Monday, December 15, 2014

36 Week Pregnancy Blog -- 9th Month!

Written on Monday December 15, 2014 -- 24 days until my due date!

Hey there! I can't believe I am writing my 36 week pregnancy update. Time has flown and our baby's due date is quickly approaching! In fact, we are getting very close to the point where the baby could come at any time! So exciting, yet I'm trying to get as much done as I can before that day comes. I had my 36 week doctor's appointment on Friday and the baby is doing great! Peanut is already head down and my belly had grown 2 cm since the previous visit 2 weeks prior. The doctor did say it looks like I may have a smaller baby, but everything is very healthy, so I'm okay with that! I'm so curious to see how big the baby actually will be! My husband, Josh, was almost 9 lbs. when he was born, but I was only 6 lb. 1 oz. I'm thinking this baby takes after mama :) Here's some details about my 36th week (9th month!) of pregnancy!

How far along? 36 weeks 5 days -- so close!

Baby: The baby is still packing on the pounds at the rate of about an ounce a day! She/he now weighs almost 6 pounds and is more than 18 1/2 inches long (about the size of a head of romaine lettuce or a large cantaloupe). Peanut is shedding most of the downy covering of hair that covered the body, as well as, the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that covered and protected the skin during the nine-month amniotic bath. The baby swallows both of these substances, along with other secretions, resulting in a blackish mixture, called meconium, that will form the contents of her/his first bowel movement.

Thyroid: I got my thyroid levels tested last week and was happy with the results. The baby is getting the perfect amount of thyroid hormone and mine is only slightly high (hyper). This means my metabolism is a little high, but not high enough for them to change my dosage since the baby is getting exactly what he/she needs. It will be interesting to see how my thyroid adjusts post-partum. The doctor recommended I get my levels tested again within 4-6 weeks after birth to get my body readjusted now that it won't have another person to account for! Most likely my dosage will decrease significantly.

Activity: Thankfully, I have still been able to remain active. It's actually harder for me to sit still! I'm having trouble getting comfortable lately when I sit for long periods of time. I am still working out 3 days a week (30 min. on the elliptical and 10 lb. arm weights) and am feeling great doing it. Since I've done this particular workout for months, my body is very used to it. I'm also walking a few days a week during my lunch break with a co-worker of mine. It feels great to break a sweat and move around even at this stage of pregnancy.

Stretch Marks: Still applying lotion consistently and I think I may have a stretch mark or two. I honestly can't fully tell because my skill is so stretched out! My belly button is officially an outie!
Sleep: I've slept so much better and I'm so thankful for that. It's amazing what a good nights sleep can do for you. I think my body is just worn out.

Miss Anything? Overall, I will really miss being pregnant. I've truly loved it. Currently, the only thing I will not miss is always having to be monitored. From my thyroid to my weight gain to my food intake, there's so much I have to pay attention to and get tested for constantly. It can get exhausting after a while.

Best Moment of the Week: I had a very festive week! I went to a few Christmas parties and Josh and I went to 2 different Christmas plays over the weekend. It was all a lot of fun! I've always loved this time of year and to me, it's so special to be welcoming a baby during this beautiful Christmas season. I was also able to work around the house for about 4 hours yesterday night cleaning, organizing, working on the baby's room and wrapping Christmas presents! I wouldn't necessarily call it nesting because I didn't want to get it all done, but I knew it needed to happen! :) 

Movement: This child is super active! I feel movement all day long and multiple times each hour. Lots of hiccups, kicks, and booty shaking (this kid loves to move his/her butt around constantly!). The baby has definitely grown and finally reached my ribs...I can feel the baby right up against them! I'm soaking in and loving each and every movement. I'll miss that the most.

Food Cravings: I did a lot better with cutting down on the sweets this week and trying to eat more protein and veggies (my doctor's recommendation to keep up the baby's growth). I started drinking Raspberry Leaf Tea and taking Primrose Oil this week. These two things are not supposed to bring on labor, but they are supposed to help tone your uterus and get your body ready for birth. There is research supporting both sides (that it helps and that it does nothing), but the tea tastes yummy and it's all good for you, so I figure why not give it a shot? It can't hurt!

Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope.

Gender: Surprise! But getting more anxious to know the gender! We also started using the names this week to kind of "practice" instead of just calling the baby "Peanut". It's a little weird, but I love the names! I can't wait to put a name to this child!

Symptoms: More pressure/pain with the baby getting bigger, trouble getting comfortable when sitting for a long time, always thirsty, acne has really improved!, and having to pee more often.

Happy or moody: Happy and excited!

Looking forward to: I have 2 days off work this week which means I only have a 3 day work week! So thankful for that and ready to get a bunch of stuff knocked off my to-do's almost baby time! 

Nursery decoration that I made last night...the hearts are made out of the baby shower cards!

More nursery décor! I will show you all the finished nursery soon enough! :)

Monday, December 8, 2014

35 Week Pregnancy Blog

Written on Monday December 8, 2014 -- 1 month away from my due date! :)

How far along? 35 weeks 5 days -- 1.5 weeks until I am considered full-term!

Baby: The baby doesn't have much room to maneuver now that he or she's over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds (the size of a honeydew melon). Because it's so snug in my womb, the baby isn't likely to be doing somersaults anymore, but the number of times he/she kicks should remain about the same. The kidneys are fully developed now, and the liver can process some waste products. Most of the basic physical development is now complete — Peanut will spend the next few weeks putting on weight.

Total Weight Gain: This week I fluctuated between 130 - 132 (15-17 lb. weight gain). At the beginning of the week I was nervous that I still hadn't gained anything and over the weekend I gained 2 lbs. and wasn't thrilled about that! I'm looking forward to the weight gain part of all this being over. Gaining weight is no fun, but not gaining any makes me nervous! I'm getting my thyroid levels tested today, so I am very anxious to see how they are doing. I feel like getting the results will ease my mind about the weight gain (or lack thereof) issue.

Maternity Clothes: I feel like my belly has definitely grown and the maternity clothes are fitting better and better.

Stretch Marks: Still being consistent with applying lotion once in the morning and once at night and so far. I don't think I have any stretch marks, but it's kind of hard to tell with my skin being so stretched out!
Sleep: I slept better this week! I still woke up a lot during the night, but I was finally tired and didn't have this strange middle of the night energy. I got some good sleep this weekend and it was awesome. I woke up once in the middle of the night with pain in the space between my belly and my hip bones this week and that wasn't very fun. Maybe the baby is dropping or I'm experiencing growing pains?

