Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Emerson's Birth Story

So if you've followed my pregnancy with Emerson for any length of time, then you know that from the beginning nothing has gone as planned. From a large hemorrhage, two emergency room visits, a cyst on my ovary formed from the pregnancy, to basically living at the specialist and OBGYN, growth issues in the third trimester, and many other small and large bumps along the way....I should have known that her birth would be just that: unexpected and full of surprises. This little girl has her own agenda. We are so thankful that our sweet Emerson Faith Gale is here with us. She's safe, healthy, and beautiful! I wanted to share her birth story and of course, I want to have it documented for myself, so that I never forget the details of that life changing day.

At the end of the second trimester, my hemorrhage finally healed, but I continued to see the specialist for a follow-up visit. At that visit, I expected them to say that I was finally released from the specialist and all the issues we had would finally be over. Well at that appointment, Emerson had started measuring behind. Her belly growth was slightly lagging and they wanted to continue to closely monitor her growth. I continued to see the specialist every few weeks and her growth continued to lag, but only slightly. At my 34 week appointment, she started measuring way behind. She was barely in the 10th percentile and the specialist was a lot more concerned. They wanted to see me twice a week for the remainder of the pregnancy. Not only was that stressful, but we had also just moved almost 2 hours away from the doctor and hospital. I knew I had a lot of driving and stress in store for the end of this pregnancy. So each week I went to an ultrasound appointment on Tuesdays and a non-stress test on Fridays. At every appointment, there was a chance for an early induction. Basically, if she didn't grow how they wanted or if her vitals were off, then I would be sent over to Labor & Delivery ASAP. Talk about nerve-racking! Thankfully, our little fighter kept growing enough and was always super active during the non-stress tests, so my specialist allowed me to "keep going" in the pregnancy.

Although Emerson was growing, she was still measuring very small (10th-13th percentile) and my doctor didn't want me going past 38.5-39 weeks because of her "restricted growth". He felt at that point, she would be better off outside the womb. So of course in my planner mind-set, I was pumped. I would get a scheduled induction and be able to plan out the details of her birth. After every appointment being full of surprises, I finally had something concrete to hold on to. Or so I thought. Instead of going to each appointment not knowing what would happen, I would get to choose the date of her birth, have Grayson completely taken care of, and not have to worry about making it to the hospital on time with the long drive and traffic. I felt more in control knowing all that than I had my entire pregnancy. So I prepared as much as I could and waited to schedule the induction, assuming it would be this week. Never once did it occur to me that I could go into labor on my own before that scheduled date. Okay, maybe I thought about it for a second and then thought, "NAH, won't happen." Well to true Emerson fashion, she proved me wrong and completely took me off guard.

On Tuesday August 16, I went up to the appointments at Kennestone Hospital. The specialist visit went well and he said he wanted me to go ahead and schedule the induction with my OBGYN. At the OBGYN, they told me I could schedule my induction for the following week. They did a cervical check and informed me that I was already 2 cm dilated and 70% effaced. I had also lost my mucus plug a few days prior. The doctor immediately told me that I may not make it to the induction. I honestly just thought, well good by the time I get induced my body will be ready to go. I was 37 weeks 2 days, so I thought I had time left. Although my doctor considered me "full term" at that point. I really thought my body was just preparing for labor and it was, but a little sooner than expected.

So I drove home from the doctor and started to feel crampy. I had felt that way before after a cervix exam and just assumed it was from that. I got home and continued to feel crampy that evening. The pain was all in my lower back and felt like period pains. But they were minor and I could still function completely normally. I mentioned it to Josh, but we continued on with our evening. We went to the mall that night to exchange a few baby clothes for Emerson and while I was there, the crampy feeling persisted and got a little worse. I called my doctor and she basically said I was "on the line" of going into labor when I was checked earlier in the day and at this point, we just had to wait and see if things picked up or died down. I got home around 8pm and started to feel more normal. I assumed things were going to die down at that point. Being that I was only 37 weeks, I really wanted the baby to grow a little more before delivery, so a part of me was scared of going into labor at this point. Then I got my first real contraction. And I had my first "oh crap, this might really be happening" moment!

Up until this point, I think I was in denial. I pulled out a piece of paper and started timing the contractions. A lot of time would go by in-between them, so I began to relax thinking this wasn't really it. The contractions also felt much different than they had with Grayson. The whole experience felt different which is why I was so unsure if I was in actual labor for so long. With Grayson, I had pitocin, but this was a much slower progression and much more natural. It was also much less painful and felt very different than it had with my first labor. Again, all these factors made me question if I was actually going into labor....until the contractions started to gain some regularity. I started to really time them at 10 pm and by 11 pm, they were 10 minutes apart. Once Josh realized what was going on, he insisted that we leave for the hospital. Of course, I was hesitant because there was still so much time in-between the contractions, but figured we should head that way just in case. I still questioned if they would even admit me that this point...I have no idea what was wrong with me! Everyone knew I was in labor except for me! Thankfully, everything was basically packed in the car and ready for the hospital and had been for a few weeks. We scooped Grayson out of bed, grabbed a few things, and headed to Kennestone Hospital.

