Another week has come and gone! I can't believe September is already halfway over and fall is finally in the air. Although in Georgia, summer could be back at any moment. Let's just be honest!
Time is flying (like always) and I want to take the time to reflect back on the moments throughout my week. Life is really just thousands of moments strung together, some big and some small, but each significant in its own way. I’ve always loved the quote, “Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” It’s a good reminder that life isn’t always about big, mountain top experiences. What really defines our lives are the little, day-to-day things. Those are the memories that we will keep forever. I like the fact that I'll be able to look back on each weekly blog and be reminded all of the great memories that made up the weeks of my life. I want to remember the specifics. I don't just want to breeze through without taking the time to be grateful. It's important to remember where I have been, where I am, and where I am going.
God has worked in some really cool ways in my life recently. Things are changing, for the better. I am being challenged. I am digging deeper. I am learning to give more of myself. I am working for a bigger, much better cause than the eye can see.
Here are some glimpses into my life this week:
1. The first week of girl’s Bible study was wonderful – the fact that God can bring all different types of women together who are seeking one common purpose is amazing. I’m so excited for what is to come with the group!
2. We are studying the book “Feminine Appeal” by Carolyn Mahaney and the emphasis is learning how to be a Godly woman, Godly wife, and Godly mother. It has challenged me to dig deeper into learning about each of these roles and to focus on being that Godly woman and wife each day. It has allowed me to really dissect what I believe about each of these roles and has opened up conversation within my marriage of what these roles should look like in our home (and vise versa).
3. A hardcore teeth cleaning at the dentist (ouch!) that resulted in me being cavity free – it’s still just as exciting as it was when I was a child!
4. Two naps this week – always a good thing.
5. Apple cider k-cups - perfect start to fall in our house.
6. Going on a walk with my mom and Cedric
7. Catching up with my Aunt Judy who lives in Arizona is always a treat – I am blessed by our relationship and friendship that we have recently cultivated.
8. Wednesday night church supper and girl’s youth Bible study – I am challenged, but am loving being a part of the group and getting to know the girls better. We have a wonderful group of young ladies who attend!
9. Finally finishing season 2 of Once Upon A Time – success!
10. Being stuck in traffic for 3 hours with my husband that ended in us dancing and just being silly with each other. I know it’s still very early in our marriage, but I love that we can still laugh so much together. It’ corny, but I love being married to my best friend. It makes for some very entertaining and fun time together.
11. “Love Your Marriage Night” – Josh and I were able to attend and hear Randy Carlson talk about not only intentional living, but being an intentional spouse. I really enjoy getting marriage (and really just life) advice from older, wiser people. I love to learn and soak in the knowledge that they share.
12. I got my September Birchbox this week and it was a good one! I got all kinds of goodies, from nail polish and lip gloss, to Egyptian Magic Skin Cream and Green Apple face peel. I am loving trying out the new products.
13. We went our church's lip-syncing show this weekend aka "The Grammys". We had no idea to expect, but it was absolutely hilarious. Everyone dressed up and really played the part of their character well. We had many laughs.
14. Frozen yogurt bar with toppings and all at RaceTrac – who knew!
15. Cool(er) fall weather this weekend
16. Broke out the leggings yesterday – one of my favorite fall fashions.
17. Great church service and feeling like God is giving me a renewed thirst for Him. We all go through “dry” spells in our walk, but then we hit a point where we feel huge desire for Him and His presence. It’s like we just can’t get enough. I love this season of our walk.
18. The Chronicles of Narnia Bible Study that my Sunday School class is doing is awesome. I’m really loving it and learning a lot. I even volunteered to lead a book – The Voyage of the Dawn Treader!
19. Hamburgers and tater tots for Sunday lunch with my family while watching the Falcons game – although I’m not a big sports fan, I love when we can all come together and enjoy each other’s company.
20. Alex and Ava’s 4th birthday!
21. Yesterday was the first day of the kid’s soccer league at our church and it was a blast! I don’t know much about soccer, but I am already in love with my little team. I find myself not worrying much about technique, but just encouraging them no matter how they perform. I also find myself talking about how adorable they are constantly – can’t help it! I am very thankful to be a part of this ministry and to be able to invest into the lives of children. Go Bluejays!
22. We had a great youth group last night with more youth than normal. They really started to open up about what they believed and why. I admire their faith and honesty at such a young age. We were learning about being “authentic” Christians which I think is a good lesson for anyone at any age. I feel challenged from the youth lessons and feel like I always learn something while I am there (funny how that works).
23. Sitting down at the end of the weekend and talking with Josh for almost an hour – just catching up on our week/weekend. I love that time we have together.
Life is truly LIVED in the moments - we need to be reminded of that every once in awhile. Thanks for this week's reminder. Every moment counts. Cheri