Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Emerson's 3 Month Update

Emerson's 3 Month Update!

Emerson is officially 3 months old and that means she is no longer classified as a newborn. How in the world is that possible?! Like always, each month goes by way too quickly. I find myself trying to soak in the last of the newborn days while also getting excited about all the milestones ahead. I love getting to know our little girl more and more and getting to experience all her firsts! She's the happiest and most content baby and she brings such a joy to our family! To say we are in love is an understatement. We adore you, Emerson Faith. 

Weight and Height: Emerson was 11 lbs. 3.7 oz. at her doctor's appointment 2 weeks ago. Unfortunately she had an eye infection (common with clogged tear ducts) and is having some constipation issues, so we took her to the doctor. Her eyes have cleared up so much with the drops which is awesome! Anyways, I love seeing her continuing to gain weight (1 lb. in 3 weeks) since I am still exclusively breastfeeding. She's still on the small side, but growing perfectly. I weighed her at home this morning and she is right about 12 lbs., so that's exciting! We will get her official weight and height measurements again at her 4 month appointment.

First time meeting Santa...she loved him!

Emerson has the prettiest eye lashes and the most wild it!

Sleep: Sleep has been all over the board this month. For the first 3 weeks of the month, Emerson was doing really well! She was sleeping 6-7 hours straight at night and only waking once for a quick feed each night. I think she may be going through a growth spurt because she's been a little fussier in the last week and she's also been waking up twice a night. She's been eating up a storm when she wakes up! Emerson goes to bed around 10pm and wakes up for the day around 8:30 am each morning. She's been awake much more during the day this month which I love! She still naps off and on throughout the day, but will stay awake for up to 2 hours at a time. That being said, the girl still loves her sleep! She sleeps anywhere and everywhere and is starting to love being held during her naps. She takes really good naps in her Baby Bjorn carrier and Moby wrap which is helpful. She also sleeps really well in the car. Emerson still sleeps in her Rock 'N' Play next to our bed at night, but we are going to start transitioning her to the crib soon. I would have done it sooner, but unfortunately our rooms are on different floors, so that complicates things a bit. I really don't want to walk up and down the stairs multiple times a night, so I've prolonged the transition. Emerson is a pretty good sleeper, so I'm thinking the transition to the crib shouldn't be too bad. Hoping for some longer stretches at night this coming month!

Eating: Emerson still eats every 2-3 hours during the day. She's doing much better with latching this month, so that has made breastfeeding a lot easier. She's also taking a pacifier better too. Emerson is a great little eater and I'm proud of her for that. I'm still exclusively breastfeeding and it's going really well! I'm so thankful for the opportunity to breastfeed. I just pumped my first bottle for her today because Josh and I have a special date planned for tomorrow night (kid free!), so we will see how she does with it. Crossing my fingers she takes the bottle well. Side note: I'm so happy I'm able to stay home with Emerson and not having to worry about pumping 3 days a week! Pumping is not my favorite, but you do what you gotta do!

Clothes: Emerson is wearing size 2 diapers and fits very well in 0-3 month clothing, but most of her outfits are getting snug. She's very close to transitioning to 3-6 month clothing. Emerson has longer legs, so her pants are getting too short. She's definitely not my child! ;)
Grayson LOVES laying in the crib with Emerson!

Emerson loves to go on runs with mommy in the jogging stroller!

Always full of smiles!

Mood: Emerson is such a sweet little girl! She is still calm for the most part, but if she doesn't like something, she will shock you and start to scream. Josh and I are always completely thrown off when she cries because she's usually so content. She's been a little more fussy recently which is why I think she may be going through a growth spurt or teething. But overall, she's still really chill and happy! She likes to observe and take things in. She's cooing a little more, but overall she's still fairly quiet. She gets super excited when you put her in her activity chair and she starts to kick with excitement and grab at all the objects. Emerson is super smiley in the mornings when she wakes up and when you make eye-contact with her. She loves to be around people and has started to cry if she gets left in a room alone. She also loves to laugh in group settings! She's only laughed a handful of times, but it's always around a bunch of people when there's a lot of laughter and noise going on. She won't laugh for mommy and daddy one-on-one, but loves to laugh for others. She's already knows how to put on a show!

Milestones: Emerson laughed for the first time this month! She loves to sit in her Bumbo chair and is constantly lifting her head fully up when you lay her down. She sits up with little assistance, holds her head up very well, stands up while you hold her hands, laughs, and has started to grab on to everything. She's more and more aware and starting to interact with her surroundings.

Loves: Mommy and daddy -- she is definitely recognizing us these days!, shoving her hands in her mouth and sucking on them, sucking on her bottom lip, her pacifier, sucking on her toys and blankets (more drool going on too -- preteething!), funny sounds and music, bath time, being talked to and held, and batting at objects on her activity chair.

Doesn’t like: tummy time, gassy tummy pains, being left in a room alone, and being put down when she's in a clingy mood

How is Mommy doing? I feel like things are going much better this month and I'm in a much better place. Things weren't bad the past few months, but there were a lot of adjustments going on and emotions were high. Now that I'm a few months into this whole 2 kid thing, I'm feeling much more confident and I'm getting the hang of it! Josh and I are learning how to balance life with two kids and getting into our own little routine.
Things I Want To Remember:
  • Trip to Helen

  • Dauset Trails

  • First Halloween