Written on Monday August 25, 2014
Can't believe I am half-way there! I'm trying really hard to enjoy the pregnancy, but I'm not going to lie, I'm constantly counting down to the due date. I can't wait to meet our sweet baby face-to-face! Josh and I are so happy and thankful. We feel very blessed by this wonderful gift.
Can't believe I am half-way there! I'm trying really hard to enjoy the pregnancy, but I'm not going to lie, I'm constantly counting down to the due date. I can't wait to meet our sweet baby face-to-face! Josh and I are so happy and thankful. We feel very blessed by this wonderful gift.
How far along? 20 weeks 4 days
Baby: The baby weighs about 10.5 ounces and measures 6.5 inches head to bottom -- the size of a small cantaloupe or mango. The baby is also 10 inches from head to heel -- the length of a banana. Until 20 weeks of pregnancy, babies are measured from the top of their head to their "rump." That's because their legs are curled up against their torso during the first half of pregnancy, so they're hard to measure. Baby is swallowing more these days, which is good practice for the digestive system. Peanut's also producing meconium, a black, sticky by-product of digestion. This gooey substance will accumulate in the bowels, and I'll see it in his/her first soiled diaper.
Total Weight Gain: This week I am fluctuating between a 8-9 lb. weight gain, which is similar to last week. I was more disciplined this week with the food and it paid off. I've also been trying to walk more and do something active every day. The baby is measuring right on time, so I plan on continuing with this food/exercise routine because it seems to be working well! I also feel better the more active I am and when I don't eat as much junk food. I got my thyroid level results back last week and they were still measuring too high (low-hypo), so they upped my dosage to 200 mcg. We will see if this has any impact!
Maternity Clothes: This week I was showing a little more...exciting! I'm still fitting into my regular shorts and pants with my belly band. I fit into most shirts, but the longer ones work best because they accommodate my little bump.
Stretch Marks: I'm still applying my stretch mark cream at least once a day, if not each morning and night. I'm in a good routine with it and so far, no stretch marks have appeared. Fingers crossed! My belly and boobs are getting bigger, so I'm really trying to apply the creams as often as possible...it takes a lot of discipline!
Sleep: I had more energy this past week and didn't require as many naps. I'm also waking up more in the middle of the night and am starting to have trouble getting comfortable. Nothing major yet, but my belly is growing which complicates sleep. Miss Anything? Still missing regular coffee! I'm drinking one cup of half caff a day which definitely helps. I also miss having clear skin -- hormonal acne stinks!
Best Moment of the Week: There were so many! We went to Peanut's anatomy scan and everything went perfectly! They were able to keep the gender a secret (YAY!) and Peanut is developing right on track. The doctor checked all the vital organs and everything was there and functioning...so cool! The baby's heartbeat is 146 BPM and he/she is measuring right on time (technically Peanut was measuring one day ahead)! I was worried about how small I am, so it was a relief to hear the baby is developing perfectly and growing right on track. We also have a post-baby plan set, as far as, jobs and finances go. Again, a big relief! AND yesterday while shopping at Wal-Mart, I stumbled upon the baby bedding that I LOVE! It matches the room color scheme perfectly (teal and yellow) and also has owls and trees on it which is the theme I wanted. I was so excited we found something that matches so perfectly! Last but not least, I went to a baby consignment sale with my mom this weekend and we got a few baby things for her house. So fun to start shopping!
Movement: YES! FINALLY! After seeing the healthy baby on Tuesday, I started feeling much more confident about the movements I thought I was feeling. The flutters are getting stronger and stronger and I'm starting to recognize them. I felt the first big "kick" yesterday as I was falling asleep and it was so cool. The baby is getting more and more active and I can finally feel it! To me, it feels like someone is flicking me or like a little "pop" in my tummy. This baby is definitely a kicker...Daddy is hoping for a little soccer star in the making! ;) The baby also kicked last night while hearing Josh sing at church...so sweet :) I was told at my appointment this week that I have an anterior placenta which means my placenta attached in the front on my uterus rather than the back. It's a little less common, but nothing to worry about. They did say I wouldn't feel movement quite as often or as soon as other pregnant women.
Food Cravings: Still loving sweets! I've been giving in more to sweets lately, but am trying to maintain a healthy balance. We had brownies at the house this weekend and it was so hard not to eat the whole box! I honestly don't know if its the baby who loves sweets or just me...
Anything making you queasy or sick? No, but when my body needs to eat, it NEEDS to eat. Definitely can't push myself as much as I used to in that department.
Gender: I had a dream it was a boy the other day (I've had multiple dreams it was a girl and a boy). I'm trying to keep an open mind because it really could go both ways :)
Symptoms: This week I noticed more pressure on my stomach, kind of feels like someone is sitting on it sometimes! This pressure has also caused me to feel like I have to pee more often. Still dealing with the thrush in my mouth, but it's getting better. Acne has been awful.
Happy or moody: Happy!
Looking forward to: Registering for baby items and getting more done with the nursery! Also looking forward to feeling Peanut move more and getting a bigger bump!