Miss Anything? Getting a full 8 hrs of sleep without waking up and not having to worry about the weight I am or am not gaining.

Best Moment of the Week: The hospital tour was really exciting! It was fun to see where I'll give birth and to really start to consider how it will all go down. Getting closer!

Movement: The baby's activity is so on and off. Sometimes I don't feel anything and other times I can't even focus on anything else because I am so in tune with the baby's movements. I can tell the baby has grown because the movements are slow and more distinct.  My whole stomach shifts depending on where the baby is sitting and I can feel if the baby is on my hips, ribs, or bladder!

Food Cravings: Still loving sweets! I need to eat more real food this week.

Anything making you queasy or sick? No.

Gender: Surprise! But getting more anxious to know the gender! We also started using the names this week to kind of "practice" instead of just calling the baby "Peanut". It's a little weird, but I love the names! I can't wait to put a name on this child!

Symptoms: Having trouble sleeping and also experiencing random tummy pain, tired, always thirsty, extremely moody, waking up in the middle of the night starving and eating!, acne and constipation have been much better!

Happy or moody: So moody!

Looking forward to: Although it's a little stressful, I have a bunch of holiday activities and parties this week! I am trying not to be stressed out by it all and to enjoy it :)

Monday, December 1, 2014

34 Week Pregnancy Blog

Written on Monday December 1, 2014

Hello there, December! I cannot believe it's already Christmas time and less than 6 weeks until my due date. Wow, time has flown! I honestly have few complaints about my pregnancy and have really loved being pregnant. I have been blessed with a very smooth and healthy pregnancy and I am so grateful for that. I will miss it in a lot of ways, but the excitement I feel about meeting my baby outweighs any sadness I feel about the pregnancy coming to an end. This week was another good week and another week closer to meeting our Peanut.

How far along? 34 weeks 5 days -- 2.5 weeks until I am considered full-term! (They now consider full-term to be 37 weeks meaning that if I go into labor after that point, they aren't going to stop me!)

Baby: The baby now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds (about the size of a cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. The fat layers — which will help regulate the body temperature once the baby's born — are filling out, making the baby rounder. The skin is also smoother than ever. The central nervous system is maturing and lungs are continuing to mature as well.

Total Weight Gain: Still holding down the 15-16 lb. weight gain! I have still been able to stay active which helps give me more energy.

Maternity Clothes: I've been lucky enough to survive on the maternity clothes that were given to me by a few friends. I've only bought 1 maternity top this pregnancy which was extremely nice for my wallet. The selection of clothes that fit me is a little thin, but at this point I'm not going to buy a bunch of new maternity clothes since I am so close to the end. I'm still wearing maternity tops, maternity pants, leggings and my regular pants with my belly band.

Stretch Marks: Still being consistent with applying lotion once in the morning and once at night and so far, no stretch marks to report!
Sleep: Sleep has been very strange lately. My energy is waning, but I am really struggling with sleep. I'm not uncomfortable and I don't have to pee every 2 seconds, but when I do wake up in the night, I just can't seem to get back to sleep. I am sleeping very lightly and wake up around 5 am most weekends. I think it has to do with having so much on my mind and beginning to nest and want everything done and in its place.

Miss Anything? Getting a good nights sleep!

Best Moment of the Week: Clearing everything out of the baby room and getting everything in it's place! Besides the decorations, the nursery is now complete! I love it so much and find myself going in there just to look at everything and take it all in :) Also, Thanksgiving was great! My brother flew in town Wednesday night and surprised my parents! We had been planning the surprise for a few weeks, and it was so nice to have him home for a few days. We have only seen him once in a whole year, so I loved having us all together for Thanksgiving!

Movement: The baby was very active this week! Now that the baby is bigger, I can definitely tell a difference. The movements are so strong and powerful...they make my whole stomach shake! I can distinctly see and feel the different body parts which is so cool. The movement is my favorite part of pregnancy, so I'm trying to soak it all in while I still can.

Food Cravings: Still loving sweets! Also, I was on a grits kick last week. I ate them every morning for breakfast and they just hit the spot.

Anything making you queasy or sick? No.

Gender: Surprise! But getting more anxious to know the gender!

Symptoms: Having trouble sleeping and also experienced a random leg cramp during the night, nesting, always thirsty, consistent Braxton Hicks and random numbness in my hands and legs.

Happy or moody: My mood is all over the board! Also, lack of sleep never makes me a happy camper, so that definitely doesn't help!

Looking forward to: The hospital tour this week and getting my hospital bag packed! I bought everything for the hospital bag, now I just need to pack it up :)

My brother caught this lovely pose of mine on camera on Thanksgiving! If you needed a good laugh for today, well here it is! Along with the baby bump :)

Monday, November 24, 2014

Freezer Meals For The Win!

So as many of you know, I am expecting a baby in 6 weeks! I'm SO excited and my head has been buzzing for months trying to make sure I get everything accomplished for when the baby arrives. If you know me at all, then you probably know that I am a planner and an organizer. I like to think and plan ahead, so that things run more smoothly. So when my sister-in-law told me that she wanted to help me make a bunch of freezer meals for when the baby comes, I was totally on board! She is (in my opinion) an expert on the freezer meal front and wanted to show me the ropes. (Her blog is if you want more details!) I was excited to minimize the cooking after our child is born and for the convenience that these freezer meals would provide, but I was also a little overwhelmed at the idea of making so many meals and preparing them for the freezer. Turns out, it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought and dare I say it, I may even repeat the freezer meal process again in the near future!

First, I did a lot of research on the different meals I wanted to make. Turns out, you can freeze almost anything! I found some blogs with freezer recipes and I also found this link to be very helpful ( I am a huge fan of any Six Sisters Stuff recipe, so I was excited to see that they had freezer meal options as well.

Then, I compiled a list of 8 different meals and figured out which ingredients I needed. I already had a lot of it on hand which was very helpful! Always check your own fridge before going grocery shopping and you will be amazed how your shopping list dwindles. I chose to print out a list of the ingredients I needed, so that I could keep it all straight. It helped me to have a list in my hand that I could check off during my shopping trip.

Once I had my list of ingredients, I headed to the store. First, I went to Aldi to buy my produce. Then I went to Kroger for the rest of the ingredients. I took my husband with me and that was very helpful. We knocked out the shopping trip fairly quickly and it was nice to have an extra set of hands. I also picked up gallon size zip lock bags and disposable cooking trays to store the meals in. You will need foil, a sharpie and cling wrap if you don't already have that on hand.