On the drive, we continued to watch the clock and time the contractions as we headed up the interstate. God really is good because we ended up driving there so late in the evening that we hit absolutely no traffic and got there in record time (and only part of that was Josh's speeding). We were so thankful for that! As we made our way there, the contractions slowly got closer and closer together and the pain became a little more intense each time. I could see the fear and panic in Josh's eyes as I would tell him, "I'm having another one". He raced up the interstate and got frustrated at anyone who even got remotely in our way. I know his only thought was, "I am NOT delivering this baby on the side of the road!" Haha! Can't say I blame him there. I was very calm the entire time actually. I knew we had time. But Josh was right on track and I was so glad we left when we did because by the time we reached the hospital my contractions were 5 minutes apart, the pain was worsening, and I was glad we were there! My mom met us at the hospital to get Grayson and he thought the whole thing was a blast! Since we woke him up in the middle of the night, he was so excited and was amped up! He was pushing his lawn mower throughout the parking deck thinking we were having a nighttime party all the while having no clue that his world was about to change.

The pain was getting more intense so I went and checked myself in while Josh handed Grayson off to my mom. While I was checking in, they were asking me all sorts of questions and it became more and more difficult to answer them during the contractions. The best moment of all though was entering the hospital. While I was walking to Labor & Delivery, I remembered that day back in February when I had walked through those same doors bleeding heavily and truly believing I had miscarried this baby. Walking through those same doors in labor with a healthy baby was overwhelming...I couldn't help but thank God in that moment for all He had brought us through to make it to that point. By the time Josh got upstairs, I was in a lot more pain and I was ready to have him by my side. They checked me in at 1am. I was at 5cm dilated and the contractions were about 3 minutes apart. I was immediately taken to a room and couldn't believe our little girl was indeed on her way! The contractions were so much different this time even while in active labor. They weren't as intense and there were breaks between them (something that didn't happen when I had pitocin). The contractions were tough but bearable especially with the breaks. I denied the epidural right when I got to the hospital and again when the anesthesiologist came in and personally asked me if I wanted one while he was in the area. But when they told me I was nearing 7-8 cm and getting to the point of no return and no epidural, I immediately asked for the anesthesiologist to return. You natural birthing mamas are amazing! I was too scared to commit to a natural birth at that point -- so I chose the epidural! I was in less pain than last time though and I realized this because I was much more nervous about the epidural. The whole time the doctor was doing it, I was very on edge. It also took a little longer to take affect which scared me. I had always heard about people's epidural not fully working and by that point, I wanted all the help and numbness I could get! Emerson's heart rate decelled a few times in the beginning while I was having contractions. I got very nervous about that, but it soon went away. Thank goodness.

After the epidural, the nurse said she would check my progress in about 45 minutes. I figured it would still be a while. I then realized my water hadn't broke, but within 2 minutes, I felt a lot of pressure and bam. ...water broken. I kept feeling pressure...lots of pressure. I swore it was the head, but the nurse kept saying it was just the baby making her way down. Another 10 minutes of intense pressure and I finally convinced them to check me. At 3am, only 2 hours after I had checked in, I was dilated to a 10 and ready to push! It seriously flew by! The nurses set everything up and I pushed for a while -- longer than I did with Grayson. I started to get discouraged, but just kept pushing (ha!) forward. And at 3:57am, Emerson Faith Gale entered the world! The nurses kept talking about her beautiful dark brown hair and how perfectly tiny and sweet she was. They laid her into my arms and I was so relieved. Everything that had led up to this moment was completely worth meeting my beautiful daughter. She weighed 5 lbs. 8 oz. and measured 18 3/4 inches long...and completely healthy! What a praise! I was so fearful for her life and God protected her all the way through my pregnancy, labor, and delivery. It is so emotionally overwhelming when I really think about how God has been working through her life since her conception. She's truly a miracle. Her middle name, "Faith", was inspired by God's faithfulness during my pregnancy and in her life. My pregnancy with Emerson was one of the most challenging experiences, but it has strengthened my faith more than anything I've ever been through before and for that I'm grateful. Emerson's life is already a testimony of God's goodness and I don't ever want to forget that.

