Every day it becomes more and more apparent to me how our society runs. We live in an "est" culture. We want the best, the biggest, the happiest, the smartest, the prettiest, the richest, etc. Nothing is ever good enough for us; we want it all. It's not necessarily a bad thing to desire more and work hard to get there, but when not having the "est" of everything takes over your being, then it's a problem. Why are we never content?
This issue is especially prominent in women today. There is something wired in us that makes us see something great happening to someone else and instead of being happy for them, we instantly get jealous. We want that for ourselves, despite all of the great things we already have. I see it in my friends and I see it in myself. If we are single, then we want a boyfriend. If we have a boyfriend, we want to get engaged. If we are engaged, we want the biggest ring and the best wedding. Even if we are blessed with a wonderful marriage, we want a house, a baby, a new car....it never ends. What is so sad about this mindset is that it takes away from what we do have. Each of us have countless blessings at our fingertips whether it is a job, a child, a parent, a friend, or anything that makes us happy. Don't get so caught up with what's happening in everyone else's life that you miss all the awesome things happening in YOUR life. It's dangerous to start lusting after what everyone else has. You suddenly look at your life and feel like it's not good enough. I'll be honest, this makes me really angry. I see so many amazing women who have a great job, a great boyfriend, or a great group of friends, get down on themselves because they are missing that one thing in their lives. They instantly feel unworthy. That's a distorted point of view and it's not the truth.
It's a sickness, an epidemic that has taken over our country without us even realizing it. It relentlessly controls our minds and our lives and it has got to stop. Envy steals contentment from our hearts. It takes the peace out of our lives and replaces it with jealousy and ultimately, hate. Hate for the people in our lives who have what we want and hate for ourselves for not having or not being enough. Don't let it. We each need to take a step back from this toxic outlook that we have been sucked into and realize all that we do have. We need to take up an attitude of contentment and thanksgiving for the wonderful gifts we have been given. Each of us is so blessed and beautiful, on the inside and outside. Remember that. Don't let your life be in a constant state of bitterness because of what you lack. Make an effort each day to count your blessings and be thankful for where you are at. Rest in what you have accomplished and where you are headed. As women, we have got to make this change and set an example of a thankful heart for the people around us and for generations to come. This green eyed monster is only going to get bigger the more we feed it.
Take a stand today and open up your eyes...your life is beautiful.
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