The next day, my sister-in-law visited and we started our freezer meal adventure! We divided the recipes up and got to work. Many of the recipes only require assembly before they are ready for the freezer, while others require you to actually cook the meal first and then freeze it. I took on the cooking portion while Shalah began assembling the uncooked meals. With each meal we completed, we labeled the bag or cooking tray with the date, the name of the meal, and the cooking instructions. This system worked really well for us and we ended up knocking out 8 different recipes in about 4 hours total. I would definitely recommend having a partner help you out unless you want to be in the kitchen all day!

The preparation and time that went into making the freezer meals was definitely worth it! I ended up with almost 20 meals (each meal made at least 2 portions) and I only spent $130 total! At the end of the experience, I couldn't help but think I will be doing this again in the future. It's very cost-effective and will be extremely helpful for a new first-time working mommy.

The 8 recipes I ended up making were:

1. Chicken Pot Pie
2. Spaghetti Sauce
3. Slow Cooker Sweet and Tangy Meatballs
4. Meatloaf
5. Ham and Cheese Potato Casserole
6. Slow Cooker Black Bean and Corn Salsa Chicken
7. Taco Soup
8. Poppy Seed Chicken Casserole

If you are interested in any of these recipes, please let me know and I would love to pass them on!

Here are some pictures from our freezer meal day! We had a blast!

Monday, November 10, 2014

My Favorite Products During Pregnancy

As the third trimester is in full swing (only 2 months to go!), I wanted to share with you all what my favorite products have been so far in my pregnancy. These products have made my pregnancy easier and have helped to make my experience with pregnancy much more enjoyable. If you are currently pregnant, I highly recommend each of these products!

1. Half Caff K-Cups

These things have been a life saver for me this pregnancy. For some reason, the moment I learned I needed to limit my caffeine during pregnancy; I wanted it more than ever. The funny thing is I normally only have 1 cup of coffee each morning and that's it, but like I said, this pregnancy I have craved coffee like there is no tomorrow. You always want what you can't have, right? The first trimester, I cut out caffeine entirely which was extremely difficult. By the second trimester, I started easing myself into my morning coffee again. These Half-Caff K-Cups are the perfect compromise for my caffeine-loving self. One cup contains half the amount of caffeine as a regular cup, but it still does the trick and tastes much better than decaf. I have really loved my morning cups of coffee during pregnancy once I discovered these!

2. Be Maternity BeBand - Natural
This belly band has been another life saver for my pregnancy and probably my most recommended product purchase for pregnant women. For only $16.99 at Target, I have more than gotten my use out of this thing. If you aren't sure exactly what it does, it is a stretchy material that goes over your belly and top of your pants and allows you to keep your pants unbuttoned without having to worry about flashing everyone around you. It's basically the new version of the rubber band trick and believe me, it does the trick! I bought the BeBand around my 16th week of pregnancy and have worn it ever since. It allows me to be able to wear my regular pants which I have been really thankful for. There is just something about my regular clothes that makes me much more comfortable than the maternity clothes. I still use the belly band regularly and I am in my 31st week of pregnancy. It easily fits under your clothes and isn't bulky or uncomfortable. It provides support for your growing belly and the natural color makes the BeBand unnoticeable to the outside eye. I have also heard you can use the BeBand post-partum as a way to get your regular jeans on when you can't quite zip them yet. I would highly recommend this product!

3. Flavored Drink Packets

Most pregnant women know the importance of drinking water during your pregnancy. If you are like me, then you don't need to be reminded because you are constantly thirsty. The Crystal Light Lemonade packets have made drinking water during my pregnancy much more enjoyable. I allow myself 1 packet each day (2 if I'm really not wanting to drink regular water) and I actually look forward to my daily bottle of lemonade. Each packet is only 10 calories and it so much more satisfying than a regular bottle of water, but you are still getting the fluids you need. I drink a lot of water, so by adding a flavor to my water I get the variety I need. You can use any flavor or any brand. I usually buy my flavored drink packets from the Dollar Tree and think they still taste great. This is a great way to make healthy habits during pregnancy a little more enjoyable!

4. Dermasil Lotion

As any pregnant lady knows, rapid growth is a huge part of pregnancy. Your skin is constantly being stretched and pulled. You think it can't possibly stretch anymore and then it does! I started using stretch mark cream in the beginning of my second trimester and found that I ran out of it very quickly. Stretch mark cream is pricy and soon it began to add up. I then discovered the Dermasil brand of lotion at the Dollar Tree. Yes, I am an avid Dollar Tree shopper if you can't tell. I believe that if you can find quality products for a cheaper price, why not take advantage of it? This brand of lotion has been great and has helped keep my skin moisturized during pregnancy. There are lighter lotions and more thick lotions to choose from. They do a great job and have allowed my skin to grow without tearing and creating stretch marks (at least none to speak of yet!). I still have one bottle of brand name stretch mark cream (Palmer's Stretch Mark Lotion) and I believe it also works very well. For me, this has been a cost effective alternative of taking care of my skin during pregnancy and this brand couples wonderfully with a brand name stretch mark cream to keep your skin healthy during your pregnancy.

5. Healthy Snacks

Throughout my pregnancy, hunger will randomly strike and out of nowhere I am starving. I have found that it's useful to have a snack on hand, so that when hunger strikes, I have something to munch on instead of turning into a starving (and irritated) pregnant lady. These are some of my favorite healthy snacks that not only satisfy my hunger and tide me over until the next meal, but also give me and my baby the nutrition we both need. When I'm starving, I'll eat whatever is in front of me, so because of that I try to keep healthy options on hand. Then I have no choice but to go for the apple and not the candy....most days :)

I have always loved apples, but I have especially enjoyed them during my pregnancy. They satisfy that sweet craving for me with some added nutrition. Apples are full of vitamin C, boost your blood sugar quickly, and are refreshing. My new favorites are Pink Lady apples (we got some from an apple orchard this weekend) because they are so delicious that they taste more like a treat to me. They are easy to keep in your purse or your car without spoiling. I also LOVE snacking on apples and peanut butter for some extra protein.
My next favorite snack is string cheese. This one might seem random and to be honest I haven't had string cheese since I was a kid. It's one of the foods recommended for pregnancy, so I thought I would try it and turns out, I am still a big fan! One stick of string cheese has 7 grams of protein which is very important during pregnancy. String cheese also has the additional calcium that my body needs right now (apparently the baby is taking most of my supply). 

