We all have mess. We all have issues. We all have lots of stuff going on. Everyone has things in their lives that don't quite look like they had planned. Some days it seems like everything is under control despite the laundry list of tasks to get accomplished we all have in the back of our minds. Other days, the chaos of life takes control and it all becomes a little too overwhelming. That is how last week went for me.
Right now, I have a lot going on. I work 40 plus hours a week, commute, clean, cook, and keep our household organized. I am active in my church and with our youth group. I spend time with friends and family. I pay bills, budget our limited income and resources, grocery shop, take care of our dog and meal plan. I'm expecting, a new mom-to-be, and trying to have a healthy pregnancy. I'm planning for the next 5 months before the baby arrives and the 5 months after the baby is here. I'm preparing for motherhood and still working on being a better spouse to my husband. Like I said, I have a lot going on. My mind is always busy thinking about what I need to get done and scheming about how to best accomplish it all. The problem is that I'm a multi-tasker, a controller, a fixer, and a perfectionist. I'm also hormonal! These qualities put together can be a toss-up of the key to my success or my ultimate downfall.
I started off last week with a lot on my plate which is pretty typical, but each day the weight on my shoulders just got heavier. There were a lot of unexpected expenses that came up and my to-do list wasn't getting checked off quick enough before another set of tasks were piled on. I was extremely stressed and had way too much going on. My mind was racing trying to figure out exactly how I was going to get it all accomplished and I soon became irritable, tense, and on the verge of a breakdown. I took all of these burdens on as my own and felt like I needed to be the one to fix all of them. Instead of relying on God, I let my circumstances and emotions get the best of me. Finally, something small happened and it was the straw that broke the camel's back. The flood gates opened and I was an emotional wreck. This buildup I had been experiencing and holding in all week finally came out. I felt defeated and scared. I was overwhelmed and there was no quick fix solution to make it all go away. The stress I had put on myself was creating stress and tension in other relationships in my life and I'm sure most people were steering clear of me by the end of the week because I was just a wreck and not very fun to be around. Life had beaten me down and I couldn't quite figure out how to get back up.
This week, I'm putting last week behind me and starting fresh. After I finally broke down, I realized how much of this I had been holding on to and holding inside. I was holding on for dear life unwilling to relinquish control. I hadn't been praying about it and I hadn't even tried to give my burdens to God. I was trying to do it all myself and let's face it, it wasn't working out so well. God spoke to me a lot this weekend and reminded me that each day presents challenges of its own. I need to come to Him every day and lay my burdens at His feet. It isn't a one-time thing, but a continual process. If I don't do this daily, I am missing out on the full and abundant life that God intends for me. I hadn't been resting in Him and I could tell because I felt emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausted. The constant battle I was fighting had taken all the energy I had. I hadn't been still before God, in fact I hadn't sat still all week. I was too busy running around like a crazy lady checking off a to-do list and worrying about problems that can't be resolved in one day. This week, I'm practicing giving up all my troubles to God and allowing Him to fill me with peace, knowing He has it under control. I am going to wipe my hands clean of the things I can't control or fix and accept that I can only do so much with the things I do have the ability to control. The Lord will fight for me; all I have to do is be still.
God can make something beautiful out of a mess. He can restore hurting relationships and rejuvenate our tired souls. He can accomplish things beyond our wildest dreams. God offers us rest, hope, peace and restoration. He will fill us up and allow us to keep going when we feel like we don't have the strength to go on...if we would only just let Him. If any of this resonates with you, I challenge you to lay all of your troubles at God's feet and just be still before Him. Relinquish that control.You might be amazed at what He can do once we finally let go. Like I said, we all have messes in our lives, but how we deal with it is really what defines us.
Monday, July 28, 2014
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Meal Planning 101
So a bunch of you have requested that I write a blog about meal planning. Little do you know that I am far from an expert and am still learning myself, but I will share some tips and tricks that have worked for me along the way.
As ya'll probably know, in January of this year I made the resolution to cook more and cook better. I was a complete newbie in the kitchen and was really starting from scratch. Now that the year is about half way over (I can't believe it!), I can say I have seen major improvements in myself and my cooking abilities. I have been consistent in cooking, trying new recipes and using different ingredients and kitchen tools that I wasn't always familiar with. But, so far cooking for my family has been a success! I contribute a lot of that success to meal planning.
