Monday, September 30, 2013


Hello all!

I've sort of taken a blogging hiatus the past 2 weeks, mostly because I felt like I had nothing interesting to write about. Yesterday at church, it dawned on me that it was the end of September. I realized that the end of this month marks 5 years of me fully turning my life over to God. What a better thing to write about than that!

I can't believe it's been 5 years since I gave my life to Christ. In some ways, I can't remember my life before it, but in other ways, it feels like just yesterday. People always talk about how they came to know the Lord. A lot of people say that for them it wasn't some big, life changing experience. They grew up in Christian homes and had always known of God. They had always believed. It wasn't drastic, just natural. For me, it was that dramatic experience. I remember it so well.

I had just started my second year of college. I was going through a rough time and felt like I had hit rock bottom. I was done doing things my way because they just weren't working. I remember thinking that I'd see what God had for me because His way must be better than the disaster I had created on my own. I went to a Christian college conference called Confluence with my BCM. I was really nervous because it was my first Christian conference and I had no idea what to expect. I also didn't have many friends yet at the BCM, so I stuck close to the few I knew. The first night was full of worship music and getting comfortable with each other. There was something special about the atmosphere though. Something I had never felt before. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but I knew something big was happening. The next morning, I woke up feeling different. I felt so much peace and community around me. I felt still and calm knowing something greater was going on. I didn't care about the troubles going on in my life back home, I felt joyful. I was feeling what I know now as God's presence in my life. I anticipated what the day had in store for me. The day was full of fellowship, music, and getting to know God more. At the night session, the worship was heavier than the previous night. The songs pierced my heart and I finally opened up. I had never been so still before God. I had never taken the time to really listen to what He was telling me. That night was so powerful. I had never worshipped God so hard in my life. In that moment, I knew God was telling me to finally give everything to Him. I had been baptized years earlier and I believed in Jesus as my Lord and Savior, but I didn't always act like it. I had refused to give God every part of my life. I was scared to see what He would make me change. I didn't want to give up the things I liked to do. Up until this point, I didn't want to change. But that night, I knew that it was now or never. I couldn't put it off any longer. God was calling me to be with Him, to not be scared anymore, to come home.

That night, there was sort of an alter call. I didn't actually leave my seat because I was still very shy in my faith, but I will forever remember standing there on that night knowing that I was changed. I was not the same person after that weekend. I came back to school with a brand new attitude and outlook on life. I started listening to Christian music outside of church. I started thinking about the people in my classes and wondering if they knew God. I had the sudden desire to be a witness to them. I had a thirst for God's Word like never before. I dug so deep into it. I was a new creation in Christ.

I love thinking back on that story and knowing all the amazing things that were to come once I gave my life to God. It hasn't always been easy and I haven't been perfect at it, but it has been beyond worth it. The life God has given me has been better than anything the world has ever offered. God has done so much in my life these past 5 years. I went from a girl who had never even stepped foot inside a church until age 14 to a youth pastor's wife...who would have thought! He has the ability to change your life that much and more. He is still slowly shaping me into the person that He wants to be. But it all starts with one big leap of faith. I encourage you to take that step if you haven't already. God can do the impossible and I encourage you to take Him up on that challenge. If you believe you aren't worthy or good enough, take the step into His arms anyways. I promise He will show you differently.

All hope is not lost, because He has the power to make all things new.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

End of the Year Resolutions

The first thing millions of people do each year on January 1st is take the time to make New Year's resolutions. I usually make at least a few each year, the most common being to eat fewer sweets and be more on time. Each year I still make the list, regardless of how quickly I may lose the ambition to reach the mark I have set for myself. I like writing out the things I wish to accomplish or that I desire to improve on. For some reason, I believe that by actually putting it on paper, I will have a better shot of reaching these objectives.

Often, that list soon gets lost in the busyness of the year and by February; I have completely forgot what I even vowed to do only a month prior. That being said, I felt like it was time for me to make a few "End of the Year" resolutions. With only 3.5 months until 2014 (CRAZY!!), I am realizing that there are a lot of goals that I still want to accomplish in 2013.

I hope that this inspires you to take a look at your life and be proactive about what you want to achieve before 2014. So here's to setting goals, reaching those goals, and making new, more challenging goals for the future.

