1. Medela In Style Advanced Pump -- Whether you are planning on returning back to work or you are going to be a stay-at-home mom, I highly recommend getting a breast pump and specifically this one. The Medela In Style Advanced Pump is an awesome breast pump! I got it free through my insurance (retails $200) and it has been so helpful for me as a working mom. I recommend that you ask your health insurance if they cover a breast pump before you go out and purchase one because most companies will cover one for free! This pump is great because it's electric and a double pump meaning the pump does all the work, so I don't have to AND I can pump on both sides at once which cuts my pumping time in half. I use this pump on the days that I work, so that I can pump bottles for my baby. The pump is compact, light, and easy to bring with you wherever you go. It's super easy to use (even though it looks a little intimidating at first) and hassle-free. I also love the Medela brand because you can get everything you need for the pump (bottles, tops, nipples, etc.) at Target instead of having to order online. I think it's awesome to have a pump for when you need to leave your baby with someone or if you want daddy to be able to help out and feed baby as well. As much as I love breastfeeding, sometimes it's nice to be able to have some help and not be the sole food source. I was terrified about going back to work because I thought I would have to give up breastfeeding, but this pump has allowed me to continue on exclusively breastfeeding my son. I am so grateful I didn't have to give up breastfeeding and I owe a lot of that to this pump!

3. Lanolin nipple cream -- This cream was another lifesaver during the first few weeks of breastfeeding. Your nipples crack, bleed, and are super sensitive when they are adjusting to breastfeeding. It's painful! This cream was really helpful in making the adjustment bearable and gave me the relief I needed between feedings. The product is natural and safe for your baby to digest (inevitable if you are feeding every 2 hours). Highly recommend having this on hand BEFORE baby arrives as well. You'll thank me I promise! You can find this cream pretty much anywhere and a little goes a long way, so it lasts a long time.

4. Nursing bras -- If you are planning on breastfeeding for any length of time, you are going to want to invest in a good nursing bra. If you are currently breastfeeding, you know how often you are removing your bra. If you aren't yet, then you are about to learn! For the first month or two, your baby eats almost every two hours. It makes life much easier if you are wearing a bra that you don't have to take off or mess with each time the baby feeds. Find one that is comfortable and easy to latch off and on. I bought two nursing bras before I had Grayson and I love them both. The first one is a soft and comfy wireless bra that I wear at night or if I'm at home for the day. It's a cotton material and allows you to feed your baby very easily while keeping mom comfortable. The second bra I purchased almost looks like a regular bra with underwire but it has the latches on it that make breastfeeding extremely convenient. I needed a nursing bra with underwire for going out in public, just a personal preference. The awesome thing about this bra is that is looks and acts like a regular bra, but just makes breastfeeding a heck of a lot easier! I bought both my nursing bras at Motherhood Maternity and would recommend that store if you want a quality and comfortable nursing bra. I looked at Target and Wal-Mart for nursing bras and couldn't ever find anything that wasn't extremely uncomfortable to wear. Nursing bras are purely needed for convenience, but I think they are worth the investment. I love being able to wear a regular bra and still easily nurse my baby!
5. Nursing cover -- Before I had Grayson, I didn't know what type of mom I would be when it came to breastfeeding. I didn't think I would be the mom that breastfed in public with no cover at all, but I had no clue how comfortable I would be breastfeeding in public even with a cover. I went to a consignment sale and bought a nice Baby Balboa nursing cover for $5. I bought it just in case I needed it in the future and I am really glad I did! The cover has already come in handy so many times. I soon realized that although I don't love breastfeeding in public, I also hate leaving the group and going to sit in a room by myself for 20 minutes while everyone else is together. It wasn't always convenient to find a private (and clean) place to nurse, so I would pull out my nursing cover. I've used it a few times at restaurants and also in my own home while people are over. It's not too big or bulky and is very easy to throw in your bag on the go. You can also wash it very easily. The nursing cover does just that, it covers all the right places without making you feel like you are wearing a blanket. It even has a little peep hole, so that you can keep an on eye your baby while he/she is covered up and eating. The nursing cover keeps you modest and covered, while allowing you to stay present wherever you are. The cover isn't even noticeable to most people. I've used it before and people won't even realize what I'm doing. I really like it and it allows me to breastfeed on the go!
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