By nature I am a very organized person, but I had never carried that over to my cooking world. It didn't take me long to realize that if I was going to do this cooking thing the right way, I needed create a method to my madness. If I wanted my meals to actually be something I was proud of, then I needed to take the time to invest in cooking instead of just throwing it together last minute. If that works for you, then great! I'm the kind of person who thrives on organization and lists, so this is what works for me.
1. I tend to meal plan by month (keep in mind that I am only cooking for 2, which is much different than cooking for 5 plus). Meal planning each month allows me more free time. I don't have to scramble each night to find a recipe then hope I have everything on hand. When I don't know exactly what to make, I refer back to my monthly list which gives me plenty of ideas.
2. I start by doing a lot of research on different meals and things I want to make. I go to all different websites, Pinterest, cook books, etc. and I create a solid list of meals for the upcoming month. I find a few crockpot meals, a few meals I feel comfortable with and a few meals that make me a little uncomfortable. If I always stuck with my comfort zone when it came to cooking, then it would be cereal all the way, so I force myself to go outside my box. The key is to plan a variety of meals, so that you aren't sick of eating the same type of stuff by the end of the month. The websites that I love to find recipes on are www.sixsistersstuff.com, thefrugalgirls.com, and Pinterest. I also have a few cookbooks that I really like. You have to find what type of recipes work for you. I personally stick to fairly simple recipes with fewer ingredients that can be made in a short amount of time due to my busy schedule which is why those particular cooking websites work best for me. If you dedicate time once a month to researching meals, you won't have to think about finding new meals to make again until the next month. It's a lot better than having to do that research each night or even each week in my opinion.
3. Once you have your list of meals established, you go shopping! I do a weekly shop, so I get what I need for the meals I am planning on cooking that particular week. I don't cook a full dinner every night though, so my shopping cart isn't overflowing. Since there are only 2 of us, I usually make a regular sized meal and easily have left-overs. Although a lot of people don't love leftovers (I used to be one of them), it's an easy way to save money and make sure food isn't going to waste. So each week I go shopping for the meals I will be cooking that week and I am armed with a list. Again, I put a lot of time into staying organized and it keeps me on track and focused at the grocery store. If I need ingredients for 3-4 meals and I don't have an organized list, it will be a disaster. I check everything off my list and I go home with everything I need instead of forgetting half of it and having to go back.
4. The next step is cooking! I have found that when I already have everything on hand and ready to go that cooking is so much easier. I'm not stressed running around the kitchen trying to find out if I even have what I need to pull this meal together. I know what I need and I know I have it. I pull it all out at once and get to cooking. I also buy meat in bulk and freeze it which helps with meal planning. Just make sure to defrost the meat beforehand, so that you can easily pop it in the oven instead of having to get it defrosted. (Again, it takes time to plan to defrost it ahead of time, but it will save you time in the end!)
5. The last step is timing. One of the biggest keys to successfully meal planning is to know your schedule and know what meals work best for your family on different days. My husband and I know our schedules somewhat in advance and I try to plan meals around that. On the weekends, I usually cook crockpot meals because I am at home for longer periods during the day and actually have time to make a 6 hr. crockpot dish whereas during the week I am gone for almost 12 hours each day which would make a crockpot meal hard to manage. On days where I know I have to work late, I usually cook a big meal the night before. That way there are leftovers for when I am working late and I don't have to run home and stress about cooking. On nights where we have nothing going on after work, I have time to cook the meal that takes 30 minutes to prepare and involves a lot of chopping. On nights where we have church almost an hour after I get home from work, I opt for a quick and easy dinner. This is why having a variety of recipes on hand is helpful! Know yourself and figure out what meals work best for you depending on the situation...this will be a lifesaver.
So there you have it, my mini Meal Planning 101 class! Meal Planning is a lot of work, but for me it's been the thing that keeps me sane while preparing and cooking meals for my family. Organization really does make cooking for your family much easier and less stressful. I have started to really enjoy researching meals and it's become fun to challenge myself with new dishes to make. This is just what works for me and my family and is by no means a perfected guide, but hopefully you learned something new and we can all continue on this journey of cooking together. I would love to hear what works for you and if you have any tips for me!
I'm going to include some delicious recipes that I have tried recently if you are looking for new ideas!
As ya'll probably know, in January of this year I made the resolution to cook more and cook better. I was a complete newbie in the kitchen and was really starting from scratch. Now that the year is about half way over (I can't believe it!), I can say I have seen major improvements in myself and my cooking abilities. I have been consistent in cooking, trying new recipes and using different ingredients and kitchen tools that I wasn't always familiar with. But, so far cooking for my family has been a success! I contribute a lot of that success to meal planning.
