We are taking the trip with a group from Josh's dad's non-profit, Unto the Least of His. Josh and I are quite excited because it will be our first mission trip together. We have both done many trips, but we know there will be a special aspect added while serving with your spouse. Josh has actually been on this trip many times, so he is much more familiar with the area. I have never even been close to Costa Rica and I can't wait to see all that there is in this beautiful country.
We will be there for 1 week and we will be doing a variety of activities. Our team will be running a Vacation Bible School for the week. We will be working with the local children and teaching them about the Bible, as well as, building relationships with them. We will also be doing service projects and helping out with construction related things in the community.
The local language is Spanish and rice and beans is a very common meal there. I have been told to expect that particular dish almost every day. The area we will be visiting is very poor and the people there have very little. Our goal is to love on these people and encourage them while we are there. We want to share the hope of Jesus with people who might feel hopeless.
We have created a fun video to tell you more about our mission trip to Costa Rica. Enjoy!
If you are interested in supporting our trip, please visit our GoFundMe.com website. :)
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