Monday, August 31, 2015

Breastfeeding: The Celebration & Struggle

While pumping at work today, I was thinking about the fact that Grayson turns 8 months old this week. While that in itself is crazy, this week also marks 8 months of exclusively breastfeeding Grayson. No supplements, no formula...just my body working hard to keep my baby alive and healthy for 8 months. While this post isn't meant to shame anyone who hasn't don't the same, I have to say I am really proud of myself. I can't believe we have made it this far! 

Being a working mama, I just didn't know if it would be possible for me to continue breastfeeding this long, but Grayson and I have made it work! Breastfeeding is one of the hardest things I've ever physically done....being responsible for every night feeding, pumping at 3am, stressing that there might not be enough milk while I'm gone, giving up my lunch breaks to pump, continuing to feed my baby while I'm sick (really sick) and can barely get out of bed, feeding in public, feeding in the most random places, the toll it takes on our poor boobs, leaving the group and feeling left out so that I can breastfeed Grayson to sleep, not being able to see exactly how much he's getting and being fearful that I'm starving him, dealing with teeth & biting...breastfeeding has been A LOT of work, but it's been such a special experience. There were so many times it would have been easy to give up (the first few, extremely painful weeks, for starters), but I didn't. I stuck to my goal despite the sometimes pure inconvenience and challenges.

Providing for your child by giving yourself physically is such a difficult, but rewarding and beautiful thing. I'm so thankful Grayson and I have been able to experience 8 months of bonding and I'm hopeful that we will be able to continue until his first birthday. I know this might be random or weird to some, but I think it's worth celebrating. Breastfeeding mamas, you are awesome! Your child might not ever truly understand how much work you put into breastfeeding, but your sacrifice and act of love is so valued. I once heard someone say that "breastfeeding is a way of giving your child the best start to life" and I couldn't agree more.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Grayson's 7 Month Update!

Grayson is 7 months old! I cannot believe we are in the second half of his first year. Wow! Doing these monthly updates and photos is so fun because I love seeing how he changes and grows each month. It's cool to see the progression! This little boy is a firecracker -- full of life and personality!

Weight & Height: He went to the doctor this week and he is right at 19 lbs. His height is similar to last month, but I haven't measured him. Although he seems SO heavy these days and my arms are becoming more toned by the day! (Not complaining there!)

Grayson wasn't exactly loving our 7 month photo shoot. Sometimes I feel like I have a teenager trapped inside a baby's body. I can just feel him going, "ugh mommmm."

Feeding: Breastfeeding is still going wonderfully and solids are going okay. Grayson still isn't too interested, but I would say he usually has one good feeding of solids a day. He prefers fruit and gags if you give him most veggies! He used to love avocado, but isn't a fan anymore. He loves any apple or pear mixture. Feeding him solids is usually a mood thing. If I give it a try at the right time of the day, he can eat a whole jar! Just depends on his mood. Grayson is also eating puffs and has tried watermelon and little pieces of bread. He's a fan!

Sleeping: This department is pretty much the same. On average, he still wakes up a few times a night. But he also slept 8 hrs straight twice this month. Grayson cut his 3rd tooth a few weeks ago and is working on his 4th tooth. He wakes up in pain sometimes during the night. Poor baby! He goes to bed at 930 and gets up for the day around 7-8am. He takes a good morning nap followed by 2 shorter afternoon naps. We have definitely established a routine as far as bedtime goes, so getting him to sleep is usually very easy and quick. Keeping him asleep is another story ;)

**We had a major breakthrough in the sleeping and eating department since I originally wrote this post, so I am excited to share those updates with you in his 8 month post!


Clothes: Grayson is wearing mostly 6 month clothing and is in size 4 diapers. We are in the process of switching to 6-9 month clothing.


Mood: A few traits to describe our Grayson would be stubborn, strong-willed, expressive, silly, fun, loud, determined, and curious. He has been all over the board this month with his mood! He can be excited and in the best mood one minute and then fussy the next. Grayson is definitely all boy and all over the place these days! He's into everything and loves to explore. He likes to change activates frequently and gets bored easily. He is teething badly, so he wants to chew and bite everything (and I mean, everything) and he gets frustrated if he can't get to what he wants. Grayson laughs and giggles so loudly; I love it! His ribs are his tickle spot! He is extremely vocal and hardly goes 5 minutes without making some sort of crazy sound.

Teeth: 3! He got his 3rd (top) tooth this month and is working hard on that 4th (top) tooth. Teething has been rough for our little one. He is mostly fussy, moody, and cranky. He doesn't get diarrhea or run a fever and has only had a runny nose once due to teething. Baby Tylenol is our best friend some days!

Milestones: Grayson is in a whole new phase of life. He doesn't want to lay down or even sit most of the time, he wants to stand! He loves to stand while holding on to something for support and will stand happily for up to 20 minutes. He is all over the place and becoming more mobile daily.
Grayson can get himself off the couch and into a standing position on the ground using the couch as his support all on his own. This baby is ready to go! The cutest milestones this month are clapping and giving high 5's! I taught him how to do both and was so excited that he starting doing this. It's adorable! Grayson can also drink out of a cup now (with assistance). I started giving him a tiny bit of water after long, hot walks and he does really well with taking sips of water out of an open cup. Lastly, Grayson got his first "haircut" this month. I wouldn't consider it his first official haircut, but we had to trim his bangs because they were so badly in his eyes. His hair grows so fast!

Loves: I say this every month, but Grayson is still in love with Cedric. When Grayson is fussy, I call Cedric in the room, and Grayson instantly starts smiling and maybe even laughing. I love their "brotherly" relationship! Grayson also loves the swings, being held by mommy and daddy (a little separation anxiety going on this month), watching the tub drain, playing pick-a-boo, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (smiles every time Mickey comes on the screen), swimming at the pool, exploring and taking everything out of his diaper bag and chewing on my keys and phone.

Things I Want To Remember:

-Trip to Irwinton and Cousin Time -- We were lucky enough to be able to take a few days to go visit Josh's parents and family in Middle GA this month. It was great to be able to take a few days to relax while Grayson got some good quality time with his grandparents! Grayson has also been able to see all 6 of his cousins this month and it's so fun for me to watch his relationships with his cousins grow. Grayson has the best cousins who are all so sweet to him and constantly refer to him as "Baby Grayson". They even help me feed, change, bathe, and play with Grayson every time we visit. It's so sweet!

-Playing in his box--You know how the old saying can buy your child everything in the world, but they will be most excited to play with the box! Grayson loves his box and his daddy and I love that we are able to contain him for a few minutes to cook dinner and get a few things done around the house! Win-win! I've had a few other mommy friends try this with their babies recently and apparently it's been a success for them too!

-Playground-- We have been taking Grayson to the playground at our church this month and he is loving it! The swings are his favorite, but he also like the slides and the toy cars. It's really fun that he is getting to the age where he is enjoying the playground!

-Family Photos -- I haven't been the best about taking proper pictures of all 3 of us, but I have been trying to get more lately. Here are a few I loved from this month!