Good morning! At the beginning of my pregnancy, I made a commitment to do "Pregnancy Blogs" logging my pregnancy journey and I promised to share them with you all. I can't say I will share them each week (unless you care for the weekly updates) because there are not a crazy amount of changes from week to week, but I will share them on a monthly basis. I have a little question series that I found to document where I am in my pregnancy and give a good idea of how things are going for me and Baby Gale. So if you are like me and love reading about other people's pregnancies, enjoy! If not, I will have other non-pregnancy related topics on my blog as well. Happy Monday!
How far along? 15 weeks 4 days
Baby: The baby now measures about 4 inches long, crown to rump, and weighs in at about 2 1/2 ounces (the size of an apple or naval orange). Baby Gale is busy moving amniotic fluid through the nose and upper respiratory tract, which helps the primitive air sacs in the lungs begin to develop. Baby's legs are growing longer than the arms now, and baby can move all of it's joints and limbs. Although the eyelids are still fused shut, Peanut can sense light. If I were to shine a flashlight at my tummy, for instance, the baby will likely to move away from the beam.
Total Weight Gain: I'm getting my thyroid levels tested again today, so we will see how my levels are (which majorly affects my weight). I gained a pound this week and am now up to a 5 lb. weight gain so far. I have been trying really hard to eat healthy and get all the vitamins and nutrients that the baby needs, but I also have days where I don't eat so healthy.
Maternity Clothes: Not yet, but I have so many cute maternity clothes to choose from when I start wearing them! I had 2 women give me maternity clothes and I can't wait to wear some of them because they are actually really cute. I'm going to get a belly band soon because my pants are getting tighter and tighter, but I can still wear all my regular clothes as of now.
Stretch Marks: Nope, but I bought stretch mark cream and I need to start using it ASAP.
Sleep: I've been exhausted lately. I took a lot of naps last week to try to get some energy, but I was just dragging all last week. I rested over the weekend and feel better going into this week. Between my thyroid being off and being 15 weeks pregnant, my body is just tired all the time. Hoping to get some energy soon! I sleep well for the most part, but I do wake up more in the middle of the night than I used to. I'm not sleeping as hard and am a little more restless.Miss Anything? I miss not being in pain from round ligament pain and I miss having energy.
Best Moment of the Week: Josh and I are making more decisions about the nursery and the baby gear we want. Also, I got back in the gym this week after a 3 week hiatus and it felt great!
Movement: Not until 18-24 weeks, getting closer and I can't wait!
Food Cravings: For a while there, I wasn't as interested in sweets (if you know me, you know this is strange!). My sweet tooth is definitely back. I ate a lot of sugar last week and was really craving it. I'm still liking savory foods as well and find them very satisfying, much more than I ever used to.
Anything making you queasy or sick? No.
Gender: Dunno! Josh and I have decided to keep the gender a surprise until January! Hoping the doctors can continue to keep it a secret at the anatomy scan in a month.
Symptoms: The biggest symptoms I have are lots of pressure in my stomach and ovaries randomly hurting/round ligament pain and exhaustion. I have still been battling constipation and acne. My thyroid is still off, but today I will see if my new medicine is helping my body adjust to pregnancy.
Happy or moody: Moody...sorry Josh!
Looking forward to: The anatomy scan in a month and having a good week with lots of rest, healthy eating and staying active.
Sonogram at 14 weeks!
14 & 15 Week Baby Bump
I know first 15 weeks not easy in pregnancy because this proceed is very difficult and this article give me very good schedule for pregnancy thanks for share it Karen Matthew .