Weight & Height: Grayson just had his 6 month check-up, so his weight and height are up-to-date. He weighs 17 lbs. 15.9 oz. (61%) and is 26.5 inches long (55%).
Feeding: I feel like I should sing the "A Whole New World" song from Aladdin for this particular topic. Grayson started solids this month! Hence, feeding is a whole new world for both of us! What's funny is how much I thought Grayson would just love solids. Since I held him off until 5 months, I felt like I was almost depriving him of real food. But since the beginning, Grayson has been a milk lover and that is still holding true. He has done okay with solids, but he isn't nearly as interested in them as I thought he might be. We started off with rice cereal which he wasn't a fan of and then added apples which he liked a lot more. Then we did an avocado which was by far his favorite. He couldn't get enough! Grayson has also tried butternut squash and carrots which have to be combined with fruit in order for there not to be tears. Grayson makes the worst face every time he has to eat either! He's also eaten mango, apple, banana, kiwi and strawberries as far as fruits go. I'm making most of his baby food myself and I really like doing that. We were given a huge box of baby food at one of Grayson's baby showers, so in order to be somewhat money conscious, I have also been pulling from that box. All the veggies have been made by me and some of the fruits have been the premade jarred baby food. Grayson doesn't seem to notice the difference. Although I really like that we were given mostly the "natural" baby food and a brand called "Beech Nut". If you look at the ingredients on the back it lists that particular fruit and water. There are no additives or preservatives which I personally like a lot. Right now, he eats solids 1-2 times a day. This area is still a work in progress!
Sleeping: This department is still very similar to last month. Grayson still wakes up about once a night on average, but I'm convinced he is close to cutting his 3rd tooth because we have had a few rough nights recently where you can tell the poor baby is just in pain. I hate it for him! I thought starting solids might change his sleeping schedule, but he just isn't a kid who sleeps through the night (at least not yet) and I've accepted that. Grayson goes to bed around 930pm and gets up around 730-8am with one feeding in between. He takes a very dependable morning nap and then an afternoon and possibly one small evening nap.
Clothes: Grayson is wearing mostly 6 month clothing and is still in size 3 diapers.
Mood: Grayson has such a fun personality and I just love playing with him now that he can interact with me. I love seeing the goofy side of him come out! Grayson is constantly laughing and smiling. But he is also very moody and can be whiny as well ;) Grayson is very expressive! He has never been one to be shy about his feelings which cracks me up, mostly because it reminds me of myself. Scary! He is so independent, but at the same time, he still loves his mommy and daddy and can be very clingy. It's the perfect contrast for me, as I'm not ready for a "big kid" quite yet.
Teeth: Grayson still has 2 teeth, but I'm hoping a 3rd one comes through soon! The poor baby is teething badly.
Milestones: Grayson is now mobile! This month, he started scooting and creeping. He isn't quite crawling, but he can get from one place to the next! He is all over the place and rarely sits still. His version of "crawling" involves pushing forward with his legs, keeping his head down on the ground, and screeching like he is a warrior on a mission. It's hilarious! This mama is NOT ready for a mobile baby! Grayson does really well at sitting up, rolling over (and over and over), and standing while holding on to the table. He can get to pretty much any object he wants and his hand-eye coordination is great. His new trick is picking up what he dropped on the floor. I will be holding him and when he drops his toy on the ground, I lean him over and he grabs his toy back and then we keep on walking. It's really fun that he can do that now.
Loves: Cedric -- Grayson loves our dog SO much recently and just giggles and smiles each time Cedric walks by him. I can sit Grayson down next to Cedric and they will just play with each other. (Meaning Cedric will lick and Grayson will tug Cedic's fur) It's so sweet! Grayson loves to chew on anything and everything, funny sounds and faces, watching Mama sing and dance like a nut, swimming and splashing, and his Daddy (Grayson's face lights up every time Daddy enters the room!).
Things I Want to Remember:
Play dates -- We have been so lucky to have the opportunity to meet up with a few mommies and babies close to Grayson's age recently. I love all my friends, but there is something special about women going through the same season of life with you. It's awesome to be able to relate and encourage one another. Plus Grayson loves it!
First time at the Pool -- Grayson loves it despite the water being extremely cold!
Sitting in the buggy -- This makes grocery shopping so much easier, but it also makes him seem so big!
Tubing -- Yesterday we went tubing (very low-impact rapids) in Helen for my friend's birthday and Grayson came along. I was really nervous, but he did great! Grayson actually slept over half the ride! I guess the river was relaxing for him :) I was really proud of myself for taking him by myself for the day and allowing myself to have fun instead of worrying!
Wow, my 7 month old baby looks like yours and they have the same wild character.