By nature I am a very organized person, but I had never carried that over to my cooking world. It didn't take me long to realize that if I was going to do this cooking thing the right way, I needed create a method to my madness. If I wanted my meals to actually be something I was proud of, then I needed to take the time to invest in cooking instead of just throwing it together last minute. If that works for you, then great! I'm the kind of person who thrives on organization and lists, so this is what works for me.
1. I tend to meal plan by month (keep in mind that I am only cooking for 2, which is much different than cooking for 5 plus). Meal planning each month allows me more free time. I don't have to scramble each night to find a recipe then hope I have everything on hand. When I don't know exactly what to make, I refer back to my monthly list which gives me plenty of ideas.
2. I start by doing a lot of research on different meals and things I want to make. I go to all different websites, Pinterest, cook books, etc. and I create a solid list of meals for the upcoming month. I find a few crockpot meals, a few meals I feel comfortable with and a few meals that make me a little uncomfortable. If I always stuck with my comfort zone when it came to cooking, then it would be cereal all the way, so I force myself to go outside my box. The key is to plan a variety of meals, so that you aren't sick of eating the same type of stuff by the end of the month. The websites that I love to find recipes on are www.sixsistersstuff.com, thefrugalgirls.com, and Pinterest. I also have a few cookbooks that I really like. You have to find what type of recipes work for you. I personally stick to fairly simple recipes with fewer ingredients that can be made in a short amount of time due to my busy schedule which is why those particular cooking websites work best for me. If you dedicate time once a month to researching meals, you won't have to think about finding new meals to make again until the next month. It's a lot better than having to do that research each night or even each week in my opinion.
3. Once you have your list of meals established, you go shopping! I do a weekly shop, so I get what I need for the meals I am planning on cooking that particular week. I don't cook a full dinner every night though, so my shopping cart isn't overflowing. Since there are only 2 of us, I usually make a regular sized meal and easily have left-overs. Although a lot of people don't love leftovers (I used to be one of them), it's an easy way to save money and make sure food isn't going to waste. So each week I go shopping for the meals I will be cooking that week and I am armed with a list. Again, I put a lot of time into staying organized and it keeps me on track and focused at the grocery store. If I need ingredients for 3-4 meals and I don't have an organized list, it will be a disaster. I check everything off my list and I go home with everything I need instead of forgetting half of it and having to go back.
4. The next step is cooking! I have found that when I already have everything on hand and ready to go that cooking is so much easier. I'm not stressed running around the kitchen trying to find out if I even have what I need to pull this meal together. I know what I need and I know I have it. I pull it all out at once and get to cooking. I also buy meat in bulk and freeze it which helps with meal planning. Just make sure to defrost the meat beforehand, so that you can easily pop it in the oven instead of having to get it defrosted. (Again, it takes time to plan to defrost it ahead of time, but it will save you time in the end!)
5. The last step is timing. One of the biggest keys to successfully meal planning is to know your schedule and know what meals work best for your family on different days. My husband and I know our schedules somewhat in advance and I try to plan meals around that. On the weekends, I usually cook crockpot meals because I am at home for longer periods during the day and actually have time to make a 6 hr. crockpot dish whereas during the week I am gone for almost 12 hours each day which would make a crockpot meal hard to manage. On days where I know I have to work late, I usually cook a big meal the night before. That way there are leftovers for when I am working late and I don't have to run home and stress about cooking. On nights where we have nothing going on after work, I have time to cook the meal that takes 30 minutes to prepare and involves a lot of chopping. On nights where we have church almost an hour after I get home from work, I opt for a quick and easy dinner. This is why having a variety of recipes on hand is helpful! Know yourself and figure out what meals work best for you depending on the situation...this will be a lifesaver.
So there you have it, my mini Meal Planning 101 class! Meal Planning is a lot of work, but for me it's been the thing that keeps me sane while preparing and cooking meals for my family. Organization really does make cooking for your family much easier and less stressful. I have started to really enjoy researching meals and it's become fun to challenge myself with new dishes to make. This is just what works for me and my family and is by no means a perfected guide, but hopefully you learned something new and we can all continue on this journey of cooking together. I would love to hear what works for you and if you have any tips for me!
