Written on May 23, 2016
How far along? 25 weeks 1 days
Baby: Head to heel, the baby now measures about 13.5 inches and weighs a pound and a half (the size of an eggplant or an ear of corn!). Right now the baby is long and lean, but is starting to gain some baby fat (half a pound will be put on this week alone). The wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and the lungs are continuing to develop. Baby is also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture -- so cool!
25 Week Bump!
Total Weight Gain: I'm still at a 9 lb. weight gain this week (115 lbs.) and I'm happy with that! I didn't gain much weight during my last pregnancy, so I try not to stress too much about weight gain. While 9 lbs. isn't too much, I try to remind myself that everyone carries a baby differently and as long as she's healthy, it doesn't matter how much or how little I gain. I'm still trying to make sure I eat healthy and often. I definitely felt like I did better with my portion control this week. I struggle finding the balance between not eating too much, but making sure I am eating enough.
Maternity Clothes: I'm still wearing my belly band will most pants and shorts, but I'm also wearing more maternity dresses. Luckily, I still fit into all my regular clothes and I'm getting to the point where my bump looks cute in them! :)
Stretch Marks: I'm still doing fairly well at applying the stretch mark cream! I'm moisturizing at least once if not twice a day with Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks. No major stretch marks as of yet...fingers crossed!
Sleep: This weekend in particular, I was exhausted. As a whole, I've actually been less tired this pregnancy, but we've been so busy lately and I think it's catching up with me. For the most part, I am sleeping fine, but not super late or long. I do get a little uncomfortable at points and some nights I feel like I just don't get a good night's rest. I do notice myself not feeling great when I am really tired which I experience when not pregnant also. I actually felt sick on Saturday night because I was so exhausted and went to bed early. I'm still waking up 1-2 times a night and grabbing a snack (popsicles this week!) when I wake up. Also, I'm still having very vivid dreams!
Miss Anything? I absolutely love being pregnant! BUT one of the hardest parts for me is all the stress that comes along with pregnancy. Making sure I'm eating healthy, gaining enough weight, taking all my medicines, getting my thyroid tested monthly, going to all the appointments at 3 different doctor's offices, making sure the baby is developing and growing correctly, praying my hemorrhage doesn't become active again, making sure I'm not too active, etc. There are so many things that can go wrong during a pregnancy that I tend to stress about it all...especially since this pregnancy has been more complicated. During both my pregnancies, I feel like my faith is really tested. I have that moment where I have to give up my child's life to God and have to trust Him to take care of them. There's only so much I can do and the rest is up in God's hands. I have those reality checks often because I tend to freak out and stress over different aspects of the pregnancy. Another tough aspect of this pregnancy for me is not being able to pick up Grayson as often and in turn he goes to Josh any time he wants to be picked up or held. I hate that part, but it's not forever.
Movement: She is a dancing machine! She moves all the time and the movements are getting bigger and stronger as the weeks go on. I love feeling her move and I'm so thankful that she is so active! I feel her all the time, while I'm walking around, and even while I'm asleep....she's wild already! ;) She is a lot more active than Grayson was, but I did have an anterior placenta with Grayson which may contribute to the difference in activity level I feel. I can see her so much more distinctly too! During our ultrasound this week, I was able to see where she is positioned, so now I know what body parts are what when she has them poking out. She will raise her head up high and it sticks straight out of my belly....it looks so crazy! As of right now, she is breech. They said that's very common at this point in the pregnancy, so not to worry. But I do feel movement extremely low (it feels like she is trying to kick down the "door"! Ha!), so it makes sense that she is breech. Feeling her move is my absolute favorite thing...it's such a bonding experience to me.
Food Cravings: Still loving sweets and coffee! I really have to watch myself and make sure I'm eating real food to balance out my sugar intake! I actually ordered organic decaf coffee last week from a company that makes decaf without chemicals because I've really wanted another cup of coffee during the day. I'm still drinking one cup of half-caff a day and now a cup of decaf as well. I wanted the same things in my pregnancy with Grayson. I naturally love sweets and coffee, but it always seems to be heightened during pregnancy.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope!
Best Moment of the Week: We had an awesome week! Josh and I went on a really fun date night to a cooking class, we took Grayson to the Zoo and he got his 4th haircut. My brother was in town this weekend, so we got a lot of family time in! It was really nice having everyone together. My brother has only met Grayson two other times, so I loved seeing them interact. I also had a GREAT doctor's appointment at the specialist this week where we received some amazing news...more on that in a few!
Gender: Girl! :) The ultrasound technician verified that for the 3rd time this week....I keep asking at every ultrasound because I have this weird fear that the gender is going to change! Ha! At this point, I think it's safe to say we have a princess on the way! ;)
Symptoms: For the most part, I am feeling good! The worst and really only symptom I have experienced this pregnancy (which is different than my first pregnancy) is back pain and round ligament pain....just a lot more aches and pains this time around! If I am really active or even if I'm barely active, my back can start hurting and I have to sit down. My body does start hurting much more quickly while I'm trying to get things done which can be frustrating. Some days I feel great and other days my muscles seem to hurt more and I feel more pressure. She loves to jump on my different nerves and I seem to get "lightening crotch" (sorry for the visual) quite often. She's so low, so her movements can be painful. Besides that, I'm still trying to get as much water in my system as possible since I'm always thirsty. No acne, no heartburn, no sickness, no swelling, etc. I'm thankful to have such few complaints!
Doctor's Visits: As I previously mentioned, I am currently going to 3 different doctors...it's hard to keep up with all the appointments! Within the last week, I visited the specialist and the thyroid doctor. My thyroid levels are slightly high (hypo), so they are slightly lowering my dosage. Other than that, everything looks good and my levels are much more in the "normal" range than they were a few months back. I visit my regular OBGYN tomorrow for my glucose test...hoping it's quick and painless! I didn't have any issues with the glucose test last time (sugary drinks don't bother me!), so I'm not expecting any this time. Lastly, my specialist appointment was really wonderful last week! I hadn't been to the specialist in 6 weeks and the wait felt like forever. We found out that the hemorrhage is pretty much gone!! The doctor told us that it would most likely heal during the pregnancy, but I had no idea when. It was such amazing news to hear I can return to normal activity and I don't have to worry about that complication anymore! My doctor said it's a non-issue at this point...so thankful! I go back again in 4 weeks just to make sure the baby is developing correctly, but my specialist said I've made it through the hemorrhage issue and it's such a relief! I'm still taking it easy and slowly easing myself back into "normal" activity, but hopefully I'll be back to 100% soon...or as 100% you can be going into your 3rd trimester! :)
Looking forward to: There are SO many things going on in the next few weeks! But I am particularly looking forward to going to the beach next week and having a few days to relax with family. This is also my last week of work and I'm so excited to not have to commute anymore and to be able to spend more time at home with Grayson!