Wednesday, March 25, 2015

29 Week Pregnancy Blog

Written on Monday October 27, 2014

How far along? 29 weeks 4 days

BabyYour baby now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (about the size of a butternut squash or a small cabbage) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His/her muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and the head is growing bigger to make room for the developing brain. To meet the increasing nutritional demands, you'll need plenty of protein, vitamins C, folic acid, and iron. And because baby's bones are soaking up lots of calcium, be sure to drink your milk (or find another good source of calcium, such as cheese, yogurt, or enriched orange juice). This trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in your baby's hardening skeleton each day.

Total Weight Gain: My weight is has been fluctuating a lot this week. I have days where I'm barely hungry at all and days where I am starving all day. This week my weight fluctuated between an 11-15 lb. weight gain (126-130). At the beginning of the week, I was worried I wasn't gaining enough, but towards the end of the week, I was almost hitting 130 lbs. It's been all over the place! Overall, I'm still very happy with my weight gain and am really going to try to get the correct nutritional needs this week (more spinach smoothies, cottage cheese, string cheese, and fruit).

Maternity Clothes: My belly has most definitely grown! Maternity clothes are becoming my friend more and more! I'm a little sick of the selection, but still finding outfits that fit each day.

Stretch Marks: I've been doing good with the stretch mark cream and am still stretch mark free! Crossing my fingers that growing slowly will help reduce my chance of severe stretch marks.
Sleep: I'm sleeping a lot lighter and wake up early on the weekends. Yesterday, I woke up at 4:45 am and couldn't fall back asleep. It's not that I'm uncomfortable or have to pee, I just don't feel as tired and want to get up and be productive. Maybe nesting?

Miss Anything? Still loving pregnancy for the most part! I do miss having a clear face :(

Best Moment of the Week: Josh and I went to a Labor and Birth class this weekend and I really enjoyed it. I learned a lot and feel much more informed about the birth. It was a fun experience for us and I felt like we bonded through it. It was a little scary, but so exciting to think about bringing our baby into the world! Also, the crib arrived and we set it up. I absolutely love it!

Movement: Lots of movements! The baby is all over the place all the time. I LOVE it :)

Food Cravings: Still loving sweets and coffee. Also, really liking breads. I'm not normally a huge bread person, but we have had more around the house lately (muffins, cupcakes, banana bread) and I'm gravitating to it more than the healthy foods. Also loving Diet Coke and my lemonade flavored water.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope.

Gender: Surprise! Can't believe in 10.5 (ish) weeks, we will finally know the gender! :) It seems weird to know the surprise is coming to an end.

Symptoms: Having more Braxton Hicks contractions especially when I am on my feet for a long time, very bad constipation, sometimes the baby will sit on something and I get really uncomfortable but then the baby moves and I'm fine again, bending over has gotten a little harder but I can still do it as of now! Acne was awful this week!

Happy or moody: A little stressed and moody....

Looking forward to: My second baby shower is this weekend and I'm excited for it! I also have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday and I always like getting updates on how Peanut is doing.

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