I'm going to include some delicious recipes that I have tried recently if you are looking for new ideas!
http://www.sixsistersstuff. com/2012/08/sausage-breakfast- casserole-recipe.html
20 something,
cooking diaries,
cooking with Brittany,
husband and wife,
meal planning,
my cooking journey,
my life,
our family,
wife life
Monday, July 21, 2014
15 Week Pregnancy Blog
July 21, 2014
Good morning! At the beginning of my pregnancy, I made a commitment to do "Pregnancy Blogs" logging my pregnancy journey and I promised to share them with you all. I can't say I will share them each week (unless you care for the weekly updates) because there are not a crazy amount of changes from week to week, but I will share them on a monthly basis. I have a little question series that I found to document where I am in my pregnancy and give a good idea of how things are going for me and Baby Gale. So if you are like me and love reading about other people's pregnancies, enjoy! If not, I will have other non-pregnancy related topics on my blog as well. Happy Monday!
How far along? 15 weeks 4 days
Baby: The baby now measures about 4 inches long, crown to rump, and weighs in at about 2 1/2 ounces (the size of an apple or naval orange). Baby Gale is busy moving amniotic fluid through the nose and upper respiratory tract, which helps the primitive air sacs in the lungs begin to develop. Baby's legs are growing longer than the arms now, and baby can move all of it's joints and limbs. Although the eyelids are still fused shut, Peanut can sense light. If I were to shine a flashlight at my tummy, for instance, the baby will likely to move away from the beam.
Total Weight Gain: I'm getting my thyroid levels tested again today, so we will see how my levels are (which majorly affects my weight). I gained a pound this week and am now up to a 5 lb. weight gain so far. I have been trying really hard to eat healthy and get all the vitamins and nutrients that the baby needs, but I also have days where I don't eat so healthy.
Maternity Clothes: Not yet, but I have so many cute maternity clothes to choose from when I start wearing them! I had 2 women give me maternity clothes and I can't wait to wear some of them because they are actually really cute. I'm going to get a belly band soon because my pants are getting tighter and tighter, but I can still wear all my regular clothes as of now.
Miss Anything? I miss not being in pain from round ligament pain and I miss having energy.
Best Moment of the Week: Josh and I are making more decisions about the nursery and the baby gear we want. Also, I got back in the gym this week after a 3 week hiatus and it felt great!
Movement: Not until 18-24 weeks, getting closer and I can't wait!
Food Cravings: For a while there, I wasn't as interested in sweets (if you know me, you know this is strange!). My sweet tooth is definitely back. I ate a lot of sugar last week and was really craving it. I'm still liking savory foods as well and find them very satisfying, much more than I ever used to.
Anything making you queasy or sick? No.
Gender: Dunno! Josh and I have decided to keep the gender a surprise until January! Hoping the doctors can continue to keep it a secret at the anatomy scan in a month.
Symptoms: The biggest symptoms I have are lots of pressure in my stomach and ovaries randomly hurting/round ligament pain and exhaustion. I have still been battling constipation and acne. My thyroid is still off, but today I will see if my new medicine is helping my body adjust to pregnancy.
Happy or moody: Moody...sorry Josh!
Looking forward to: The anatomy scan in a month and having a good week with lots of rest, healthy eating and staying active.
Good morning! At the beginning of my pregnancy, I made a commitment to do "Pregnancy Blogs" logging my pregnancy journey and I promised to share them with you all. I can't say I will share them each week (unless you care for the weekly updates) because there are not a crazy amount of changes from week to week, but I will share them on a monthly basis. I have a little question series that I found to document where I am in my pregnancy and give a good idea of how things are going for me and Baby Gale. So if you are like me and love reading about other people's pregnancies, enjoy! If not, I will have other non-pregnancy related topics on my blog as well. Happy Monday!
How far along? 15 weeks 4 days
Baby: The baby now measures about 4 inches long, crown to rump, and weighs in at about 2 1/2 ounces (the size of an apple or naval orange). Baby Gale is busy moving amniotic fluid through the nose and upper respiratory tract, which helps the primitive air sacs in the lungs begin to develop. Baby's legs are growing longer than the arms now, and baby can move all of it's joints and limbs. Although the eyelids are still fused shut, Peanut can sense light. If I were to shine a flashlight at my tummy, for instance, the baby will likely to move away from the beam.
Total Weight Gain: I'm getting my thyroid levels tested again today, so we will see how my levels are (which majorly affects my weight). I gained a pound this week and am now up to a 5 lb. weight gain so far. I have been trying really hard to eat healthy and get all the vitamins and nutrients that the baby needs, but I also have days where I don't eat so healthy.