1. Go to the SkyView Ferris Wheel in Atlanta

2. Make fall crafts

3. Clean out my closet

4. Give clothes away to Goodwill

5. Go thrifting

6. Go into work with a grateful attitude each day

7. Finish all the books that I have started this year

8. Cherish the last few months of my first year of marriage

9. Run – as often as possible

10. Try out a new Atlanta restaurant

11. Go ice skating with Josh

12. Be present more often – put down my cell phone and enjoy the moment

13. Continue blogging at least once a week

14. Take Cedric on outside adventures more often

15. Go on more dates with my husband

16. Use my crockpot to make hearty fall/winter meals

17. Have a Pinterest party

18. Meet more new friends

19. Take the time to invest in the lives of the people in my life

20. Be content – be joyful

21. Spend more time in prayer with God

22. Plan a 1 year wedding anniversary trip with my husband

Monday, September 16, 2013


Another week has come and gone! I can't believe September is already halfway over and fall is finally in the air. Although in Georgia, summer could be back at any moment. Let's just be honest!

Time is flying (like always) and I want to take the time to reflect back on the moments throughout my week. Life is really just thousands of moments strung together, some big and some small, but each significant in its own way. I’ve always loved the quote, “Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” It’s a good reminder that life isn’t always about big, mountain top experiences. What really defines our lives are the little, day-to-day things. Those are the memories that we will keep forever. I like the fact that I'll be able to look back on each weekly blog and be reminded all of the great memories that made up the weeks of my life. I want to remember the specifics. I don't just want to breeze through without taking the time to be grateful. It's important to remember where I have been, where I am, and where I am going.

God has worked in some really cool ways in my life recently. Things are changing, for the better. I am being challenged. I am digging deeper. I am learning to give more of myself. I am working for a bigger, much better cause than the eye can see.

Here are some glimpses into my life this week:

1. The first week of girl’s Bible study was wonderful – the fact that God can bring all different types of women together who are seeking one common purpose is amazing. I’m so excited for what is to come with the group!

2. We are studying the book “Feminine Appeal” by Carolyn Mahaney and the emphasis is learning how to be a Godly woman, Godly wife, and Godly mother. It has challenged me to dig deeper into learning about each of these roles and to focus on being that Godly woman and wife each day. It has allowed me to really dissect what I believe about each of these roles and has opened up conversation within my marriage of what these roles should look like in our home (and vise versa).

3. A hardcore teeth cleaning at the dentist (ouch!) that resulted in me being cavity free – it’s still just as exciting as it was when I was a child!

4. Two naps this week – always a good thing.

5. Apple cider k-cups - perfect start to fall in our house.

6. Going on a walk with my mom and Cedric

7. Catching up with my Aunt Judy who lives in Arizona is always a treat – I am blessed by our relationship and friendship that we have recently cultivated.

8. Wednesday night church supper and girl’s youth Bible study – I am challenged, but am loving being a part of the group and getting to know the girls better. We have a wonderful group of young ladies who attend!

9. Finally finishing season 2 of Once Upon A Time – success!

10. Being stuck in traffic for 3 hours with my husband that ended in us dancing and just being silly with each other. I know it’s still very early in our marriage, but I love that we can still laugh so much together. It’ corny, but I love being married to my best friend. It makes for some very entertaining and fun time together.

11. “Love Your Marriage Night” – Josh and I were able to attend and hear Randy Carlson talk about not only intentional living, but being an intentional spouse. I really enjoy getting marriage (and really just life) advice from older, wiser people. I love to learn and soak in the knowledge that they share.

12. I got my September Birchbox this week and it was a good one! I got all kinds of goodies, from nail polish and lip gloss, to Egyptian Magic Skin Cream and Green Apple face peel. I am loving trying out the new products.

13. We went our church's lip-syncing show this weekend aka "The Grammys". We had no idea to expect, but it was absolutely hilarious. Everyone dressed up and really played the part of their character well. We had many laughs.

14. Frozen yogurt bar with toppings and all at RaceTrac – who knew!

15. Cool(er) fall weather this weekend

16. Broke out the leggings yesterday – one of my favorite fall fashions.

17. Great church service and feeling like God is giving me a renewed thirst for Him. We all go through “dry” spells in our walk, but then we hit a point where we feel huge desire for Him and His presence. It’s like we just can’t get enough. I love this season of our walk.

18. The Chronicles of Narnia Bible Study that my Sunday School class is doing is awesome. I’m really loving it and learning a lot. I even volunteered to lead a book – The Voyage of the Dawn Treader!

19. Hamburgers and tater tots for Sunday lunch with my family while watching the Falcons game – although I’m not a big sports fan, I love when we can all come together and enjoy each other’s company.

20. Alex and Ava’s 4th birthday!

21. Yesterday was the first day of the kid’s soccer league at our church and it was a blast! I don’t know much about soccer, but I am already in love with my little team. I find myself not worrying much about technique, but just encouraging them no matter how they perform. I also find myself talking about how adorable they are constantly – can’t help it! I am very thankful to be a part of this ministry and to be able to invest into the lives of children. Go Bluejays!

