Monday, December 28, 2015

"I make milk. What's your superpower?"

I never thought this day would come, but as of a few days ago, Grayson and I are done breastfeeding. There are a lot of feelings that go along with this big step including being sad its over, missing that bond, and the shock that he's about to turn a year old. But I can say that the number one thing I am feeling is proud. I'm proud of myself and I'm proud of my son for being able to breast feed an entire year. It feels like such an accomplishment and a true testament that you can do anything you set your mind to.

Before I had Grayson, I knew I wanted to breast feed, but I was scared I wouldn't be able to. Luckily, I was given the opportunity, but the first few weeks were extremely painful, as all mothers know. I remember Grayson latching on and literally thinking I was going to be sick because of how much it hurt. But I pushed through. We soon got to an awesome place where breastfeeding was relaxing and a bonding experience, as well as, nutritional for Grayson. I was very blessed with an awesome little eater. Grayson never had any issues with breast feeding and that was a true blessing. That didn't mean it wasn't hard or an inconvenience. There were so many times it would have been easier to just make him a bottle of formula and move on with the day. Breastfeeding for a year was my ultimate goal, but I honestly didn't think I would get there. It seemed like such a long shot. Despite the hardships, I'm so happy to say we were able to continue breastfeeding until just very recently. I'm sad that it's over, but so thankful we were able to have that time together. I hope that I was able to give Grayson a great start to life by breastfeeding him. The perks of breastfeeding are endless and although it is tough, the benefits far outweigh the challenges. The pain, pumping, spilt milk, late night feedings, random spot feedings, sacrificing my body for a year (plus pregnancy), judgments, being engorged, constantly having a running clock in my head as to how long its been, rushing home so I can feed the screaming baby who only wants one thing, constantly stressing out that I didn't leave enough pumped milk and even the nipple was all worth it to be able to get to this day.

This post isn't meant to shame anyone or start any type of argument. Not being able to breast feed or having to cut breastfeeding short doesn't make you any less of a mom, just like having a C-section doesn't discredit you either. I wanted to write this post to encourage any mom out there that you can do what you set your mind to especially when it comes to your children. Being a mother doesn't have to hinder you, but it can and should empower, encourage, and inspire you. It should make you feel strong and unstoppable. I walk away from breastfeeding for a year feeling empowered, confident, and proud. I set my mind to a goal and I did it. And you can do the same. If you are struggling with something in your walk as a mother, I encourage you to keep going and believe in yourself. Remember how much of a Super Woman you already are. As mothers, we have to continue to lift one another up and be a voice of positivity and empowerment to one another. We have to praise and support each other. I hope you are inspired to not only believe that for yourself today, but also be that same encouragement back to other woman and mothers.

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