Maternity Clothes: Not yet, but I have so many cute maternity clothes to choose from when I start wearing them! I had 2 women give me maternity clothes and I can't wait to wear some of them because they are actually really cute. I'm going to get a belly band soon because my pants are getting tighter and tighter, but I can still wear all my regular clothes as of now.
Stretch Marks: Nope, but I bought stretch mark cream and I need to start using it ASAP.
Sleep: I've been exhausted lately. I took a lot of naps last week to try to get some energy, but I was just dragging all last week. I rested over the weekend and feel better going into this week. Between my thyroid being off and being 15 weeks pregnant, my body is just tired all the time. Hoping to get some energy soon! I sleep well for the most part, but I do wake up more in the middle of the night than I used to. I'm not sleeping as hard and am a little more restless.Miss Anything? I miss not being in pain from round ligament pain and I miss having energy.
Best Moment of the Week: Josh and I are making more decisions about the nursery and the baby gear we want. Also, I got back in the gym this week after a 3 week hiatus and it felt great!
Movement: Not until 18-24 weeks, getting closer and I can't wait!
Food Cravings: For a while there, I wasn't as interested in sweets (if you know me, you know this is strange!). My sweet tooth is definitely back. I ate a lot of sugar last week and was really craving it. I'm still liking savory foods as well and find them very satisfying, much more than I ever used to.
Anything making you queasy or sick? No.
Gender: Dunno! Josh and I have decided to keep the gender a surprise until January! Hoping the doctors can continue to keep it a secret at the anatomy scan in a month.
Symptoms: The biggest symptoms I have are lots of pressure in my stomach and ovaries randomly hurting/round ligament pain and exhaustion. I have still been battling constipation and acne. My thyroid is still off, but today I will see if my new medicine is helping my body adjust to pregnancy.
Happy or moody: Moody...sorry Josh!
Looking forward to: The anatomy scan in a month and having a good week with lots of rest, healthy eating and staying active.
Sonogram at 14 weeks!
14 & 15 Week Baby Bump
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Our Story
Today marks 3 years since Josh and I began dating! It's been a whirlwind and I wouldn't change it for anything. In light of today, I am feeling quite nostalgic and started thinking back on our story from the beginning. We get questions all the time about how we met and started dating, so I thought I would share a little bit of our story.
Most people don't know that Josh and I were actually friends for a year before we ever began dating. We met in May of 2010 through a mutual friend. My best friend, Caylyn, and Josh both went to the same college and were already good friends. I went to visit Caylyn the weekend after my junior year of college ended to kick off the summer. While I was there, I met Josh. He came over late one night after getting off work at Papa John's. He was in his uniform and covered with dough, but I instantly knew there was something different about him. It's funny because I remember being interested in him immediately. I knew he was a good, Christian guy and he was fun to be around. I also knew I needed more people like this in my life. I left GCSU that weekend thinking that he was a nice guy who I wanted to get to know more. I then asked to be his Facebook friend, so technically I originally initiated it ;)
We talked over Facebook chat for over a year and got to know each other a lot that way. We both enjoyed talking to each other and would stay up late into the night getting to know each other more. It slowly developed into a solid friendship. Although there was always a spark between us, the fact that we lived almost 3 hours away from each other (I lived in Carrollton and he lived in Irwinton), discouraged anything more from ever developing between us...until the next summer.
I went on a mission trip to South Korea in May of 2011 and because Josh had also gone on many international mission trips, we began talking much more frequently. Little did I know that he was actually starting to pursue me. We talked more after I got back from my trip and one day he decided to call me. We talked for hours. Calling turned into Skyping and soon enough we were spending a lot of time in communication with each other through calls, texts, Facebook chat, Skyping, etc. I was completely blind to the entire thing though! I was in a place where I really wasn't looking for a relationship. I had told God that I needed a break from guys and wasn't going to be looking for a boyfriend any time soon. Well, God and Josh had a different plan. At that point, I thought of Josh as a really good friend and loved his company. I was content being single, so I wasn't pushing for anything more. I do remember thinking, there's no way my future husband is someone I already know (not realizing that he was actually right under my nose the entire time). After heavily pursing me without my knowledge, Josh finally asked me out on a date. (Apparently everyone was aware this was going to happen except me). I thought; why not give him a shot? And the rest is history.