The last snack is any type of granola bar, but my favorite is the Nature Valley Trail Mix Fruit & Nut bar. Granola bars have always been my go-to snack and that hasn't changed during my pregnancy. They are perfect for storing in your bag, lunch box, or car and they have saved me many times when hungry struck and I didn't have much food on hand. The fruit and nut combination provides you with a little fruit, nut and whole grain -- all good for you and your baby!

6. Maybelline Dream Pure BB Cream

I mentioned this product before in my summer favorites and it is still a favorite of mine months later! I have also mentioned multiple times that one of my pregnancy symptoms has been pregnancy/hormonal acne. Before I was pregnant, I was on birth control and that seemed to help keep my face clear and the acne at bay. Once I got off birth control and became pregnant, my skin went crazy! I assumed it would slow down or my body would adjust to the new hormones, but that hasn't been the case. Where is the "pregnancy glow" I hear about?? I am very grateful this has been one of my only complaints during pregnancy because obviously it could be so much worse. But if you have ever had acne then you probably know that it can really affect your confidence and it can be uncomfortable and even painful for your skin. The Dream Pure BB Cream by Maybelline has been a lifesaver for my breakouts. This product is very light on your skin like a moisturizer, but it provides excellent coverage like a liquid foundation. It doesn't leave your skin looking orange, but instead gives you a nice, healthy glow. It also does a good job of evening out your skin tone which can get extremely red and patchy when your face is constantly broken out. I love this product and think it's a wonderful BB cream for anyone, but if you are pregnant and dealing with acne, I especially recommend it.

7. Good Pair of Maternity Jeans

The last item on my list is a good pair of maternity jeans. I don't have a specific brand to recommend to you, but I can't tell you how nice it is to have at least one pair of maternity jeans that you feel comfortable and confident in. I know that no matter how I am feeling, I can put on that pair of maternity jeans and feel good about myself. A good pair of maternity jeans provides you with the comfort and fit you need. I prefer the maternity jeans with the longer belly panel, but that's just a personal preference. My best advice is whether you get some hand-me-downs from a friend like I was lucky enough to or if you have to go out and buy some, make sure you have something you feel good in. Pregnancy is tough on the body and the mind. We deserve a little pick me up and at least one item of clothing we feel good in!


Monday, November 3, 2014

30 Week Pregnancy Blog

Written on Monday November 3, 2014

How far along? 30 weeks 4 days -- 7.5 months!

BabyBaby is measuring about 15.7 inches long now and weighs almost 3 pounds (the size of a large cabbage or butternut squash). A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds her/him, but that volume will shrink as she/he gets bigger and takes up more room in the uterus. Eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after Peanut's born, he/she will keep eyes closed for a good part of the day. When baby does open them, baby will respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means Peanut can only make out objects a few inches from her/his face.

Total Weight Gain: My weight was a little more stable this week -- staying between a 13-14 lb. weight gain. I've still been able to work out on the elliptical 2-3 times a week for 30 minutes at a time and I've been doing some of the arm machines on the lowest weight (10 lbs). I really enjoy staying active and believe it's helped me throughout my pregnancy. I'm very interested to see if my thyroid is still too high or if it has evened itself out since I still haven't gained a whole lot of weight. (although I am still gaining, just slowly). I'm on the low end of gaining weight, but my belly is growing!! I had a doctor's appointment this week and my belly is measuring 29 cm which is perfectly on track.

Maternity Clothes: My belly has most definitely grown -- even more! Maternity clothes are becoming my friend more and more! I'm a little sick of the selection, but still finding outfits that fit each day. I am also finding ways to wear my regular clothes but make them maternity which I like best and feel most comfortable in.

Stretch Marks: I've been doing good with the stretch mark cream and am still stretch mark free! Crossing my fingers that growing slowly will help reduce my chance of severe stretch marks. I've been trying to apply the creams each morning and evening.
Sleep: I'm sleeping a lot lighter and wake up early on the weekends. I struggle to sleep past 7am which is very different for me. (I've been waking up at more like 5 am on the weekends!) I also wake up a lot more during the nights. The funny thing is that I'm not uncomfortable and I don't have to pee constantly. I'm just sleeping a lot lighter and have more energy. Although some days it catches up to me and I'm exhausted -- like today!

Miss Anything? I miss having clear skin. Pregnancy acne has been horrible for me. But overall, I still love being pregnant and will miss it when it's over!

Best Moment of the Week: I had a great doctor's appointment on Wednesday. My blood pressure (90/54) and weight gain were both good. The baby's heart beat was 140 bpm and I got to hear it for a while which I always love. Also, the baby is measuring perfectly! Our church threw us a baby shower yesterday and that was also lots of fun. We got a bunch of good stuff and felt very blessed! My aunts also pitched in and bought us my dream car seat/stroller travel system -- I love it and have already been tested it out around the house! :)

Movement: Feeling more and more movement! I am starting to feel movement when I am standing or moving around which is different because I used to only feel it when I was sitting and relaxed. I can tell the baby is getting much bigger by the slower, but powerful movements. I feel like I can feel the head, elbows, and knees more distinctly. It's so amazing! I love it.

Food Cravings: I did better with eating healthy this week. I was liking my berry spinach smoothies and really liking these energy bites I made (oatmeal, honey, peanut butter, and chocolate chips). I actually did really well with the Halloween candy and didn't go crazy. Although I did have two pieces of cake at my baby shower yesterday. Still loving sweets! I don't know if this is a craving, but I am also VERY into gum. I have to watch myself because I continuously want something to chew on, so I tend to eat a lot of pieces in a day.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope. Although I don't like the smell of the Palmer's Stretch Mark Cream in the early mornings when I put it on. It doesn't bother me at nights, but in the mornings it grosses me out.

Gender: Surprise! We are still getting the majority of votes for a BOY! Can't wait to find out :)

Symptoms: Not getting as many Braxton Hicks contractions but I usually get them when I go from sitting to standing quickly, constantly thirsty although I already drink 5 bottles of water a day!, constipation has been a big issue, the baby loves my right hip and loves to sit on it which can be very painful and will randomly hit when I am walking -- ouch!, acne was still awful this week!

Happy or moody: husband has been especially patient with me while I'm dealing with not only a lot of changes in our personal life, but also as I deal with major changes at my job.

Looking forward to: Getting all the baby presents put away and getting the room more organized. Baby stuff has officially taken over the house! 

My friend Taylor and I had an impromptu mini photo shoot before grabbing dinner one night. It was so fun to get some pictures of "the bump" :) She did a great job!

Church Baby Shower with my awesome church family!

 Excited Grandma-To-Be!

