Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Pregnancy Blog: Old Wives' Tales Gender Prediction

I get so many questions about Baby Gale's gender, so I thought I would clarify. Josh and I have decided not to find out the gender and keep it a surprise until birth! We are really excited about doing it this way and can't wait to find out what we are having when Peanut arrives. With that being said, who doesn't love to guess the baby's gender?! I know I do! I thought it would be fun to test out the Old Wives' Tales and see what they had to say about it. So, according to the Old Wives' Tales, will Baby Gale be a GIRL or a BOY? Let's see!

1. Morning Sickness -- Yes or No

2. Cravings -- Sweet or Salty

3. Mommy's Intuition -- Girl or Boy

4. Skin -- Clear or Breaking Out

5. Headaches -- Yes or No

6. Heartbeat -- Above 140 or Below 140

7. Chinese Gender Prediction -- Boy or Girl

8. Carrying -- High or Low

9. Daddy's Weight -- Gaining or Maintaining

10. Mood -- Happy or Moody

11. Mayan Gender Chart -- Boy or Girl

12. Disposition -- Graceful or Clumsy

13. Feet -- Warm or Cold

14. Dream of Sex of Baby -- Boy or Girl (I've had dreams about both!)

15. Side You Most Rest On --  Right or Left

16. Weight Distribution -- Up Front or All Over

Girl -- 8

Boy -- 9 (WINNER!)

So, will it be bowties or bows? If these predictions hold true, we should be expecting a baby BOY come January! The numbers were extremely close and these are just predictions after all, but it's fun to try to figure it out! Less than 5 more months until we meet our baby face-to-face and know for sure...we can't wait! :) Did you find any of these gender predictions true for your kids? Think all the Old Wives' Tales are just a big hoax? What do you look for when guessing the gender? Let me know what you think!

1 comment:

  1. I read this pregnancy blog and its give me good tips to control my blood presser and also tell us how to care my self in pregnancy thanks for share it Juanita Gray .