We only went on two dates before he asked me to be his girlfriend and I happily said yes. It all happened so fast, yet it had been building up for a year. Starting a relationship with Josh was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Our relationship was different than anything I had ever experienced and I was immediately smitten. I knew this guy was different than anyone else. He was my best friend and we had so much fun together. We could talk for hours and the conversation never got dull. Josh is such a wonderful, Godly man and a perfect match for me! Since July of 2011, our life together has been far from boring. We started off driving 3 hours to see each other every weekend and visiting each other as much as possible. Josh was finishing his last semester of college, accepting the call to seminary, and transitioning into post-college life while trying to find a "real" job. I had just graduated college and moved back home. I was bouncing around from job to job and was really trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. We came into each other's lives at the perfect time, but it was far from simple.
We have been through a long distance relationship, college, seminary, moving, new churches, new jobs, engagement, marriage, buying our first house, and now expecting our first child. Transition is a word I would use to describe the past 3 years. We have been constantly transitioning from one thing to the next with little stability. The one thing that has remained solid throughout everything has been our relationship. We are far from perfect as is our relationship, but we are genuinely so happy together. We bring out the best in each other and challenge each other to be better. We have worked hard for our relationship, but at the same time, it's always come easily and been very natural. I have never laughed so hard or had so much fun as I have in the past 3 years. I'm so thankful to have Josh by my side through thick and thin to encourage me, love me, and continuously pursue me. God blessed me with a man and a marriage that far exceeded my expectations for myself and I couldn't be more grateful.
So, that's our story. Here's to all the blank pages still left to be filled with amazing memories and adventures. I can't wait for our future together because I know the best is yet to come!
Most people don't know that Josh and I were actually friends for a year before we ever began dating. We met in May of 2010 through a mutual friend. My best friend, Caylyn, and Josh both went to the same college and were already good friends. I went to visit Caylyn the weekend after my junior year of college ended to kick off the summer. While I was there, I met Josh. He came over late one night after getting off work at Papa John's. He was in his uniform and covered with dough, but I instantly knew there was something different about him. It's funny because I remember being interested in him immediately. I knew he was a good, Christian guy and he was fun to be around. I also knew I needed more people like this in my life. I left GCSU that weekend thinking that he was a nice guy who I wanted to get to know more. I then asked to be his Facebook friend, so technically I originally initiated it ;)
We talked over Facebook chat for over a year and got to know each other a lot that way. We both enjoyed talking to each other and would stay up late into the night getting to know each other more. It slowly developed into a solid friendship. Although there was always a spark between us, the fact that we lived almost 3 hours away from each other (I lived in Carrollton and he lived in Irwinton), discouraged anything more from ever developing between us...until the next summer.
I went on a mission trip to South Korea in May of 2011 and because Josh had also gone on many international mission trips, we began talking much more frequently. Little did I know that he was actually starting to pursue me. We talked more after I got back from my trip and one day he decided to call me. We talked for hours. Calling turned into Skyping and soon enough we were spending a lot of time in communication with each other through calls, texts, Facebook chat, Skyping, etc. I was completely blind to the entire thing though! I was in a place where I really wasn't looking for a relationship. I had told God that I needed a break from guys and wasn't going to be looking for a boyfriend any time soon. Well, God and Josh had a different plan. At that point, I thought of Josh as a really good friend and loved his company. I was content being single, so I wasn't pushing for anything more. I do remember thinking, there's no way my future husband is someone I already know (not realizing that he was actually right under my nose the entire time). After heavily pursing me without my knowledge, Josh finally asked me out on a date. (Apparently everyone was aware this was going to happen except me). I thought; why not give him a shot? And the rest is history.
We only went on two dates before he asked me to be his girlfriend and I happily said yes. It all happened so fast, yet it had been building up for a year. Starting a relationship with Josh was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Our relationship was different than anything I had ever experienced and I was immediately smitten. I knew this guy was different than anyone else. He was my best friend and we had so much fun together. We could talk for hours and the conversation never got dull. Josh is such a wonderful, Godly man and a perfect match for me! Since July of 2011, our life together has been far from boring. We started off driving 3 hours to see each other every weekend and visiting each other as much as possible. Josh was finishing his last semester of college, accepting the call to seminary, and transitioning into post-college life while trying to find a "real" job. I had just graduated college and moved back home. I was bouncing around from job to job and was really trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. We came into each other's lives at the perfect time, but it was far from simple.