Getting my workout on at 30 weeks pregnant!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

My Thyroid Story

So many of you know that I have hypothyroidism. It's such a minor "disease" compared to most, but it has played a big part in my life for more than 15 years. The older I get, the more I realize how common thyroid issues really are and how many people they affect. It's kind of like when you buy a new red truck, all of the sudden, you become aware of how many red trucks are out on the roads. Approximately 10 million Americans have hypothyroidism and as many as 10% of women may have some degree of thyroid hormone deficiency.  I am constantly asked when I was diagnosed and how my experience with hypothyroidism has been. I've decided to take the time to write down my thyroid story, something that I have never bothered to document until now.  Hopefully this information will be of use to some of you who currently struggle with your thyroid. If you are interested, keep on reading! :)

When was I diagnosed? I was diagnosed with an extreme case of hypothyroidism at age 11, but unfortunately I had the condition for 3 years before it was discovered. Your TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) is supposed to be between 1-3 and mine was 2000. Yes, you read that right. My TSH was 2000. The levels work inversely, so when your TSH is high, you consequently have a low producing thyroid and when your TSH is low, your thyroid is working too hard. My thyroid was barely working and unfortunately that was taking a major toll on my young body.

What is hypothyroidism? Simply put,  hypothyroidism is an "abnormally low activity of the thyroid gland, resulting in retardation of growth and mental development in children and adults if not treated quickly. Hypothyroidism upsets the normal balance of chemical reactions in your body." Your thyroid controls many things within your body including your metabolism and when it is off, it really screws up everything. Your thyroid affects your physical and mental state. The affects that can come from hypothyroidism are somewhat surprising and can be dangerous over time.

What symptoms did I have? Because my case was so extreme, by the time I was diagnosed I had almost every symptom. The symptoms to look for and that I experienced were:

  • Hard stools or constipation
  • Increased sensitivity to cold temperature
  • Fatigue or feeling slowed down
  • Heavier and irregular menstrual periods
  • Joint or muscle pain
  • Paleness or dry skin
  • Sadness or depression
  • Thin, brittle hair or fingernails

  • I was 11 years old and had almost no energy. I would go out and play and then take a nap afterwards. I didn't even have the energy to go outside and play some days. I had gained a good bit of weight out of nowhere. My skin was extremely pale and puffy. I was shy, sad, and very inward -- always pulling myself away from the crowds. My hair started to fall out and I even started my period during my 5th grade year. The biggest and most concerning symptom I had was that I hadn't grown in almost 3 years. Little did I or anyone know that I was a very sick little girl.  

    How was my hypothyroidism discovered? My mom had noticed I wasn't growing much after almost a year and mentioned it to my pediatrician. Being that I was only 9-10 years old at the time, my mom knew that consistent growth was supposed to be happening at this age. I was too young to be slowing down. Unfortunately because I was so young, the doctor never even considered testing me for hypothyroidism. She chalked it up to my parents being short and assumed that meant I would be too. My mom was still very uneasy, but tried to trust the doctor. I went back to the doctor for my regular check-ups and each time my mom would mention different symptoms I was having and that she was concerned. Again, the pediatrician didn't act on any of it and told my mom maybe I was just going to be a "bigger girl". My mom then asked my aunt, who is an endocrinologist (thyroid specialist), about my health. Once my mom told my aunt everything that had been going on, my aunt immediately wanted me to be tested for hypothyroidism. Yes, I was young and it was very rare to be diagnosed at such a young age, but the disease is also hereditary and it runs in my family. In fact, 3 of my aunts, my grandma, and my dad all have it. The blood results were clear: my thyroid was extremely hypo (very, very slow) and I needed to get on medication ASAP. Needless to say, we never went back to that doctor again and thankfully my condition was discovered before things got any worse.

    What happened after I was put on medication? I was originally put on Synthroid (but later switched to Levothyroxine) and have to take a tiny pill each day for the rest of my life to maintain healthy thyroid levels. I was like a new kid once the medicine got in my system! I had energy. I dropped about 20 pounds in a matter of a few months. I was much more confident and outgoing. I was happier. My hair stopped falling out and my nails became healthy and less brittle. My periods stopped coming (they had only begun because of my untreated hypothyroidism) and my skin became warm and much more full of life. I was no longer puffy and sick looking. I also started growing again! The doctors say I might have lost .5 - 1 inch off my adult height, but thankfully my body was able to make up most of the growth I had lacked for years. My body had gone from being very sick to functioning very healthily and it showed.

    How did my hypothyroidism affect my teenage years? My diagnosis is very different from most because I was diagnosed right before going into my teenage years. Most people's medication dosages stay fairly constant because their bodies are not constantly changing, but mine was a different story. Your thyroid already has a major effect on your hormones and being a teenage girl definitely didn't help the process. My teenage years were filled with switching medication dosages every 6 months. I couldn't ever find the right dosage for me because my body was at the pinnacle of growth and change from ages 13-18. Thankfully, my doctor stayed on it and my levels were fairly stable despite all the hormonal and bodily changes I was experiencing. I did go to a specialist every 6 months to a year until I was 18 years old. At that point, my thyroid levels were much more stable and I began going to a general practitioner. In case you weren't aware, specialists are expensive!

    How did hypothyroidism affect my pregnancy? Thankfully my hypothyroidism has been stable for a while now, but little did I know that pregnancy would majorly change that. When I found out I was pregnant, my thyroid levels were also tested. At that point, my levels were showing I was slightly hyper (thyroid working too hard), so my general practitioner reduced my dosage. My doctor asked me if I wanted to resume seeing a specialist during my pregnancy and being naïve, I said no. I figured the general doctors had it under control. My OBGYN asked about my hypothyroidism and I told them I was seeing my regular doctor for it. The OBGYN assumed it was handled because I had basically told them it was or at least I thought it was. At 12 weeks pregnant, the OBGYN tested my thyroid levels during a check-up because I had asked them to. It had only been 8 weeks since I had seen my general doctor and my medication had been changed. I thought surely not much could have changed during that time. Unfortunately, I am one of the lucky ones whose thyroid is majorly affected by pregnancy. (Some people who have thyroid issues go throughout their entire pregnancy without changes in thyroid levels.) My levels were extremely off and my thyroid wasn't making enough hormone. I immediately was terrified that my baby wasn't getting enough thyroid hormone which can, if untreated, lead to a miscarriage. I found all of this out while I was out of the country, so I had to wait until I got back to find a thyroid specialist. I was able to go in first thing Monday morning after getting home Saturday night. Needless to say, I was terrified and almost in tears, so scared that I had hurt my baby. I had no idea hypothyroidism was an issue during pregnancy and apparently sometimes it's not at all, but that wasn't the case for me. Thankfully I was able to find a wonderful specialist who sees me every month and tests my levels at each visit. She has been able to monitor my levels and make sure the baby is getting what it needs. I'm so thankful I was able to get it all under control before it caused any harm to my baby. That being said, having hypothyroidism during my pregnancy has been stressful and a constant battle because I have to get new medication almost each time I go in. The bigger the baby gets, the more thyroid hormone I need. It's a constant change and it can be overwhelming at times.

