Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Emerson's 11 Month Update!

Well, it's officially August which means that it's Emerson's birthday month! And time for her 11 month update. Ya'll, I have been extra emotional lately knowing that Emerson is about to be a year old. I am not exaggerating when I say that this has been the fastest year of my life! It's been one of the most challenging and exhausting years, but my favorite year yet! Watching Emerson grow and change and turn into a little girl right before my eyes has been the most awesome experience. While it has flown by, I've loved every minute of it! I'm soaking in the last few weeks before she becomes an official 1 year old. Here's how our baby girl is doing at 11 months old:

Height and Weight: There isn't an official height and weight check until Emerson's 12 month checkup, but unfortunately, we had to make a visit to urgent care this month, so we got her weight update. She was 17 lbs. 6 oz. on the day she turned 11 months old. I'm excited to see how much she's grown at her next appointment!

GOAAAALLLL! Cheering Daddy on at his soccer game! 

Holding a credit card while strolling through Target munching on popcorn makes this girl happy!

Emerson LOVES to copy me -- especially when I stick my tongue out! 

Sleeping: Overall, Emerson is a really good sleeper! And I am so thankful for that. She sleeps through the night consistently (9:30pm-7:30am) and takes 2 naps a day. Once in a while, she will wake up once during the night (especially if cutting a tooth), but after a quick feed, she goes right back to sleep. Emerson has done an awesome job of putting herself to sleep lately. I will lay her down when she's drowsy, tell her "night night" a few times, and walk out of her room with no problems. Emerson has really started to like her blanket and the few stuffed animals I put in her bed each night for her to cuddle with. It's really sweet.

Starting to stand on her own!

Water baby! 

Having fun visiting friends!

Little Climber!

Eating: Emerson is still eating really well although she has become a little more picky this month. She spits out food more than she ever used to (even if she's already chewed it). Emerson will eat a lot at certain meals and other meals, she will barely eat. She does really well at feeding herself and has also been much better about sitting in her high chair this month. Emerson loves fruit! Apples, strawberries, grapes, and blueberries are our go-to's. She also loves carbs and meat! Emerson will devour any type of bread or cracker. She has recently really liked eating meat. She espeically loves eating chicken nuggets and hot dogs (so healthy, I know) just like big brother. Emerson and Grayson typically split a peanut butter and jelly sandwich which she loves. She recognizes sweet at this point and will stop eating her fruits and veggies once a treat appears because she wants to be fed the treat! She is very vocal about that! Ha. Emerson is still nursing and breastfeeds every 5-6 hours. She can go long periods between nursing at this point since she is eating so much regular food, but she definitely wants to comfort nurse at different points in the day and only wants mama's milk first thing in the morning after a long night's sleep. I have tried to introduce her to whole milk, but she isn't nearly as interested in it as Grayson was (and still is). It will be interesting to see how this whole weaning process will go with her! Emerson loves sippy cups and drink water out of many different kinds all the time with no issues! She has also started throwing her food on the floor...Cedric loves it! I'm not as amused. Haha.

Splash pad fun!

LOVES riding on big brothers cars!

Going on a drive! ;)

Clothes: I had a "come to Jesus" moment with myself recently regarding Emerson's wardrobe. Emerson has always been petite, so I have been able to keep smaller sizes around for a long time because she could still fit in them! With her 1st birthday approaching, I had to remind myself that the really little sizes of clothing weren't going to be used anymore and it was time to put them away! Any other moms get emotional when packing up your kid's clothes?! Ugh, I hate it! Anyways, her closet is now updated and only contains thing she can realistically fit into. Emerson can fit in a few 6-9 month pieces, but we are mostly sticking to 9-12 month and 12 month clothing. Emerson still wears a size 4 diaper.

Daddy's girl!

Teeth: Emerson officially has 5 teeth! Cutting that 5th tooth about killed her. Poor thing was absolutely miserable cutting that incisor tooth. Emerson cried almost non-stop, was ridiculously clingy, had diarrhea 1-2x each day, and was having trouble sleeping for over a week. We were out of town and I ended up taking her to urgent care because she was just miserable. Thankfully, nothing else was wrong (I was convinced it was an ear infection at that point) and it was just teething. A week later, she cut her 5th tooth. We are still waiting on the 6th tooth (the other incisor). You can see it under her gums, but it still hasn't broken through.

Teething  baby :( 

Mood: My sweet girl has become feisty! She is still super sweet, loves to cuddle, and is a mama's girl through and through, but her opinions have become stronger and her sass level has definitely increased! Emerson has been quite clingy and fussy this month. She's always been pretty clingy, but lately, she prefers to be held most of the time. I'm sure teething is part of it. While it can be challenging to hold her all the time, I am trying to soak in these days of having a baby on my hip. Emerson is starting to explore more and more, but quickly finds her way back into mama's arms after a short while. There she is the most content and happy. And so am I. ;) Emerson is into everything and grabs at everything! (Just last night she knocked over a drink at a restaurant because she was grabbing at it.) She knows what she wants lately and gets upset if she can't have it. She loves Grayson so much, but also gets extremely irritated with him...more than anyone else! Ha. She always wants what he has and let's just say he isn't the best "sharer". The brother/sister drama has already begun! Emerson has her independent moments, but overall, she is still quite dependent. She can be tough, but she will also scream at the top of her lungs when Grayson takes something away from her. She has also learned to swat at Grayson and Cedric when she wants them to leave her alone. (Such a proud mom moment...insert embarrassed face!). Although I guess learning to stick up for yourself isn't the worst thing! Emerson is much more opinionated and will "fight you" when it comes to putting her in her car seat, changing her diaper or outfit, and feeding her if she doesn't want that particular thing. Her face lights up when mommy or daddy comes into the room! She loves to be passed back and forth between us and has learned to stick her arms straight in the air when she wants to be picked up or passed. Emerson does NOT like when mama leaves the room and gets upset if she notices. If she's upset or just woken up from a nap, I will pick her up and she will snuggle into me and just lay there on my chest for a while. It makes my heart melt. Emerson is really friendly and loves to wave and smile at everyone. She also loves to copy whatever we do and thinks it's so funny. Emerson is a sweetheart with that little bit of fire that comes out once in a while assuring me that she will be just fine in the world!