22. We had a great youth group last night with more youth than normal. They really started to open up about what they believed and why. I admire their faith and honesty at such a young age. We were learning about being “authentic” Christians which I think is a good lesson for anyone at any age. I feel challenged from the youth lessons and feel like I always learn something while I am there (funny how that works).

23. Sitting down at the end of the weekend and talking with Josh for almost an hour – just catching up on our week/weekend. I love that time we have together.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Have you ever heard a song a million times, but never really listened to the lyrics? Or maybe you have paid attention to the words before, but for some reason, that song just hits you differently than ever before? And all of the sudden, you find a brand new meaning in the music?

I go through phases of listening to Christian music all day, every day to wanting a break from it. Lately, I find that it has a way of really soothing me during my time alone in the car. It's comforting to me even if it's just background music.

Recently on a long drive, I was listening to the radio. I was driving along when the song "Blessings" by Laura's Story came on. When introducing the song, the DJ talked about how great it is to hear songs inspired by real life events. These songs make you realize that not only were the emotions felt when writing the lyrics genuine, but so was the faith shown. The DJ shared that Laura's husband had been diagnosed with cancer and from the outside; it seemed like a pretty miserable situation. She wrote this song during that storm in her and her family's life. Since then, her husband is on a much better path to recovery and the family seems to be healing.

BUT, when I heard the story behind this song, it put the words into a new perspective for me. The lyrics are ridiculously powerful especially knowing that Laura wasn't just telling us these things in a superficial Christian way, but that she was experiencing gut wrenching pain in her life and was still able to proclaim these words. I find people who truly cling to their faith when it is most difficult to be inspirational. Most people wouldn't have blamed her for taking time off and feeling sorry for herself, but instead she chose to glorify God during her darkest hour. I admire this type of boldness and strength. I only hope that I will have the courage to find the "blessings in the raindrops" like this song suggests when I am going through life's hardships.

"What does it look like when I spend years praying for healing for my husband that never comes? I feel like we’ve gotten to a place of having to make a choice-are we going to judge God based on our circumstances that we don’t understand? Or are we going to choose to judge our circumstances based on what we hold to be true of God? I’m learning that every morning when I wake up, to choose to trust God. And that’s what “blessings” is about. It’s just considering… maybe the blessing is actually found in the absense of the thing that I'm praying for."
-Laura Story

I have attached the lyrics to this song. Please take the time to read and really meditate on these words. If put into action, these words have the power to be life changing.


We pray for blessings, we pray for peace
Comfort for family, protection while we sleep
We pray for healing, for prosperity
We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering
And all the while, You hear each spoken need
Yet love us way too much to give us lesser things

'Cause what if your blessings come through rain drops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise

We pray for wisdom, Your voice to hear
We cry in anger when we cannot feel You near
We doubt your goodness, we doubt your love
As if every promise from Your word is not enough
And all the while, You hear each desperate plea
And long that we'd have faith to believe

'Cause what if your blessings come through rain drops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise

When friends betray us
When darkness seems to win
We know that pain reminds this heart
That this is not,
This is not our home
It's not our home

'Cause what if your blessings come through rain drops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near

What if my greatest disappointments or the aching of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can't satisfy
What if trials of this life
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
Are your mercies in disguise

Monday, September 9, 2013

Berry Spinach Smoothie

One of my favorite healthy go-to's is my berry spinach smoothie. It's full of vitamins and nutrients, but also tastes delicious and is very refreshing. I eat it often for breakfast, but it is really good any time of the day. If you are like me, then you may struggle to get the proper amount of vegetables in your daily diet. A lot of people are very turned off by the idea of putting veggies in their smoothies, but it's one of the easiest ways to get your vegetable intake for the day. You can't taste the veggies at all, but you are still reaping all of the health benefits. This smoothie is extremely easy to make, filling, and chock full of nutrients. It is also low in calories, coming in around 200 calories for the entire thing. 

Below are the ingredients I often use in my smoothies, but you can switch things up and make it your own. I find that berries work well to disguise the vegetable taste, but this recipe is by no means exact. You can change up the measurements and ingredients based on your personal preference. 


1. 8 oz. Diet Cranberry Pomegranate juice (5 calories)
2. 1 serving Activia light yogurt (60 calories)
3. 1 small handful of carrots (20 calories)
4. 1-2 cups of spinach (35 calories)
5. 1 cup berries: blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries (90 calories) 

Blend all together and prepare to enjoy a delicious and healthy treat! 