    Specialist or General Practitioner? I get this question a lot, and I will give you my honest opinion on the matter. No I'm not an expert, so please don't take any of it as fact. My experience has been that both a specialist and a general practitioner have been useful and effective at different times in my life and my thyroid journey. When you are getting diagnosed and getting your thyroid under control and regulated, please see an endocrinologist. At that point, you need much more specialized care and increased attention given to your individual situation. A specialist is key to diagnosing and getting your thyroid levels stabilized. That being said, specialists are expensive and depending on your insurance, they can clean you out. My experience was that once you are at a point where your thyroid is consistent, a general practitioner can do simple blood tests and help you maintain your levels. They are also a much more cost effective solution if you aren't experiencing many changes with your thyroid levels. But if a special situation arises, such as pregnancy in my case, that could affect your thyroid, then going back to a specialist during that time is probably best. That may seem obvious, but unfortunately no one shared that with me until my levels were out of control. I have been and will continue to see my endocrinologist throughout the rest of my pregnancy and post-partum until my body and hormones get back to normal.

    Advice: Wherever you go to, find a doctor that you feel comfortable with and that you trust. Don't be afraid to get opinions from multiple doctors to make sure it all lines up. Also, always ask for the numbers when you are given your blood results. A lot of doctors have a very broad range for "normal" and that may not always be the best indicator of healthy for you individually. Ask for the numbers and do some comparing to your other past results yourself. The biggest piece of advice I have is to trust your body. I can almost always tell when my thyroid levels are off. The longer you have hypo/hyperthyroidism, you will be able to tell when things just aren't right or when things are right. I can usually tell based on my weight, metabolism, and energy levels where I stand. If you feel like something is off, don't be afraid to say so! You know your body best.

    Tuesday, October 21, 2014

    Perspective: It's a Beautiful Thing

    Recently, my life has been a roller coaster. Each day there is some new issue or change, completely lacking consistency. I go through about 20 emotions in a day and find myself on different highs and lows throughout the same day. While this could definitely be contributed to pregnancy (third trimester, at that), I've always been one to give in to emotions and let them control me. I get sucked in to how I feel in the moment and forget to hold tight to reality. The older I get, the more I am realizing that life (a joyful one) is all about perspective. Lately, my life has been hectic, but I've also been so very blessed. I've had a few stressful situations arise, but I've also seen God directly answer my prayers. There have been things that haven't gone my way, but my friends and family have stepped up and shown so much love and support. Money has been tight, but God has provided in incredible ways. There has been so much good that it's hard to even acknowledge the bad: that's perspective and it's a beautiful thing.

    The Bible says to, "Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." In the world we live in today, that's not always the easiest task. In the past month alone, the news has been filled with cases of Ebola spreading in the U.S. and the latest ISIS attack and capture. It's a scary and not always so pretty world that we live in. Despite the negative images and conversation that surround us each day and can so easily entangle us, I still think there is so much good left in the world. If you take the time to look for it and meditate on it, you will find it. You will see it in the young cashier helping the sweet older man carry his groceries, in the mother kissing her children as she sends them off to school, and in someone taking the time to bake you some cookies to show their appreciation for all your hard work. You will see it when you remember how quickly life passes and how you are one of the lucky ones that is still alive and given the opportunity to make a difference today. I have been reminded so many times recently that no matter how bad our situation is, someone else always has it worse. So yes, those are simple examples, but hey, some people don't even have that to pull from. For me, each time I feel my baby kick, I am reminded of how good life is and how blessed I am. Having a little miracle growing inside of you quickly puts your life into perspective. The problems seem so insignificant compared to the simple joys we have been given. These are the things are need to remember when life gets tough. We are the lucky ones. Again, perspective.

    Some days it's so difficult to find the good. We stress and get so flustered about a particular problem and once that issue is solved, we move right on to the next crisis. We forget to give thanks for the answer to our previous problem and the things that are going right in our lives. For me, it's been medical bills, work, baby preparation, and so many other things that consume my life and sometimes derail me from an attitude of praise. Despite anything difficult I've experienced recently, when I step back and put my life into perspective I can honestly say that I've never been more blessed. Josh and I have had so many people help us in more ways than I can even count. Our family, friends, church members, and co-workers have given their time and energy to us to make us feel so loved and appreciated. They have saved us and supported us when we had so much to get done that we couldn't even see straight. We have felt encouragement from all sides. Our baby hasn't even arrived yet and is already so loved and prayed for. I am lucky enough to carry my baby, have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby which is more than many can say. People have been so incredibly giving and generous to our family that it blows my mind. God has made a way for us when there didn't seem to be one. All that to say, God has been so, so good to us. And we can't forget that when the first hardship hits. We must cling tightly to perspective and an attitude of gratitude.  

    Yes, it's easy to get caught up in all the things in life that aren't true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. But putting your life in perspective is one of the best things you could ever do for yourself and your family. That's what I've been learning lately. I'm alive and healthy. I'm loved and cared for. This is all I need. Everything else is just icing on the cake and when I put my life in perspective, I have a lot of icing! :)

    Tuesday, October 14, 2014

    Always In A Rush

    I don't know about you, but this year has flown by for me. Less than 3 months until 2015...that's crazy! It seems like the days are long, but the years are short. My husband recently reminded me of how important it is to cherish our time and each moment that we are living in instead of rushing from one to the next. It really got me thinking about how I don't always take the time to stop and appreciate where I'm at. I'm always going, going, going and pushing on to the next big thing. When did I stop being satisfied with where I am? When did I stop taking in the day-to-day moments that make up my life? Why am I not cherishing my time instead of wishing it to pass more quickly? These questions fill my mind this morning.