We are now adjusting to life as a family of four and it's a whole new world! We are so thankful for our healthy and beautiful children and can't wait to see what our future as a family of four holds! Thank you all for the continuous prayers, encouragement, and love throughout this pregnancy. Our girl is finally here and we are smitten! 

Saturday, August 13, 2016

36 Week Pregnancy Blog

36 Week Pregnancy Blog -- 9th Month!

Written on August 13, 2016

How far along? 36 weeks 6 days -- so close!

Baby: The baby is still packing on the pounds at the rate of about an ounce a day! She now weighs almost 6 pounds and is more than 18 1/2 inches long (about the size of a head of romaine lettuce or a large cantaloupe). I went to the doctor this week and baby girl weighed 5 lbs! She is still very small, but she gained a little over a pound in 2 weeks, so that's a huge praise! Oreo is shedding most of the downy covering of hair that covered her body, as well as, the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that covered and protected her skin during the nine-month amniotic bath. The baby swallows both of these substances, along with other secretions, resulting in a blackish mixture, called meconium, that will form the contents of her first bowel movement.

Total Weight Gain: I've gained 19 lbs (125). I'm happy with this and the baby has grown a lot, so it makes the weight gain worth it! I'm trying to gain a little more before she's born, so that hopefully she will hit the 6 lb. mark. Either way, I'm not going crazy but I know this is the end and I'm trying to give her as much nutrition as possible while she's still in the womb.

Thyroid: I got my thyroid levels tested last week and was happy with the results. The baby is getting the perfect amount of thyroid hormone and my levels were great as well. It's taken my entire pregnancy to finally get my dosage right, and of course it will change after I have the baby very soon! But I'm thankful to go into these final weeks knowing my thyroid is right where it needs to be.

Activity: Thankfully, I have still been able to remain fairly active. Im definitely not overdoing it, but we've been going on family walks more and I'm enjoying moving around. Im also trying to rest as much as possible, but that seems like an impossible task. Between having a toddler and major nesting, I struggle with slowing down. I am having more Braxton Hicks when I am up and moving around. My uterus tightens often when I'm up and about.

Stretch Marks: Still applying lotion consistently and I think I may have a stretch mark or two. I honestly can't fully tell because my skill is so stretched out! But I'm proud of myself for keeping up the stretch mark cream routine this second time around. It's a pain, but so worth it. My belly button is officially an outie (and has been since the beginning of the 3rd trimester!).

Sleep: I've been sleeping okay. For a while I had been sleeping really hard. I wasn't sleeping for super long periods of time, but I was getting quality sleep. This week I've had so much on my mind that I can't seem to relax. I still wake up multiple times each night (get a snack) and just browse my phone. I'm on edge about everything going on and I struggle to turn my brain off. I am definitely tired.

Miss Anything? Overall, I will really miss being pregnant. I've truly loved it despite all the complications I've had. Currently, the only thing I will not miss is always having to be monitored. I am going to 3 different doctors and having 3 appointments each week. It's just a lot. The anxiety of each appointment weighs on me and wears me down. I'm very ready for this sweet girl to arrive! 

Best Moment of the Week: Josh took maternity pictures of me, baby girl, and Grayson this week. I love them so much and will always cherish them! Also, I had a positive doctor's visit and wasn't induced. If the baby didn't grow enough, I would have been induced at 36 weeks. Thankfully the baby did grow (although she's still only in the 13th percentile), so I was allowed to keep going with the pregnancy. The big news this week is that I will most likely be induced between 38.5-39 weeks. The baby is still very small and my doctor doesn't want me to go past 39 weeks. It feels good to have a plan in place although I hope o make it to my induction without going into labor my own. We will see what happens! Personally I like a planned induction because it's just that -- planned. But this pregnancy has never gone as planned so I wouldn't be shocked if I am driving to the hospital at 3am in active labor sometime soon. 

Movement: This child is ridiculously active! I feel movement all day long and multiple times each hour. Lots of hiccups, kicks, and booty shaking. She's everywhere all the time. She moves much more than Grayson ever did. In all of her ultrasounds, the baby always has her foot in her mouth or is playing with her foot. That has continued and I can definitely feel it! I can feel her much more distinctly than I could feel Grayson. I can feel body parts and tell her positioning very easily. The baby has definitely grown and is getting higher and higher up my belly. I'm soaking in and loving each and every movement. I'll miss that the most. It's so special having this time with just me and her. I'm enjoying not having to share her yet ;)

Food Cravings: Sweets. I've started giving in more too and am eating more sweets. Ice cream has been my guilty pleasure. I can't have it in the house or else I just eat it all! I've still been focusing a lot on eating protein, but I've also just been trying to eat good, quality meals and eat often. I started drinking Raspberry Leaf Tea and taking Primrose Oil this week. These two things are not supposed to bring on labor, but they are supposed to help tone your uterus and get your body ready for birth. There is research supporting both sides (that it helps and that it does nothing), but the tea tastes yummy and it's all good for you, so I figure why not give it a shot? It can't hurt! I did them both with Grayson last time around and had a fairly smooth labor and delivery. 

