Monday, September 28, 2015

My Stewardship Journey

Every year my church has a month dedicated to talking about Stewardship. Stewardship is (by definition) an ethic that embodies the responsible planning and management of resources. In short, how have you chosen to manage what God has given you? Each Sunday, a family shares their Stewardship Journey, and at the end of the month, we have a time where we pledge what we will give to the church the upcoming year. Each year as different people share their testimony of giving, I always think of how I also have a story. I'm not one who loves to publicly speak (I save that for my husband who is a preacher) and I certainly am not one who wants to discuss the controversial and even awkward topic of money, but each year I feel God tugging at my heartstrings during this Stewardship month. I couldn't help but feel the urge to share my story of giving, not to draw any attention to myself, but to share of God's constant faithfulness in my life. When I think of this particular topic, I just can't stay silent or deny God's hand print stamped all along this road I've traveled. God has weaved together such a beautiful story of giving, providing, faith and trust in my life that I felt compelled to share my Stewardship Journey.

In high school and college, I would see the offering plates pass during the church service and automatically count myself out. I thought I was somehow exempt from giving to the church. The passages in the Bible about giving weren't directed towards me, but "future me" who had it all together and was living a "comfortable" life. How could God expect anything out of a poor high school or college student? When I graduated college and got a full-time job, I began to feel like my excuses were running out. I started tithing each month and I truly was happy I was finally able to give back to the church that had so heavily poured into me and invested in my life. But in all honesty, it wasn't the biggest sacrifice to give at that point. I was living at home with my mom and had very few bills. But, at least it was a start!

Around that time, Josh and I became engaged. We had many discussions about giving to the church once we were married and we both knew that if we didn't implement this discipline from the start, we may never. There would always be something to stand in our way if we let it. So once we got married, we tithed each month. Some months were harder than others, but we always gave something. And God always provided. At that point, we were newlyweds living in a basement apartment in Atlanta and we weren't making much money. We didn't have much, but we always had exactly what we needed. In December of 2013, we bought our first home. It was a dream that I didn't even think would be possible for years to come, but we managed to make it happen and were thrilled about this huge step in our lives. But as everyone knows, "with great power comes great responsibility". We had more, but we also had more to pay for, take care of and manage.

At this point, Josh was still in seminary full-time and working at the church part-time and I was working full-time in Atlanta. While we were working extremely hard, we were struggling to make ends meet. We were staying afloat, but barely. There were many months that we seriously debated not tithing. We could have easily justified it, especially when we added up how much we were tithing each year. It was hard to see those numbers and know what a helpful impact that would have made in other areas of our life. It felt like such a sacrifice and one that I was struggling to make. We were a very young couple who had very little and it would have been easy to tell ourselves that it was okay not to give and somehow talk ourselves out of it. But despite all of the opposition we felt, we continued to give. But I'll be honest; it was a little begrudgingly on my part.

Around this time, I felt like God really moved in my life in the area of stewardship. Being a good steward is effectively managing what God has given you, but that's what I was struggling to see. In my mind, my money, my things, my house, my work ethic, the things I had worked so hard for....they were just that, mine. I finally had the revelation that I was holding on so tightly to things that actually weren't mine, they were God's. I was the first to say how much God had blessed me, but I wasn't willing to admit that everything I had was because of Him. Everything I had was His. It was really easy to look at the things I had and think, "I worked hard for those things. I earned those things on my own." But in actuality, God had given me a job. He had blessed me with parents who taught me how to work hard and how to manage my money well. God had given me the motivation, dedication, and passions that I had. When I finally accepted that everything I had wasn't even mine to begin with, giving became a whole lot easier. I began to understand the true concept of stewardship which is managing what God has given me not hoarding and keeping from God what was His to begin with. I also started to understand the concept that giving didn't mean just giving my money. Giving meant sharing my time, talents, abilities, and spiritual gifts with the church, the church body, and my community. God gave me those gifts to share with others, not keep to myself.

While this concept might seem constraining or even imprisoning to some, it has been the most freeing experience for me. If anything, it has opened my eyes up to all that God has given me. And wow, I am one blessed woman! Instead of feeling like nothing is mine, I am filled with peace knowing these things are God's, I am God's and God takes care of His sheep. This is where my story gets emotional for me and if you have made it this far in reading this, I promise this is where I was going all along. God has provided for me and my family in phenomenal ways. I am a worrier by nature and I cannot tell you how many times I was convinced that we weren't going to make it, but we have never, ever gone without. God has given my family exactly what we need right when we need it and not a second sooner. This journey has pushed my faith and trust in Christ in ways I had never experienced. I have been forced to rely on Him to come through for me and He always does. We have received everything from used furniture, diapers for my son, used toys & clothes, money for a suit for my husband to preach in, random bonuses at work, extra scholarship money that came from out of nowhere, jobs openings that came right in time, discounts on services because my husband is a clergy member, meals and extra food galore, free babysitting...I could seriously go on and on and on. We have been blessed with the most amazing church family who have literally been the hands and feet of Jesus to my family and who God has used to bless our family more than they will ever know. Not only has God provided for us with monetary things, but He has also blessed us with amazing relationships with people that we would have never had the pleasure of knowing had we not relied on Him for all we have.

While this journey has been a difficult one for me, I can say it has allowed me to testify of the goodness of God in my life. What I love about a testimony is that it's your story and no one, no matter who they are and what they believe, can argue or mess with your experience. It belongs to you and it is precious and deserves to be treasured. God has always provided for me. He has never fallen short and He has never failed me. God has never abandoned me. I am continuing to learn to trust Him with all that I have and all that I am. It isn't always easy, but I can assure you that if you give yourself to God and trust Him with all that you have, God will enrich and bless your life in immeasurable and unexplainable ways. It is now my joy and honor to give because God gave and continues to give to me. 

