Monday, September 9, 2013

Berry Spinach Smoothie

One of my favorite healthy go-to's is my berry spinach smoothie. It's full of vitamins and nutrients, but also tastes delicious and is very refreshing. I eat it often for breakfast, but it is really good any time of the day. If you are like me, then you may struggle to get the proper amount of vegetables in your daily diet. A lot of people are very turned off by the idea of putting veggies in their smoothies, but it's one of the easiest ways to get your vegetable intake for the day. You can't taste the veggies at all, but you are still reaping all of the health benefits. This smoothie is extremely easy to make, filling, and chock full of nutrients. It is also low in calories, coming in around 200 calories for the entire thing. 

Below are the ingredients I often use in my smoothies, but you can switch things up and make it your own. I find that berries work well to disguise the vegetable taste, but this recipe is by no means exact. You can change up the measurements and ingredients based on your personal preference. 


1. 8 oz. Diet Cranberry Pomegranate juice (5 calories)
2. 1 serving Activia light yogurt (60 calories)
3. 1 small handful of carrots (20 calories)
4. 1-2 cups of spinach (35 calories)
5. 1 cup berries: blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries (90 calories) 

Blend all together and prepare to enjoy a delicious and healthy treat! 

Note: I do not use ice in my smoothies because I tend to use frozen fruit, but ice would be good to add if you prefer your smoothie to be chilled.

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