Anything making you queasy or sick?Nope.

Gender: Girl!

Symptoms: More pressure/pain/back pain with the baby getting bigger, trouble getting comfortable when sleeping, Braxron Hicks increasing in frequency especially when I'm active, always thirsty, upset stomach, loss of mucus plug, moving more slowly, and having to pee more often.

Happy or moody: Excitwd and anxious about all of the unknown details!

Looking forward to: Our church is throwing us a baby shower tomorrow! It's the first one for baby girl and I'm really excited! 

Saturday, August 6, 2016

35 Week Pregnancy Blog

35 Week Pregnancy Blog

Written on August 6, 2016

How far along? 35 weeks 6 days -- 1 week until I am considered full-term! 

Baby: The baby doesn't have much room to maneuver now that she's over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds (the size of a honeydew melon). Because it's so snug in my womb, the baby isn't likely to be doing somersaults anymore, but the number of times she kicks should remain about the same. The kidneys are fully developed now, and the liver can process some waste products. Most of the basic physical development is now complete — Oreo will spend the next few weeks putting on weight. (Hopefully!) 

Total Weight Gain: This week I fluctuated between 123-124 lbs. (17-18 lb. weight gain
). Weight gain has been a struggle this week. I am finally putting on some weight and while I'm super happy about that for the baby's sake, it's still hard seeing the scale continue to go up. I've been trying my best to eat lots of protein and just more calories in general. I'm not as hungry a lot of the time, but I'm forcing myself to eat anyways. Super hard but worth it for the baby! I think the baby is sitting on my stomach because I'm just not as hungry and I get full so quickly. My tummy has also been off all week which doesn't help the situation. I'm praying all this extra eating pays off at my specialist appointment on Tuesday when they weigh the baby. I'm looking forward to the weight gain part of all this being over. Gaining weight is no fun, but not gaining any is hazardous to my tiny baby at this point! I'm getting my thyroid levels tested this week, so I am very anxious to see how they are doing. 

Maternity Clothes: I feel like my belly has definitely grown and the maternity clothes are fitting better and better. My belly is looking big to me these days! I'm excited to wear my pre-pregnancy clothes again. I'm over maternity clothes, but they are still working for me as of now. Just bored of the selection. 

Stretch Marks: Still being consistent with applying lotion once in the morning and once at night and so far. I don't think I have many stretch marks, but it's kind of hard to tell with my skin being so stretched out!
Sleep: I slept better this week! I still woke up some during the night, but I have been sleeping like a rock. I'm completely exhausted! Third trimester has hit me hard this time around, as far as, being tired goes. Between getting over a sinus infection, running after Grayson, the stress of a high-risk pregnancy, and constantly being on-the-go, I'm beat at the end of each day! I didn't nap any this week either :( We were way too busy!

Miss Anything? I've been so stressed and overwhelmed by this high-risk pregnancy. I'm looking forward to her being here and not having to worry about this part any more. 

Best Moment of the Week: This week was great! I got my hospital bag packed, freezer meals done, the playground in our backyard finished, got my new breast pump, and had 2 good doctor's appointments. The specialist didn't end up weighing the baby this week, so all they checked was blood flow and fluid levels at my Tuesday appointment. My second non-stress test also went well on Friday. Tuesday is the big day as far as growth and weight gain is concerned. Praying she's doing okay! 

Movement: Baby girl is still super active! The non-stress tests have actually been a struggle because she moves so often that they struggle to get her heart rate. I love that she moves so much and I'm so thankful for it! Her movements are strong and powerful! She constantly kicks and loves to eat her feet (low kicks). She also moves her booty and belly a lot. Can't wait to meet this active princess! I have a feeling she is going to be just as wild outside the womb as she is inside. Firecracker!

Food Cravings: My new protein source this week was cottage cheese! We had a lot of church get togethers this week, so I had a bunch of different foods. I've been eating heavier meals this week in hopes to gain weight. No particular cravings. 

Anything making you queasy or sick?No.

Gender: GIRL!

Symptoms: Braxton Hicks especially when I'm active, very tired, always thirsty, extremely moody, nesting, constipation and upset stomach, and dark freckle forming on my lip. 

Happy or moody: So moody!

Looking forward to: My doctor's appointment this week where they will weigh the baby, getting my necklace with my children's names engraved on it, and last minute baby prep!