    Last week was a particularly rough week for me. A lot of unexpected things happened and I was stuck on the feeling-sorry-for-myself bus. One of those hardships was dealing with a co-worker's death. It was expected, but difficult nonetheless. I (thankfully) haven't had much experience with loved ones passing away and this particular co-worker was someone whom I loved. He was the sweetest man and his passing deeply affected everyone he knew. I went to his memorial service on Thursday evening already down in the dumps about the events of the week. Funny thing was that all my problems immediately seemed insignificant once I walked in the funeral home. Funerals have a way of bringing clarity to situations and reminding us of what's really important. I sat through the service and I felt the overwhelming reminder of how temporary life is and how our time here on earth is quickly fleeting, day-by-day and moment-by-moment.  It occurred to me that I wasn't always as thankful as I should be for the life I've been given. I was too busy rushing around, worrying and doing, to really enjoy living to the fullest. Almost everything in my daily life, all my troubles and quandaries, are so brief. I get so consumed and focused on the little things in my life that I don't appreciate my time as I should and I let it pass without taking it in, without cherishing.

    I left the funeral suddenly extremely grateful for my situations and my time. God has given me time that others don't have any more. And I don't always spend it as I should. I rush instead of taking the time to slow down and look around. I wish away time instead of cherishing moments. I complain about imperfections in my life instead of appreciating the things are that going right. I'm already 26 years old, married, and expecting my first child. Time has flown! Most days I realize how much God has blessed me (because He has beyond my wildest dreams), but it's also easy to get caught up rushing through this time period instead of appreciating exactly where I am. At the end of my life, most of the things that consume my mind on a daily basis aren't that important. The things I will remember most will be the moments where I took the time to slow down, put things in perspective, and allowed myself to fully enjoy that moment in time. I don't want to get to the end of this life and finally realize how blessed I was, I want it to be a daily realization. I don't want my vision to get clouded each day by trials and time. I want to see clearly.

    So yeah, last week was pretty rough. And yes, it's easy to want to rush through this time period to get to the next (especially when you have a baby on the way!). It's easy to not cherish each moment as it happens, but that's where the joy is. And I want to experience that joy. None of us know exactly how long we have left on this earth, so let's make the most of each day we have been given instead of wishing it was tomorrow. Time doesn't have to be a bad thing, in fact, it can be beautiful.

    Tuesday, September 30, 2014

    25 Week Pregnancy Blog

    Good morning!

    It's been a while since I have posted a pregnancy update, so I thought I would today. I am officially 6.5 months pregnant which is crazy and only 2 weeks away from my 3rd trimester! This pregnancy has flown and I'm so thankful for our healthy, quickly growing baby. Everything has been going very well and I'm loving being pregnant. If you want all the update details, keep reading! :)

    Written on Tuesday September 30, 2014

    How far along? 25 weeks 5 days (2 weeks away from the 3rd trimester!)

    Baby: Head to heel, Peanut now measures about 13.5 inches and weighs a pound and a half (the size of an eggplant or an ear of corn!). Right now the baby is long and lean, but is starting to gain some baby fat (half a pound will be put on this week alone). The wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and the lungs are continuing to develop. Baby is also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture -- so cool!

    Total Weight Gain: My thyroid levels are finally in the "normal" range! This has been a battle my entire pregnancy (they were crazy off in the beginning), so I'm very grateful that they have finally leveled out and are healthy. I'm continuing to get my thyroid levels checked each month.  If you didn't know, hypothyroidism dramatically affects your weight, so it was hard to tell what my true weight gain was. That being said, my weight gain should be fairly accurate now and so far I've gained 11 pounds.

    Maternity Clothes: I'm going back and forth between bigger regular clothes and maternity clothes. My belly had grown a little more, so the maternity clothes are now looking cute! Still wearing the baby band for most pants. The belly band has been a life saver throughout my pregnancy because it allows me to still wear all my regular pants and shorts!

    Stretch Marks: Still trying to be disciplined with the stretch mark cream and doing fairly well at it. No stretch marks as of yet, so I am hoping what I am doing is working and keeping my skin moisturized (at least for now!).
    Sleep: I'm still super sleepy which is similar to weeks past. I'm just lacking energy all the time. I had a long weekend and was able to catch up on sleep which was so nice! I seem to drag all day, but if I take a nap then I can't sleep at night. I am waking up a little more often during the night, but nothing that bad. I've started using a little pillow to support my belly while sleeping some nights, but I don't need it as of yet. It does make sleeping more comfy :)

    Miss Anything? Still missing regular coffee! And wanting it more and more. Why do we always want what we can't have?! I also miss having energy! But besides those small things, I love being pregnant! I've had such a smooth pregnancy so far that it's hard to have any complaints.

    Best Moment of the Week: Registering for Peanut and picking out some furniture for the nursery! Also, yesterday Josh and I were able to spend an entire day together free of work, school and phone calls. It was wonderful! We are trying to enjoy this time when it's just the two of us.

    Movement: Still feeling a good bit of movement. Sometimes the movements aren't as strong and I only really notice them if I am paying attention or sitting still. Sometimes they are big! The baby moves the most when I am relaxed and laying down. I was able to see some movement under my skin this week which is the coolest thing! Also, the baby got hiccups twice this week -- it's the funniest thing to watch!

    Food Cravings: Sweets! Although I'm trying to tone it down because I have my glucose test next week. Hoping to pass the first time around!

    Anything making you queasy or sick? Thankfully, no.

    Gender: Surprise!

    Symptoms: I was experiencing achy hips and back, but that has gone away for now. I'm still tired and still dealing with hormonal acne off and on. The biggest symptom I'm experiencing is Braxton Hicks contractions! So crazy they can happen this early. My uterus just tightens and hardens like a rock and you can distinctly see where the baby is. It's very weird! I asked my doctor about it and apparently as long as they aren't frequent (like 6 times in an hour), then it's just fine. So crazy my body is already gearing up for labor!

    Happy or moody: Happier!

    Looking forward to: Finishing up registering and working on the nursery...there is still a lot to be done! Less than 15 weeks to go! We can't wait to meet our baby! :) 

    Monday, September 22, 2014

    Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone

    We all dread it, maybe some more than others, but know it's a necessary part of life: the nerve-racking experience of getting out of your comfort zone that is! If you are like me, it's usually awkward and filled with nervous moments. There's that little bit of fear in the pit of your stomach knowing that you aren't quite sure what's coming next, but you really wish you had a clue. As my 26th birthday rapidly approaches (less than 2 days!), I can say that getting out of your comfort zone is such an important part of life and allows us to be challenged. It's really one of the only ways we can experience growth. I have always been very hesitant at trying new things, afraid of what could possibly happen. I think about being judged, failing, what others will think, and how I won't know exactly what to do as I embark on the unknown path. These things usually hold me back from experiencing more. As I close out this year of my life and begin a new one, getting out of my comfort zone is at the top of my list for my 26th year on this earth. Since this year will also include having a baby, I'm sure this will be an easy goal to accomplish ;) I want to not be afraid to try everything and anything. Life is so short, ya'll. Like ridiculously short. It's already flying by for me. I don't want to get to the end of my life and realize I was too fearful of getting out of my comfort zone that I missed out on the most exciting things in life, which usually start out by taking a shaky step into the unknown.