We have been through a long distance relationship, college, seminary, moving, new churches, new jobs, engagement, marriage, buying our first house, and now expecting our first child. Transition is a word I would use to describe the past 3 years. We have been constantly transitioning from one thing to the next with little stability. The one thing that has remained solid throughout everything has been our relationship. We are far from perfect as is our relationship, but we are genuinely so happy together. We bring out the best in each other and challenge each other to be better. We have worked hard for our relationship, but at the same time, it's always come easily and been very natural. I have never laughed so hard or had so much fun as I have in the past 3 years. I'm so thankful to have Josh by my side through thick and thin to encourage me, love me, and continuously pursue me. God blessed me with a man and a marriage that far exceeded my expectations for myself and I couldn't be more grateful.
So, that's our story. Here's to all the blank pages still left to be filled with amazing memories and adventures. I can't wait for our future together because I know the best is yet to come!
3 years together,
answered prayers,
happy anniversary,
married life,
my life,
our story,
Thursday, July 10, 2014
My First Trimester: Is This Normal?
So if you were one of those women who had an awful, head hanging over the toilet, nauseous every second, completely miserable first trimester...you might want to stop reading now. I'm here to tell you a little bit about my first trimester. I am 14 weeks, so I have officially cleared the first trimester and am headed into the second. While I am glad to be in the second trimester (because that's one step closer to meeting my baby!), I have to be honest and say that my body doesn't feel much different than it did in the first.
I was one of those freak of nature people or at least I thought I was. I'm learning that this is a little more common than I thought. I had very few pregnancy symptoms and might have felt nauseous twice for about 10 minutes total. I never threw up, never even got close. I didn't have any food aversions and wasn't ridiculously tired. My stomach looked very similar to how it had started out pre-pregnancy and I was never showing. I did experience some of the typical first trimester madness including sore/tender breasts, constipation, being very emotional, bloating/cramping, being thirsty all the time and one bout of dizziness/fainting a few weeks ago. These symptoms all came and went throughout my first trimester, so I never felt overwhelmed with all of them at once. I did battle some weight fluctuation and tiredness during points in my first trimester, but those were largely due to the fact that my thyroid levels were very off (hypo) and are still trying to get adjusted to pregnancy. For the most part, I felt normal. I carried on with life just as I had before I got pregnant and felt great while doing it. All in all, my first trimester was a breeze.
Fun fact: I craved greasy/savory foods during my first trimester. I wanted pizza, fries and breakfast foods (sausage, egg, and cheese McGriddles/breakfast casserole) which were very abnormal for me.
Most people have said how lucky I am or how jealous they are. My doctor told me to just enjoy it! I must admit that I spent a lot of my time during my first trimester worrying. I was terrified that I didn't feel like crap. All I had heard were the horror stories from women about their first trimesters. I didn't know of hardly anyone who didn't spend the first 13 weeks huddled over the toilet and feeling nauseous the whole time. I tried to enjoy it, but it also scared me. I had always heard that if you are getting sick that means the baby is "healthy". So by logical deduction I could only conclude what it meant if I wasn't getting sick. Turns out, most of those myths are completely untrue and are first trimester misconceptions at their worst. I wanted to write this blog to encourage women out there who are going through their first trimester. Whether you are feeling awful or whether you are questioning if there is actually a baby inside you because you don't feel any different...every pregnancy is different, but most still result in healthy babies.
After I started telling people I was pregnant, the first question I got was, "How are you feeling?" When I said I had a really easy first trimester, I was surprised at how many women said it had been the same for them! I had no idea. I assumed something was wrong with me or my baby and spent so much time being scared and questioning the validity of my pregnancy. It seems like it's very common to hear about the horror stories and not quite as common to talk about the easy, totally doable first trimesters. If only women would talk and encourage each other more often, so that we aren't all left in the dark!
My faith was also tested and strengthened during my first trimester and I think that's something that stands out about the past 14 weeks. I've never depended on God so much. There is only so much I can do to make sure this tiny human life inside me is safe and healthy, the rest is up to Him. Pregnancy has brought out a lot of anxiety from within me that I am still battling, but it has also drawn me closer to God. I have seen how good and faithful He is. In those moments of panic, God gave me the peace I needed. I have to trust Him each step of the way. I know worrying about my child won't go away once he/she leaves the womb; in fact it will only get worse! I have to lay my baby's life in God's hands knowing that He will watch over and care for my baby throughout his/her whole life (before birth included). I know my child is in God's hands and that's what got me through the moments of doubt and fear so far in my pregnancy.
I'll be interested to see how the second trimester compares with the first and I'll definitely keep my blog updated on how it's going. But in the meantime, I just want to encourage those girls in their first trimester.
