Weight & Height: Grayson just had his 4 month check up so his measurements are up to date! He is measuring 78% for height (25.75 inches) and 69% for weight (15 lbs 14.9 oz). I can definitely feel the difference when I pick him up now. Grayson is giving mommy an arm workout! He's a growing and healthy baby boy!
Feeding: Grayson's feeding schedule is pretty much the same as last month. He still eats about every 3-4 hours and can go a little longer between feedings now. We have been trying to cut out his snacking, so that he has more solid feedings. Josh is better at it than I am because he is a little more restricted with his supply of milk I have pumped and left for him to use on the days I work. I, on the other hand, am able to feed Grayson any time I want and tend to give in to that when he is being really fussy. These days the trouble comes from trying to decipher the difference from when Grayson is hungry or just grumpy! We still haven't started solids as of yet and I am still exclusively breastfeeding. I am a little torn on what I am going to do. But I'm thinking by 5 months, we will definitely be ready!
Sleeping: Sleep is all over the board for Grayson. I hate to say that, but it's the truth. I have felt really discouraged recently with Grayson's sleep schedule. Unfortunately he still wakes fairly often during the night. He struggles to sleep for long periods of time, usually 3-4 hours at a time (sometimes more and sometimes less). Last night he did a 5 hour stretch, so that was nice! I am getting better about not always feeding him when he wakes up and giving him his pacifier to soothe him back to sleep. That works about half the time. Some nights he does great and only wakes once a night and other nights it's 2-3 times. He usually isn't up for very long, but I struggle to go back to sleep quickly, so that's tough. I get discouraged when I hear about other babies who sleep through the night, but that just isn't our child. I honestly think Grayson is just one of those kids who won't sleep through the night until he's a little older. And that's okay. It's a constant work in progress! But on an exciting note, he successfully transitioned into his crib! Grayson officially sleeps in his own room! As much as I thought I would be sad about that, I am kind of enjoying it. He may not sleep through the night, but he is doing awesome in his crib! I am trying to focus on the little successes in the sleeping department :)
Clothes: Grayson wears size 3-6 months now in most things. He can still fit in a few 0-3 month clothing items especially pants (poor baby has his mama's short legs!). He is growing like crazy though and sometimes only wears certain outfits a few times before he can't fit in them any more. We were blessed to be given bags of little boy's clothes from one of my co-workers! Grayson will have cute little boy's clothes for a very long time :) He is still in a size 2 diaper, but we are pushing it. I have a box of Pampers to finish off and then we will be off to size 3!
Mood: Our little guy has begun teething, so he has been quite moody and fussy this month. His mood kind of cracks me up because he can be giggling and smiling and within seconds start to cry. He's a little emotional ;) Grayson is now a little ticklish, so I can get some good laughs and smiles out of him. He is much more free with his grins and will give them to you now without you having to work so hard! You can also distract him when he is upset now. I often dance, sing, or make crazy sounds to distract him from crying and he soon forgets what he was upset about! Because he is teething, he has been a little fussier and more clingy than normal. I also think he realizes who Josh and I are at this point and sometimes gets upset if other people (who aren't mommy and daddy) are holding him. I'm thinking this is a phase that will soon pass! Overall, he's a such sweet little boy. Sometimes I look over and see him just grinning while watching me and it makes my heart melt!
Milestones: No more screaming during tummy time because Grayson can lift his head up!, grabbing toys and reaching for what's in front of him, sleeping in his crib, and scooting around in a circle on his back (he is no longer in the same place you left him!).
Loves: Mommy & Daddy, kisses from Cedric, funny sounds, chewing on anything he can get his hands on, sitting up and standing with assistance, other children, his carrier, loud environments with a lot going on (he loves to observe), chatting up a storm and watching tv!
Things I Want to Remember
- First Easter
- Taking Grayson hiking at Kennesaw Mountain and Sweetwater Creek Park -- He did so great! He loves being outdoors and is always completely silence and in awe on our hikes, taking in all the sights, sounds, and colors. We took him in the jogging stroller at Sweetwater and the Baby Bajorn carrier at Kennesaw Mtn. I really like the carrier and he seems to as well. Our family has really enjoyed these hikes lately as a way to enjoy some fresh air and quality time together.
Meeting his great-grandparents and his first flight -- what a special weekend! Grayson did really well on both flights back and forth and he also really liked the airport. He was observing the entire time and taking it all in. I am so thankful Grayson was able to meet his great-grandparents (my grandma & grandpa). We were also able to plan a strategic visit with my brother who planned his layover in Atlanta while we were coming back from our trip! It is really special for my family to meet and spend time with our son.
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