She was nursing all the time and just seemed like she needed more. Emerson is still breastfed and that's going really well. She still eats every 2-3 hours despite the fact that she's also eating solids. I think she's just a growing girl coupled with the fact that she loves to comfort nurse. Exclusively breastfeeding is hard. but so worth it to me! I know it's just for a short time, so I try to remember that on the days where I feel like she's attached to my boob (just being honest here!). Emerson seems to like solids! At first, she was a major fan, but after 2 weeks, she's a little less into it. It definitely depends on her mood. If she's fussy, solids are just going to make it worse. I try to catch her in a good mood and we are still in the introduction phase, so once she's over it, I stop and we try again later. She's eating solids 1-2 times a day and her favorite so far is banana. She's also tried avocado, pumpkin, squash, green beans, and prunes. Emerson is the messiest eater and would really prefer just to chomp on her messy hands, the bib, and the spoon rather than the actual food. It's fun to start this new phase with her though!

Clothes: Emerson is in a size 3 diaper and still in size 3-6 month clothing. She fills it all out very well now!

Mood: This has probably been one of the biggest game changers this month! Emerson is still a very happy and relaxed baby, but she's much more opinionated and moody this month! She is much more vocal about when she doesn't like something and she will crack up laughing and smile so big when she's a fan of something. She's just showing us her personality and likes/dislikes so much more. Emerson has started to struggle going to other people a little more and is definitely a mama's girl. If she's fussy with someone else, she immediately stops when I take her. Difficult at times, but so sweet! She's getting to that phase where she can't be in a quiet environment anymore and I've started leaving her in the nursery at church more often. She will fuss, be noisy, and wants to be walked around the entire service. I remember that time period with Grayson too. Realizing that they will no longer just sit there quietly -- the newborn days are over!  Emerson is such a smiley and snuggley baby. She loves to snuggle and be held and carried around and I love cuddling her! Emerson likes to bury her head into your chest to where it appears like she can hardly breathe, but it's her favorite. She likes to be close to us. She's not very independent, but loves to be with mommy, daddy, and big brother. I call her my "Velcro baby" because if she had her way, she would be attached to mommy all day long. She is getting much more active though! She loves to bounce up and down on your leg like a crazy person and is moving so much more now! That being said, she also likes to observe and just watch what's going on. She's more aware and observant and everything is interesting to her right now! The biggest change is that she is now reacting to her surroundings. She will go after what she wants and is constantly reaching for things. She notices so much more and constantly has an intrigued look on her face trying to figure things out. And like I said, she lets you know when she isn't happy! She can bring the drama if need be, but she rarely does. She is still very easy to soothe and loves being walked around and in motion. I love seeing her little personality develop!

Milestones: Emerson rolled over from belly to back once this month and still hasn't rolled over from back to belly. I've stressed a lot about this, but I can see her getting so much stronger during tummy time. She holds her head up high and she can maneuver herself to whatever toy she wants. She definitely can't crawl, but she can scoot and turn herself to get whatever toy she wants. I believe she is strong enough to roll over, but she has absolutely no desire to do it. That being said, she is now sitting up! Grayson was an earlier "sitter-upper" too and it's actually one of my favorite milestones. It makes life so much easier when you can just sit them down and they can play sitting up. She's still learning and getting her strength, but she can now sit up for long periods of time on her own and I love it! When Emerson is laying on her back, she lifts her head completely off the ground. She hasn't figured out the rolling part on her back at all, but I see her neck getting stronger and stronger. Emerson has started playing in her exersaucer and she really likes that. She loves to stand and put all her weight on her legs and she's getting pretty good at it. She's great at reaching for toys and getting what she wants. She is now officially what I call a "hip baby" meaning I can carry her around on my hip without worrying about her head or body flopping, so her head control is great! She is also much better about recognizing us from a long distance. She sees us from farther us and smiles and gets excited. Emerson is also big enough to ride in the regular stroller now (without the car seat), so that's been fun! Last month, I swore she was getting a tooth, She was drooling, chewing on everything, and seemed to be in pain. This month has been the same, but no tooth! The constant chewing is crazy though -- she shoves everything in her mouth and gnaws like a rabid animal. Ha! Emerson's tear ducts are officially not clogged any more which is a huge blessing! No more gunk in her eyes and she has such big, beautiful, opened eyes now. Emerson is very ticklish now and loves to be tickled! Her hair is also long enough to be put into pigtails which was very exciting for me. I love doing her hair -- she has SO much of it!

Loves: Emerson loves being held, nursing, and cuddling, but she also loves to play, chew her toys, and watch her big brother and puppy. She absolutely adores Grayson and Cedric and thinks they are the funniest thing ever. She laughs at Grayson constantly and is always watching what he's doing. She loves holding her stuffed animals and dolls. Emerson loves moving around, being in motion, and being walked around the house or outside. She loves funny faces and songs. She likes when mommy dances and sings and acts silly. She also reacts to "peek-a-boo" now. Emerson loves to suck on her hands and lip and she is always seen with her tongue sticking out. But she hasn't taken a paci in months. She loves to bounce herself up and down really quickly. She also loves being thrown in the air -- not too high, I promise! But she smiles so big when I do it! Emerson loves watching other kids play and really enjoys Grayson's music class and coming to story time at the library with us. I used to go solely for Grayson, but now both the kids enjoy it! She loves to sleep in our bed (very rare treat, but she sleeps so hard!) and cuddle with her daddy. Bath time is still a favorite for Emerson. She loves to splash and chew on the bath toys. Emerson still likes to watch tv -- the sounds and colors amaze her. She loves to grab at anything and everything especially mommy's hair. She has a very strong grip!

Dislikes: Emerson doesn't like being left alone or being put in her car seat.

Mommy Update: This month was easier and harder in different ways. Emerson is getting older, so she is easier and harder to handle at the same time. She has more needs and wants, but she can also play on her own more and play with Grayson, so that's a big help! With every age, there are new challenges and now that Emerson is at a new age, we are learning how to handle the new challenges, as well as, enjoying the new fun parts. December/early January is a big time for our family. We have Christmas, lots of church stuff especially being that Josh is a pastor, New Year's, Grayson's birthday, and our wedding anniversary. It was all amazing, but a part of me was happy to get back to routine and for things to calm down a little. Traveling with kids and getting them out of their routine is tough! It was all really fun, but I'm happy everything is back to normal now. I've also just been trying to slow down and cherish each moment with my kids. I see how quickly they are growing and I'm constantly reminded to enjoy these days and take them in. It can be a hard phase of life, but I'm learning to see the beauty in it. Despite the difficulties, I absolutely love these days of my life. I love being home with my kids and getting to do life with them each day. It won't be like this forever and I am trying to be better about putting my phone down, not complaining, and just enjoying each moment. In my opinion, I have the best job in the world!

Thing I Want to Remember:

Christmas --  This year marked Emerson's first Christmas! I'm not going to lie, she slept for the majority of it! Haha. But it was really fun having her around for all of our family traditions.