    Recently, my Sunday school class started a study on prayer. You might be wondering how this all ties in? Well, I have always been a little fearful of prayer. Prayer requires intimacy with God. It requires discipline. Prayer requires getting out of your comfort zone. I've never been the best with prayer. I've always wanted to be better, but then other things catch my attention and I soon forgot my goal. I can't sit still long enough to focus on God and always feel a little awkward when I do. I thought, there's no way I could ever develop a prayer life like these other awesome Christians that I know. They pray for hours on end, I couldn't possibly do that! I was intimidated and almost too afraid to even try.

    All these doubts filled my head: What would I talk about for that long? I'll probably sound awkward. My prayers won't sound eloquent enough. I won't sound smart enough or "Christian" enough. What if I don't feel how I'm supposed to feel while being in God's presence? What if I just sound selfish? God doesn't care about my petty problems. I'll feel guilty for not coming to Him enough. Wow, I'm a horrible person for not praying more especially because there are so many people in my life that need prayer.

    Needless to say, I knew when we started this book on prayer that I would be pushed out of my comfort zone. I knew I would need to practice praying more and knew it was something I seriously slacked on. I usually avoided it because I didn't want to deal with the unknown. We are a few weeks into the study and I am slowly breaking down these prayer barriers I have built. I've been trying to push myself during those moments I know God is calling me to pray. I've been carving out time to be with Him. I've been making lists of people in my life who need prayer and been actively trying to pray for them. I've even sat in silence and prayed. And you know what? It wasn't that bad, in fact, it's been really great! Yeah, it usually starts off a little rocky, but by the end I'm more comfortable than ever.

    Today, I went on a walk during my lunch break. I've been trying to get out and go walking more lately while the weather is so beautiful. I typically listen to worship music on my walks and find myself spending time with God in that way. While that is great, I could feel God tugging at my heart to turn off the music and just talk to Him. I usually don't listen to that tugging and continue on with my music, convincing myself that worship music is plenty pleasing to God. While it definitely is, I know God wanted more from me and He also wanted me to experience more. So today, I decided to turn off my music and step outside of my comfort zone which included walking in silence while praying to God. Yes, I've done this before, but I wanted to really push myself and make it more than just a few minutes of prayer. I started praying and soon couldn't stop. When I finished my walk, I realized I had prayed without ceasing for a whole 20 minutes...quite an accomplishment for me. :)

    Getting out of my comfort zone paid off today because I got to experience a special time with God that I wouldn't have if I had just stuck with what was easy and known to me. This is one specific example in my life, but trust me, there are so many more areas where I need to step out of my comfort zone. It's scary, yet so rewarding. Life is short and fleeting, so why not take risks and push ourselves even when it's uncomfortable? What do we have to lose? There are so many times playing it safe is the best option, but not always. The older I get I realize that the best things in life usually start off a little scary and take risk. You may feel silly or awkward giving them a try. You may have no idea what people will think or what will come out of taking that chance. But the experience that comes with trying and succeeding at something new because you found the courage to get out of your comfort zone is so much sweeter than playing it safe ever could be.

    Friday, September 19, 2014

    23 Week Pregnancy Blog

    Written on Monday September 15, 2014

    How far along? 23 weeks 5 days

    Baby: The baby's sense of movement is now well developed and the baby can you me dance and move.  Peanut is now more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound (the size of a mango). I may be able to see her squirm underneath my clothes. Blood vessels in the lungs are developing to prepare for breathing, and the sounds that baby's increasingly keen ears pick up are preparing for entry into the outside world. Loud noises that become familiar now — such as your dog barking or the roar of the vacuum cleaner — probably won't faze Peanut when she/he hears them outside the womb.

    Total Weight Gain: I'm still teetering between a 10 -11 lb. weight gain (125-126). I can tell Peanut is growing, so that makes me happy! I am also happy that I am still gaining weight steadily.

    Maternity Clothes: I'm still using my belly band almost every day and have found some of my regular clothes work well as maternity wear. I also have a few maternity shirts and shorts that I wear regularly. I'm still not huge, so regular maternity clothes are big. I am showing more and more though!

    Stretch Marks: Still trying to be disciplined with the stretch mark cream and doing fairly well at it. My skin was slightly itchy this week which I assume means I need more moisture!
    Sleep: I was super sleepy this week. I just don't have as much energy as I used to. I've been napping some still, but not as much. Life doesn't always allow for a nap :( I've been trying to go to bed earlier, so that I am more rested in the morning. I've also been using a small pillow to support my belly while sleeping. I don't need it as of right now, but it makes sleeping more comfortable and supports my belly so there isn't as much pressure.

    Miss Anything? Still missing regular coffee! (And wanting it more and more). Missing having energy and going on runs. Now that the weather is cooling down, I am dying to go on a run! I guess walking will have to do for now :)

    Best Moment of the Week: Feeling movement multiple times each day. I just LOVE it!

    Movement: I felt Peanut SO much this past week. I feel the baby move multiple times every day and am now feeling the kicks while I'm standing or moving around. It's the best feeling and the coolest thing! Josh and I love laying there feeling kicks and movement. I also saw a little movement through my skin this weekend. It kind of looked like a muscle spasm!

    Food Cravings: SWEETS! I am loving sugar these days. I want it so badly each day but try to limit myself to something small. I literally look at pictures of desserts and plan sweets I want to make or buy. I'm thinking Peanut is a momma's baby on this one! :)

    Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope!

    Gender: Surprise! Although not a single soul on earth thinks it's a girl! Haha. We did the string test this weekend with my in-laws and it predicted boy (not surprising). Either everyone will already know the gender when Peanut arrives or everyone will be completely shocked! It will be fun to see :) I still think boy, but believe it could easily be a girl too!

    Symptoms: Feeling lots of pressure, thrush in my mouth, acne has improved, crazy fast growing nails!, constipation is still an issue, the worst symptom so far has been achy hips after exercise or sitting still for a long time (it's so painful!) and general lack of energy.

    Happy or moody: All over the place!

    Looking forward to: Registering and working on the nursery...there is still a lot to be done! Less than 17 weeks to go!