I was one of those freak of nature people or at least I thought I was. I'm learning that this is a little more common than I thought. I had very few pregnancy symptoms and might have felt nauseous twice for about 10 minutes total. I never threw up, never even got close. I didn't have any food aversions and wasn't ridiculously tired. My stomach looked very similar to how it had started out pre-pregnancy and I was never showing. I did experience some of the typical first trimester madness including sore/tender breasts, constipation, being very emotional, bloating/cramping, being thirsty all the time and one bout of dizziness/fainting a few weeks ago. These symptoms all came and went throughout my first trimester, so I never felt overwhelmed with all of them at once. I did battle some weight fluctuation and tiredness during points in my first trimester, but those were largely due to the fact that my thyroid levels were very off (hypo) and are still trying to get adjusted to pregnancy. For the most part, I felt normal. I carried on with life just as I had before I got pregnant and felt great while doing it. All in all, my first trimester was a breeze.
Fun fact: I craved greasy/savory foods during my first trimester. I wanted pizza, fries and breakfast foods (sausage, egg, and cheese McGriddles/breakfast casserole) which were very abnormal for me.
Most people have said how lucky I am or how jealous they are. My doctor told me to just enjoy it! I must admit that I spent a lot of my time during my first trimester worrying. I was terrified that I didn't feel like crap. All I had heard were the horror stories from women about their first trimesters. I didn't know of hardly anyone who didn't spend the first 13 weeks huddled over the toilet and feeling nauseous the whole time. I tried to enjoy it, but it also scared me. I had always heard that if you are getting sick that means the baby is "healthy". So by logical deduction I could only conclude what it meant if I wasn't getting sick. Turns out, most of those myths are completely untrue and are first trimester misconceptions at their worst. I wanted to write this blog to encourage women out there who are going through their first trimester. Whether you are feeling awful or whether you are questioning if there is actually a baby inside you because you don't feel any different...every pregnancy is different, but most still result in healthy babies.
After I started telling people I was pregnant, the first question I got was, "How are you feeling?" When I said I had a really easy first trimester, I was surprised at how many women said it had been the same for them! I had no idea. I assumed something was wrong with me or my baby and spent so much time being scared and questioning the validity of my pregnancy. It seems like it's very common to hear about the horror stories and not quite as common to talk about the easy, totally doable first trimesters. If only women would talk and encourage each other more often, so that we aren't all left in the dark!
My faith was also tested and strengthened during my first trimester and I think that's something that stands out about the past 14 weeks. I've never depended on God so much. There is only so much I can do to make sure this tiny human life inside me is safe and healthy, the rest is up to Him. Pregnancy has brought out a lot of anxiety from within me that I am still battling, but it has also drawn me closer to God. I have seen how good and faithful He is. In those moments of panic, God gave me the peace I needed. I have to trust Him each step of the way. I know worrying about my child won't go away once he/she leaves the womb; in fact it will only get worse! I have to lay my baby's life in God's hands knowing that He will watch over and care for my baby throughout his/her whole life (before birth included). I know my child is in God's hands and that's what got me through the moments of doubt and fear so far in my pregnancy.
I'll be interested to see how the second trimester compares with the first and I'll definitely keep my blog updated on how it's going. But in the meantime, I just want to encourage those girls in their first trimester.
Don't freak out. Don't panic. Relax. Trust God. Everything will be okay. Try to ENJOY this!
14 weeks pregnant,
first trimester,
is this normal,
my experience,
my first trimester,
pregnancy blogs,
Monday, July 7, 2014
We Have Been Keeping A Little Secret.....Pregnancy Blog: First Ultrasound
So we have been keeping a little secret....Josh and I are expecting a baby! We are SO excited to finally be able to publically share the news. Keeping this secret was tough! Now that the secret is out, I wanted to update my blog with the news and let you guys know that I will be doing Pregnancy Blogs throughout my pregnancy. I will try to keep my blog updated with pregnancy news, bump photos and weekly updates. I wrote a lot of private blogs over the past few months that I am excited to be able to share with everyone. I am currently 13.5 weeks pregnant and plan on doing a 14 Week Pregnancy Blog later in the week, but for now I wanted to share the day I got my first ultrasound done and was able to peek at our little "peanut". Thank you all for the extravagant amount of love and support as we share this news of our growing family and I can't wait to take you along my journey.

First Ultrasound - Originally written on May 27, 2014
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