Friday, September 25, 2015

Grayson's 8 Month Update!

**This post was originally written on September 4, 2015

It's that time of the month again! Our little man is officially 8 months old and fun as ever! I couldn't get a decent 8 month shot, but I thought these pictures were a good snap shot as to what Grayson is like at 8 months old. He is ALL boy and on the move!

Weight & Height: Grayson is weighing in at 19 lbs 7oz., although to me he is solid! His height is between 27-28 inches. It's hard to get an accurate measurement with Grayson squirming! 

Feeding: Grayson is still breastfeeding, but he is only feeding 3-4 times a day plus his bedtime feeding. He goes about 4 hrs. between feedings and isn't as interested as he used to be. (He also has bitten me a few times recently, so that's been fun...not!) I'm fine with this because I hope to have him weaned by his 1st birthday. Grayson has done much better with solids this month! He is still very moody when it comes to food and can eat nothing or a whole jar in one sitting depending on how he's feeling. His favorite food is yogurt. Grayson loves puffs and drinking water out of his sippy cup. He is very independent and loves to hold the cup himself. Grayson has surprised me this month by liking pumpkin and spinach in the little pouches. (He loves to chomp on the plastic nozzle.) Grayson is at a fun age with food where he is able to try more random things off my plate that meet the texture requirement and lately, he has enjoyed mashed potatoes, refried beans, and beef. I believe that teething really takes a toll on him when it comes to wanting to eat solids. When he is in pain and cutting a tooth, he wants nothing to do with food, but when he is feeling better, he will eat much more.

Sleeping: At the beginning of this month, I was at my whit's end. I was delusional from exhaustion and so discouraged because Grayson was still sleeping horribly. I decided to try to get him to bed between 7-8 pm and stick to a more strict bedtime routine (bath, lotion, pjs, feeding, rocking him to sleep). I had tried this a few months back and it didn't work, but I wanted to give it one more good try. It's worked really well! Every night isn't perfect, but as a whole, Grayson has slept much better this month. He wakes up 1-2 times a night as opposed to 3-4 times. He gets a bath around 7 and is in bed around 7:30 most nights. He has had a lot of 7, 8, and even 9 hour stretches of sleeping straight by going to bed earlier. Some mornings are rough because he wakes up early (cue the 5am wake-up calls), but usually he sleeps until 7-8am. Grayson takes a morning and afternoon nap. He isn't a big napper, so they are usually only 45 minutes each. Overall, Grayson has had a much better month of sleep with this new schedule and I'm extremely grateful!

Clothes:  Grayson is in 6 month and 6-9 month clothing. He still wears a size 4 diaper.

Mood: Grayson has been much happier this month! Although he has been cutting teeth, he has handled it like a champ. Grayson is so much fun these days. He is full of energy and personality. He lets you know when he doesn't like something or when he isn't happy, but he is the first to give a stranger a huge grin at the grocery store. He loves being around other people and children. He observes, smiles, and giggles at them. Grayson is still very vocal and chatty. He cracks up laughing all the time, sometimes at completely random things. I love that he is full of so much life! He has started cuddling and reaching for both Josh and I. It's so sweet! He is still stubborn and determined. When he wants something, he goes after it and doesn't give up. (I wonder where that trait came from...?)

Teeth: Grayson cut 2 teeth this month which makes the grand total 5! I can see the 6th tooth coming in too. He has had a runny nose for most of the month and some diarrhea. Cutting teeth is tough business!

School: Grayson started "school" aka Mother's Morning Out this month. I was really nervous because he was going through separation anxiety at the beginning of the month and wasn't doing well being passed to others. But that was just a confirmation that being around other adults beside mom and dad would be a good thing for him! The first few times were rough, but Grayson has been doing really well recently. There have been minimal tears and he is really enjoying the other children. As a mom, I was really worried each day he went to MMO in the beginning (especially because he was always so upset), but I'm getting better and starting to let go more. The positive reports and happy pictures really help! I'm excited for Grayson to get to have that interaction and fun with other kids. I think it's important for him.

Milestones: Grayson said "Da-Da" for the first time this month!, he started school, he can get himself down from laying on the couch to a standing position on the floor, and he loves to put his hand over his mouth while talking and make funny sounds (like the Indian chant).

Loves: Standing up (he barely needs support these days), any dog (he cracks up laughing and giggling around animals and I'm so happy he is an animal lover!), jumping like a mad man in his jumper, people and children (Grayson is a people person! He might not always love being held by a stranger, but he smiles and laughs at them all the time. He loves watching other kids play and is very interested in other children.) and playing "catch" by rolling a ball back and forth (again, the giggles and cracking up start almost every time we play!)

Things I Want To Remember:

-- First Tea Party - Grayson went to his cousins', Emma & Sophia, tea party birthday party and looked very snazzy in his little tux outfit from my father-in-law! He reminds me of a baby James Bond ;)


--First Day of School

--Playing With His Hair - I couldn't let Grayson's long hair go without doing this at least once. Although this was a good indication that a haircut was in his future. Grayson has the thickest and prettiest hair! Sorry buddy! ;)

--Uncle Taylor Visiting - My brother was able to visit this month and he hadn't seen Grayson in person since March! I loved watching these two interact. My brother had never even held or been around a baby until Grayson, so it's sweet to see them bond. I love Grayson's expressiveness! Ha! In all seriousness, he loves his Uncle Taylor!