How far along? 37 weeks 5 days
Baby: My due date is very close now, but doctors don't consider your baby "full term" until 39 weeks. Spending the next two weeks in the womb allows the baby's brain and lungs to fully mature. Peanut now weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (about the size of a bunch of Swiss chard). Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long.
Total Weight Gain: The baby is definitely growing! I am between a 17-18 lb. weight gain (132-133). I have gained about a 1 pound a week lately and they say that's what's supposed to happen, so I guess that's good! The baby (my belly) grew 2 cm in 1 week at my last appointment! I was so happy about that because I was a little worried about the baby's growth being on the smaller side.
Activity: Still going to the gym and walking!
Stretch Marks: Still applying lots of lotions to my belly each morning and evening. I honestly think I have a few stretch marks, but I can't fully tell at this point. I'm thinking a few may show up after the baby is born and my skin shrinks back. But so far, they aren't bad at all!
Sleep: I've been sleeping horribly! I'm exhausted. I just have so much on my mind and so much to get done all the time. I'm definitely on edge. Plus I just wake up constantly during the night!Miss Anything? Sleep!
Best Moment of the Week: My work threw me a baby shower on Friday and I got some adorable things! They were really sweet to throw it for me :) I also went shopping for a few baby things (clothes, diaper bag, stain remover) with my mom on Saturday and got some great deals! Baby Gale now has plenty of clothes for the first few months which is a relief! I had 2 days off last week and it was so wonderful! I got a lot done and was also able to relax and spend time with Josh. It was great!
Movement: Still lots of activity! I can tell there is a full sized child in there now! Some of the movements are uncomfortable and super low!
Food Cravings: Still drinking Raspberry Leaf Tea and taking Primrose Oil this week. Besides that, still loving sweets. Nothing new there!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Only when I'm super hungry and need to eat!
Gender: Surprise!
Symptoms: More Braxton Hicks/pressure/cramping off and on, more discharge and difficulty sleeping. Much more consistent bowel movements which is a big change.
Happy or moody: Happy and nervous! Trying to enjoy each moment as it comes and not wish away these last few weeks! I've felt sad at times that I won't be pregnant anymore and also a little excited. I was a little sad thinking the time in our marriage of just Josh and I is coming to a close, but also so excited for our family to welcome this little amazing addition. So in short, I have a lot of emotions going on! Mostly excited and ready to meet our precious baby!
Looking forward to: Christmas with family! And my 38 week check-up on Friday...hoping for progress!
I went to the doctor on Thursday. So far I am not dilated any, but my cervix is starting to thin out. We will see what this next week holds!
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