Being introduced to whole milk by big brother!

Milestones: Emerson stands up in her crib now....which is why we lowered it a while ago! She is crazy mobile and super fast! She loves to crawl and climb! Emerson has climbed tables, chairs, the couch, and big toys. She loves to ride Grayson's big riding toys and climbs on the herself. Emerson pulls up on everything and has started "cruising" the tables and furniture. She gets up and down very quickly and easily now. She's an expert stair climber and can now go all the way down the stairs on her own. Josh taught her how to go backwards down the stairs, so that's a good thing, as far as, safety goes! Emerson now says "Mama" all the time especially when she wants something or is upset! I love it! She definitely knows the difference between "Mama" and "Dada" now and calls us by the right name. She also chants "Mama" at me all day long! Haha. "Mama" has also started to mean "more" and "help me". Grayson used "Mama" as a universal phrase to mean a lot of things and it seems like Emerson is doing the same. I'm sure she knows if she says "Mama" that I'll come running and give her whatever she wants! Haha. She also says "go go" and "ba ba" on command and she loves to yell really loudly trying to mimic Grayson. They yell back and forth to each other. They think it's hilarious! It is quite loud though. Ha. Overall, Emerson is getting more and more talkative as the months go by. She is by far the chattiest she's ever been in the past month and is only getting more talkative each day. Emerson hasn't taken any steps, but she has stood on her own a few times recently. I can tell she is getting closer and closer! She loves to hold our hands and walk all around the house! She's never had an interest in that until recently, but now she loves to do it. She will give me open mouth kisses when I tell her to "kiss kiss"...so sweet! Emerson is starting to understand questions and can respond by shaking her head "no". She understands what "night night", "down", "Grayson", "milk" and "Dada" means. She loves to copy us with motions and make the sounds that we make! She even repeats what Grayson tells her to.

Emerson's first real pony tail!

Jamming out on the piano with her cousins...Emerson loves to play the piano!

Loves: Emerson loves music and will dance anytime a song plays. When any show starts and the theme song plays, Emerson dances the entire time! She has recently started playing our piano at home each day and she loves it. She pulls up and plays so proudly. Emerson has become really into toothbrushes (I think they feel good on her teeth!) and she loves to brush her own teeth and gnaw on the toothbrush. Emerson has become really into reading books and loves to turn the pages. She likes to touch the pictures and smiles as she studies each page. She loves to sit in mommy's lap in the car and pretend to "drive" while holding the steering wheel. Emerson is a water baby and she loves bath time and the pool! She is always splashing in the bath tub and every time we are at the pool, she kicks and kicks when she's in the water. A future swimmer on our hands! She loves her big brother and follows him wherever he goes. Whatever he's eating, playing with, and doing, she wants to be a part of it and wants to be just like him! They loves to crawl around the house together and they both think that's especially funny. She still loves to cuddle with Daddy and has started reaching for him more and more. Josh went out of town for almost 2.5 weeks this month and we weren't sure how Emerson would react to him coming home being that she's still so little. She barely let anyone hold her (except Mama) while he was gone and the minute he walked in the door, she went right to him and clung on to him. When I tried to get her back, she snuggled deeper into Daddy's chest. She knew exactly who he was and knew that she wanted to be in his arms! It was really sweet. Emerson still loves to swing at the park and ride in the shopping cart at the grocery store, but only for short periods of time. She doesn't like to be contained anymore though and prefers to be on the ground crawling and moving around. You can give her almost any object in the world and she will calm down. She loves to explore new things. She still loves to chew on and put everything in her mouth. Like I said, she really likes her stuffed animals and blankets and loves to bring them out of her bed and around the house with her. One of my favorite things that Emerson does is "help" me. She loves to help me unload the dishwasher and put away laundry. She hands me one thing at a time and smiles so big when I take it and tell her thank you! She also really likes handing me random objects and then me giving them back to her. We pass something back and forth to each other over and over and she loves it! She loves to play "peek-a-boo" and likes for Grayson to put a blanket over her head then take it off. She laughs and laughs. She is always gathering up our many remotes and controllers and pressing all the buttons constantly messing with the tv. Emerson loves clapping, giving high 5's, being tickled, and being thrown in the air. She loves to touch and play with my jewelry and she also loves touching all the hangers with clothes on them each morning when we pick out her outfit. She loves her closet...such a little girl already! ;)

Cow Appreciation Day!