Note: I do not use ice in my smoothies because I tend to use frozen fruit, but ice would be good to add if you prefer your smoothie to be chilled.

Declaring Your Spendor - All Day Long

Highlights of the Week:

1. A non-medicated husband who actually knows what's going on and is feeling much better

2. Late night of dinner and ice cream while catching up with all my old college roomies - the discovery of Oreo Creme Filling ice cream may have been the best part! 

3. Eating salmon at a fancy restaurant and actually enjoying it 

4. Early Saturday morning coffee date with my best friend while she was in town for the weekend 

5. A weekend full of errands and getting things done - feeling accomplished! 

6. Treating myself to my first (much-needed) pedicure in months 

7. Delicious homemade lunch (spicy chicken alfredo) with my brother and Josh 

8. Harry Potter marathon - my inner dork was quite happy this weekend 

9. Getting everything with my car up-to-date - who knew an old, junky car could be so expensive? 

10. Getting in 2 runs last week 

11. Our nephew's soccer game - he scored two goals! 

12. Playing with my nieces during the game - we enjoy all things girly rather than the world of sports 

13. Seeing both my parents and my brother last week - it's rare when that happens 

14. Free Chick-Fil-A biscuit to start off my Monday morning 

15. Starting a new Bible study with women in the same season of life as myself - huge answered prayer! 

16. First time going to our weekly Wednesday night dinner (WOW) at church and I got to be a part of the middle school girl's Bible study - might be making this a weekly habit! 

17. Josh and I have officially been married 8 months - it's flying by! 

18. 2 episodes away from finishing season 2 of Once Upon A Time - come on Sept. 29th! 

19. Josh and I ended the week with a busy, but good Sunday filled with church activies and planning youth trips for the next 6 months - exciting things to come!

20. Assistant coaching little league soccer (3 & 4 yr olds) for the next 6 weeks at our church - I have absolutely zero experience but am so excited to spend the next 6 weeks with some awesome kids! 

My mouth is filled with your praise, declaring your splendor all day long. ~Psalm 71:8

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Well the long 3 day weekend has come to an end, and what a weekend it was! Filled with long work days, recovery, family time, rest, and quality time with my husband. After reflecting over the past week, I can truly say it has been wonderful and tough all wrapped up into one. Josh is still recovering from his sinus surgery and it has been a lot harder than we anticipated. I had to work the dreaded end of the month (12 hour) shift on Friday, the day after his surgery, so I had to be away from him all day. Needless to say, I was dead when I got home on Friday night.

Despite how exhausted I was when I went into the weekend, I feel renewed and ready for a new week coming out of it. Like most of us, it's so easy for me to focus on the negative in a situation. I tend to get caught up in the whirlwind of life and see the struggles rather than the blessings. One of my goals for the New Year was to focus on the positive and to make a conscious effort to see all that God has given me. So this is going to be a positive post. A reflection on the blessings during the hard times. Here it goes: 

1. We have felt so much love and support the past week during and after Josh's surgery. We were so blessed by the influx of prayers and encouragement. 

2. We have the BEST family, friends and church family!

3. We had 3 visitors on the day of surgery: our pastor, brother-in-law, and Josh's sister. Their presence helped me get through the waiting period and it was so appreciated.

4. Ticket to Ride: I am SLOWLY learning to enjoy playing board games (post-surgery fun). Josh is VERY excited about this. 

5. My father-in-law came and stayed with us Thursday and Friday night. He took care of Josh all day Friday while I was at work. We were so thankful that he was there to help!

6. I was able to get SO much sleep this weekend. Almost every time Josh slept, I ended up sleeping too. It's amazing how much better you feel after getting a few nights of good rest.
7. Naps. I have always LOVED naps, but rarely get to take them. Well this weekend was an exception! (I took one every day...) 

8. We had a great time visiting our Gale family this weekend. Even though there were times where Josh wasn't feeling well enough to be around everyone, we enjoyed the time we were able to spend with them. 

 9. I got to see all my nieces and nephews this weekend. I seriously love those kids. 

10. We had a peaceful drive home watching a beautiful sunset that can only be seen in the country, far away from all the city lights. 

 11. We went through Milledgeville and GCSU and I got to hear Josh reminisce over college memories. 

11. Long phone calls with my mom 

12. Lifetime movies on a rainy Labor Day morning 

13. Trips to the grocery store that aren't rushed where we actually get to go together (even though we forgot bread and milk...oops) 

14. Getting to eat lunch together 

15. Going on a long, peaceful run to unwind 

16. Discovering my inner nurse 

17. Olive Garden - enough said.

We are truly blessed! Here's to a new week with an optimistic attitude that sees the overflow of blessings we receive each day.