33 Week Pregnancy Blog
Written on July 23, 2016How far along? 33 weeks 6 days
Baby: This week Oreo weighs about 4.5 pounds and has passed the 17-inch mark (the size of a pineapple!). The baby is rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and the skeleton is hardening. The bones in her skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier for her to fit through the birth canal. (The pressure on the head during birth is so intense that many babies are born with a conehead-like appearance.) These bones don't entirely fuse until early adulthood, so they can grow as her brain and other tissue expands during infancy and childhood.
Total Weight Gain: Still holding down the 15-16 lb. weight gain! The baby feel like she's grown, so I'm excited to see what she weighs at her appointment this week!
Maternity Clothes: I feel like I'm really just going for comfy these days. Lots of baggy t-shirts that fit my belly, staple maternity tops, and comfy shorts. I'm rarely dressing up or even putting together any kind of "nice" outfit. It's hot and I'm far enough along that I just want to be comfy in my t-shirt, Soffe shorts, and flip flops!
Stretch Marks: Still being consistent with the lotions and so far, very few stretch marks to report! I have this little patch where a few started showing up weeks back, but they don't seem to be worsening or spreading. The area is very low and it's hard for me to even see it at this point without a mirror!
Sleep: Unfortunately, I've been fighting off a cold for a few weeks now. This week it went from a cold to what feels like a sinus infection. I've been sleeping really hard and been taking naps almost every day. I'm absolutely exhausted from taking care of Grayson, being in major "get it done/nesting" mode, and feeling awful. I'm thankful for the rest, but I wish it weren't because I was sick.Miss Anything? Besides not feeling well, I've had a good week! I guess I miss having a stronger immunity system that seems to be lowered during pregnancy. I got sick when I was pregnant with Grayson too and it just takes me a really long time to finally kick it!
Best Moment of the Week: We had another super productive week! I am loving constantly checking things off the to-do list. The baby's nursery is almost completely out together, so that was probably the highlight for me. I had a moment where I was standing in there looking at how beautiful it was and was almost in tears. We are just so excited for her arrival and can't believe she's almost here! I'm thrilled with how the room turned out too...so perfect! I also ordered a beautiful picture for her room that I'm super excited about.
Movement: The baby has very active moments and not so active moments. There were a few days this week where she was moving all day and almost looked like a alien flopping around in my stomach! Then there were a few days where she wasn't moving as much and I really had to work to see any movement. I know she's running out of room, so she won't be flipping around much, but she still kicks all the time. I am still feeling her body parts very distinctly and I love it! I feel her feet and heels kicking me most often. I feel like I'm almost holding her foot through my skin...it's crazy amazing!
Food Cravings: Still loving sweets! I really like my peanut butter and chocolate protein bars and my rich chocolate protein shake. I've been trying really hard to keep up with my protein intake. I've been eating Greek yogurt almost every day and trying to make sure my snacks are protein filled. My guilty pleasure this week was Oreos and peanut butter...SO good! I've had a few days where I've indulged a little more, but I'm still staying on track for the most part!
Anything making you queasy or sick?No.
Gender: Girl! My best friend gave her a bunch of bows and got me even more excited about having a little girl. Her room colors are purple and gray and I love being in there. It's so pretty to me! I also ordered her baby monitor this week and it should be here tomorrow!
Symptoms: Having Braxton Hicks much more frequently, back pain, very thirsty all the time, tummy issues, and tired. Nesting is been crazy...My head has been spinning with lists and trying to have everything perfect for when the baby gets here! Between moving and preparing for her, there's all sorts of things that always need to be done.
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